

  • 科学研究的艺术


  • 不要烦人 科学生涯经验谈


    仍然健在的诺贝尔奖得主詹姆斯·沃森,打开了DNA结构的神秘之锁。他写的这本回忆录,公允而有趣,为那些开始学术生涯的人提供了大量切实可行的建议。 沃森在《不要烦人(科学生涯经验谈)》中写下了一生的智慧。关于年轻科学家如何选择课题以成就事业;如何与同事同舟共济,以保持学术上的至高地位;他以机趣的语言,不妥协的诚实,与读者分享其思想。《不要烦人(科学生涯经验谈)》是沃森多彩生涯中的一段谐谑的插曲,是有兴趣滋养精神生活的人的不可缺少的指南。
  • In Search of Memory

    作者:Eric R. Kandel

    Nobelist Eric Kandel's account of how his personal quest to understand memory intersected with the emergence of a new science. In Search of Memory relates the astonishing story of how four different and distinct disciplines—behaviorist psychology, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and molecular biology—converged into a powerful new science of mind. Through its profound insights into thought, perception, action, recollection, and mental illness, this new science is revolutionizing our understanding of learning and memory while simultaneously showing great promise for more effective healing. The narrative follows Eric R. Kandel through the last five decades, focusing on Vienna, where he became fascinated with memory. With intrepid scientific ardor, Kandel was captivated first by history and psychoanalysis, then by neurobiology, and finally by the biological processes of memory. His resulting, multifaceted perspective was the foundation for his path-breaking research that will continue to dominate modern thought—not only in science but in culture at large. 50 illustrations.
  • 谁叫你读硕博士


    根据一项调查,2004年在台湾报考研究生的总人次,已经突破了十万大关,几乎等于每年大学毕业的总人数。尽管考生重复报考难免造成灌水,因此总人次不等于总人数,但是这个数字透露的讯息仍然无比明确:觉得大学文凭不够,而且还把担忧付诸实际行动的学生,每年都有几万人;如果把有同样担忧但是却没有去报考研究生的人也一起算进去,实际人数绝对倍增。不知道大家有没有想过,到底有多少比例的人觉得大学文凭不够呢?答案是百分之九十。 这本书帮助许多读者解答了面对研究生教育的疑惑。