存在主义是现代西方哲学中影响极大、流行极广、风行一时的哲学流派。其主要代表人物就是法国哲学家萨特,他的思想浸透于各种意识形态和生活方式之中。本书由两篇构成:《存在主义是一种人道主义》和《今天的希望:与萨特的谈话》。前者发表于1946年,后一篇发表于1980年去世前不久,其中萨特一再强调,他的存在主义本质上是一种对人生充满希望的乐观主义哲学。 -
The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell
在线阅读本书 Few philosophers have had a more profound influence on the course of modern philosophy than Bertrand Russell. The Basic Writings of Bertrand Russell is a comprehensive anthology of Russell’s most definitive essays written between 1903 and 1959. First published in 1961, this remarkable collection is a testament to a philosopher whom many consider to be one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century. This is an essential introduction to the brilliance of Bertrand Russell. -
本书是作者科学哲学方面的代表作,集中体现了巴什拉犀利、明确的思想性格和凝练、晓畅文风、深入探讨了前科学精神的各种根本谬误,揭示了前科学时期的精神风貌,并澄清了科学精神的实质。但这不是一本学究写给学究的书,巴什拉展现了一道中世纪以来的精神奇观,我们将从中了解炼金术士的爱欲、化学中的两性斗争以及欧洲皇宫中的电实验闹剧。但是,巴什拉谈论的仍然是科学精神的问题,只不过是用了他自己的方式。读了这本书,您也许会发现您以前真的误解了科学,而只是科学闹剧的参与者或它的忠实观众,或者,是一个搞错了对象的抨击者。 -
A Lover's Discourse
The language we use when we are in love is not a language we speak, for it is addressed to ourselves and to our imaginary beloved. It is a language of solitude, of mythology, of what Barthes calls an 'image repertoire'. This book revives beyond the psychological or clinical enterprises which have characterised such researches in our culture - the notion of the amorous subject. It will be enjoyed and understood by two groups of readers: those who have been in love (Or think they have, which is the same thing), and those who have never been in love (or think they have not, which is the same thing). This book might be considered, in its restless search for authorities and examples, which range from Nietzsche to Zen, from Ruysbroek to Debussy, an encyclopaedia of that affirmative discourse which is the lover's. -
本书作者、分析学派的主要代表人物英国哲学家罗素(Bertrand Russell,1872—1970)是当代西方最知名和最有影响的哲学家之一,也是最为中国读者所熟知的西方哲学家之一。他在数理逻辑的研究领域曾作出过开创性的贡献,同时他还是一位社会活动家和政论家。由于他多方面的成就,他一生曾获得过多种荣誉,包括1950年的诺贝尔奖。在哲学上,他的观点大抵早期是属于新实在主义的,晚年逐渐转向逻辑实证主义。本书是他早期的最后著作之一,书中较全面地阐述了他对许多哲学问题的论点,可以代表他早期哲学思想的一个概括性的总结。 在本书各章中,我主要限于谈论那些我认为可以发表一点肯定的和建设性意见的问题,因为单纯否定的批判似乎是不适当的。为了这个缘故,本书中知识论所占篇幅就比形而上学更多些,而哲学家们讨论得很多的一些论题,倘使加以处理,也处理得非常简略。 -
收在这个集子里的小文章分成五组,第一组两篇带点儿回忆的性质。“求真迷行录”应贺照田先锋一之请而作,发表在《学术思想评论》第十二辑。这篇“学述”没有写完,但不知何时再续。“他的歌声带着思索——写竞马”收在朋友们为范竞马回国演出所写的一些回忆、介绍文章的集子《今夜无人入睡》里。 第二组是多多少少有点儿像论文的东西,是这个集子的主体。万德勒《哲学中的语言学》导论是为作者翻译的《哲学中的语言学》所做的长篇前言。第三组是评论和访谈。第四组是一些更其零星的小议论,“梦想的中国”载于1999年某期《新报》。“以历史的名义”载于《社会学家茶座》2003年第三辑的《文化时报》。 第五组的最后两篇谈论艺术。“艺术札记”载于《视觉的思想》。“沪申画廊落成感言”首发于2004年一月沪申画廊开幕时印发的画集《超越界限》,后载于《读书》2004年第7期。 -
《纯粹现象学通论》,本书简介: 《纯粹现象学通论》(作者胡塞尔)是“汉译世界学术名著丛书”之一,书中分为事实和本质;自然主义的错误解释;自然主义的错误解释;自然态度的设定及其排除;现象学还原;纯粹意识的一般结构;关于理性理论问题系列的一般性层级等数章内容。 -
Tractatus Logico Philosophicus (Routledge Classics)
Perhaps the most important work of philosophy written in the twentieth century, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus was the only philosophical work that Ludwig Wittgenstein published during his lifetime. Written in short, carefully numbered paragraphs of extreme brilliance, it captured the imagination of a generation of philosophers. For Wittgenstein, logic was something we use to conquer a reality which is in itself both elusive and unobtainable. He famously summarized the book in the following words: 'What can be said at all can be said clearly; and what we cannot talk about we must pass over in silence.' David Pears and Brian McGuinness received the highest praise for their meticulous translation. The work is prefaced by Bertrand Russell's original introduction to the first English edition. -
The Poetics of Space
Thirty years since its first publication in English, French philosopher Gaston Bachelard's The Poetics of Space one of the most appealing and lyrical explorations of home. Bachelard takes us on a journey, from cellar to attic, to show how our perceptions of houses and other shelters shape our thoughts, memories, and dreams. -
The Black Prince (Penguin Classics)
Bradley Pearson, an unsuccessful novelist in his late fifties, has finally left his dull office job as an Inspector of Taxes. Bradley hopes to retire to the country, but predatory friends and relations dash his hopes of a peaceful retirement. He is tormented by his melancholic sister, who has decided to come live with him; his ex-wife, who has infuriating hopes of redeeming the past; her delinquent brother, who wants money and emotional confrontations; and Bradley's friend and rival, Arnold Baffin, a younger, deplorably more successful author of commercial fiction. The ever-mounting action includes marital cross-purposes, seduction, suicide, abduction, romantic idylls, murder, and due process of law. Bradley tries to escape from it all but fails, leading to a violent climax and a coda that casts shifting perspectives on all that has preceded. "Fertile invention is put to the service of an expansive sense of character; and since the book also has Miss Murdoch's usual narrative energy and intellectual weight, it is the best novel she has written in years." ("The New York Times Book Review") -
有两种基本的框架可供选择,一是以哲学家为线索,一是以问题为线索。两种框架各有利弊,《语言哲学》做了混合式的安排:前面的四章谈论语言哲学的背景、简要介绍语言哲学的一些基本论题,中间从索绪尔到乔姆斯基共九章依次阐论20世纪一些最重要的语言哲学家。此后,第十四章先扼要介绍以往哲学家对专名问题的看法,进而探讨指称/意义这一语言哲学的基本问题,第十五章先扼要介绍语言哲学发展后期几位哲学家对隐喻的看法,进而探讨字面/隐含这个基本问题。第十六章从整体上探讨语言和现实的关系,概述了陈嘉映老师对语言哲学的一些主要问题的看法。 -
Against Interpretation
First published in 1966, this celebrated book--Sontag's first collection of essays--quickly became a modern classic, and has had an enormous influence in America and abroad on thinking about the arts and contemporary culture. As well as the title essay and the famous "Notes on Camp," "Against Interpretation" includes original and provocative discussions of Sartre, Simone Weil, Godard, Beckett, science-fiction movies, psychoanalysis, and contemporary religious thinking. This edition features a new afterword by Sontag. -
傅佩荣先生的《哲学与人生》就是这样的一本教材。他开设的这门课程在台湾大学受到热烈欢迎,被学生评为“最佳通识课程”,我读了以后觉得是名实相符的。傅先生对于哲学真有心得,而且善于作简洁清晰的表达。比如在讲解哲学是“爱智”时,他把“爱智”定义为“保持好奇的天性,探询一切事物的真相”的生活态度,把“智慧”概括为“完整”和“根本”两个特征,又将“爱智”的“爱”解释为温和而理性的“友爱”,而与狂热的“情爱”、浮泛的“博爱”相区别,令人感到既准确又颇具新意。 -
4“篇”《不合时宜的沉思》发表于1873年(《施特劳斯――表白者和作家》)、1874年(《历史学对于生活的利与弊》、《作为教育者的叔本华》)和1876年(《瓦格纳在拜雷特》)。所有这几篇都篇幅接近相等,且都以数字标出章节划分(8-12),它们在口吻和结构以及在论证过程上都更与尼采的处女作《悲剧的诞生》(1872年)相应。 4篇在内容上的划分表面上看起来是简单的和易解的:两篇探讨消极的、亦即极令人忧虑的现象:“知识庸人”施特劳斯(Strauβ)和历史学;其余两篇是神圣的救世主形象叔本华(Schopenhauer)和瓦格纳(Wagner)的颂歌。 -
The Fragility of Goodness
This book is a study of ancient views about 'moral luck'. It examines the fundamental ethical problem that many of the valued constituents of a well-lived life are vulnerable to factors outside a person's control, and asks how this affects our appraisal of persons and their lives. The Greeks made a profound contribution to these questions, yet neither the problems nor the Greek views of them have received the attention they deserve. This book thus recovers a central dimension of Greek thought and addresses major issues in contemporary ethical theory. One of its most original aspects is its interrelated treatment of both literary and philosophical texts. The Fragility of Goodness has proven to be important reading for philosophers and classicists, and its non-technical style makes it accessible to any educated person interested in the difficult problems it tackles. This new edition features an entirely new preface by Martha Nussbaum. -
The Prophet
In a distant, timeless place, a mysterious prophet walks the sands. At the moment of his departure, he wishes to offer the people gifts but possesses nothing. The people gather round, each asks a question of the heart, and the man's wisdom is his gift. It is Gibran's gift to us, as well, for Gibran's prophet is rivaled in his wisdom only by the founders of the world's great religions. On the most basic topics--marriage, children, friendship, work, pleasure--his words have a power and lucidity that in another era would surely have provoked the description "divinely inspired." Free of dogma, free of power structures and metaphysics, consider these poetic, moving aphorisms a 20th-century supplement to all sacred traditions--as millions of other readers already have. --Brian Bruya -
In this new translation of Voltaire’s Candide, distinguished translator Burton Raffel captures the French novel’s irreverent spirit and offers a vivid, contemporary version of the 250-year-old text. Raffel casts the novel in an English idiom that--had Voltaire been a twenty-first-century American--he might himself have employed. The translation is immediate and unencumbered, and for the first time makes Voltaire the satirist a wicked pleasure for English-speaking readers. Candide recounts the fantastically improbable travels, adventures, and misfortunes of the young Candide, his beloved Cunégonde, and his devoutly optimistic tutor, Pangloss. Endowed at the start with good fortune and every prospect for happiness and success, the characters nevertheless encounter every conceivable misfortune. Voltaire’s philosophical tale, in part an ironic attack on the optimistic thinking of such figures as G. W. Leibniz and Alexander Pope, has proved enormously influential over the years. In a general introduction to this volume, historian Johnson Kent Wright places Candide in the contexts of Voltaire’s life and work and the Age of Enlightenment. -
Walden and Other Writings
With their call for "simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!”, for self-honesty, and for harmony with nature, the writings of Henry David Thoreau are perhaps the most influential philosophical works in all American literature. The selections in this volume represent Thoreau at his best. Included in their entirety are Walden, his indisputable masterpiece, and his two great arguments for nonconformity, Civil Disobedience and Life Without Principle. A lifetime of brilliant observation of nature--and of himself--is recorded in selections from A Week On The Concord And Merrimack Rivers, Cape Cod, The Maine Woods and The Journal.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友