

  • 全球化与纠结


    ★ 哈佛英文系“大牛”、极富“卡里斯玛”(charisma)魅力的批判知识分子霍米巴巴教授文艺评论精选集 ★ “另一个国度”10副“无国界艺术家”精妙绝伦的艺术作品,构建起一场优雅而疯狂的伊斯兰当代艺术图景,带领人们逃离恐怖主义时代对伊斯兰艺术的刻板想像。 ★ “塑造法农”传记式呈现为阿伦特“论暴力”所抨击、为萨特所赞美的法农及其代表作——《全世界受苦的人》 ————————————————————————————————————— 印度裔英国作家V.S.奈保尔,非洲裔美国本土世界主义者、社会学家W.E.B.杜•波依斯,“无国界艺术家”,诗人艾德里安娜•里奇,著名的反殖民斗士、法国作家弗朗兹•法农,……在本辑读本收录的四篇文章中,分别涉及霍米•巴巴对上述这些在全球化时代拥有“混杂”身份认同的知名学者、群体及其作品的剖析,集中展现了霍米•巴巴所擅长的全球化及后殖民话语与文化批评。 在“本土世界主义”的概念之下,霍米•巴巴反思和质疑全球化时代通行的普世主义和流行观念,探讨国族、社群的文化身份认同,以及在全球化时代如何理解自身、理解世界历史与地理。 ————————————————————————————————————— 霍米•巴巴或许是中国读者最为熟悉的印度学者。作为一位多产的作家,他的写作涉及后殖民研究、文化理论、文学与艺术批评等广阔的领域;作为后殖民理论“三剑客”之一,霍米•巴巴推动了全球化批判、后殖民话语、文化认同、杂糅、第三世界批评、翻译理论、族群研究等诸多前沿问题的探索。 ——高士明
  • The Location of Culture

    作者:Homi K. Bhabha

    Terry Eagleton once wrote in the Guardian, 'Few post-colonial writers can rival Homi Bhabha in his exhilarated sense of alternative possibilities'. In rethinking questions of identity, social agency and national affiliation, Bhabha provides a working, if controversial, theory of cultural hybridity, one that goes far beyond previous attempts by others. A scholar who writes and teaches about South Asian literature and contemporary art with incredible virtuosity, he discusses writers as diverse as Morrison, Gordimer, and Conrad. In The Location of Culture, Bhabha uses concepts such as mimicry, interstice, hybridity, and liminality to argue that cultural production is always most productive where it is most ambivalent. Speaking in a voice that combines intellectual ease with the belief that theory itself can contribute to practical political change, Bhabha has become one of the leading post-colonial theorists of this era.