近年来,一批又一批中国学生、学者赴美求学、深造,有机会接触基督教。他们聪慧、勤奋,富于进取。不少人开始翻阅《圣经》,步入教堂。然而,"神六日内创造天地万物","童女生子","死人复活"象一盆盆冷水劈头盖脑浇来。他们或满心疑狐,或面露轻讽。唯物主义、科学至上和世俗骄傲横卧在神与人之间。他们虽仍偶尔参加教会一些活动,寻求的心门却渐渐关闭了。 我理解他们的挣扎,因为我曾经历过。同时,我坚信基督教信仰与科学、理性没有根本冲突。1992年起,我在教会开办慕道班,按《圣经》的观点,从科学和理性的角度探讨基督教的基本信仰,并到其他教会参与布道事工,使不少人得到帮助。为和更多人分享,在众教会的弟兄姊妹的多次敦促下,才将大纲、资料整理出来,成为此书。书中的信息首先不是为了劝说别人,而是为要说服自己。 神借着大自然和《圣经》这两本书向人类启示他自己。神创造大自然,科学家研究大自然,《圣经》和科学决不会彼此相悖。基督教信仰是植根于耶稣复活这一历史事实的客观真理,经得起质疑和推敲。有幸来到神面前的诚实人,都会相信耶稣,因为他是又真又活的神。我不企望借着这本小册子,把一个人几十年形成的无神思想体系一下子扭转过来。拆除藩篱,使人能够谦卑地走近神、亲自面对神,是本书的主要目的。 两年多的写作过程并非坦途,但常得到神奇妙的引领。感谢各教会的弟兄姊妹用恒切的祷告托住我,感谢我的家人的全力支持。这本书从策划到付印,始终得到《海外校园》杂志社苏文峰牧师、苏郑期英师母和同工们的直接帮助。没有他们的鼓励、参与和忍耐,本书现在是无法和读者见面的。 旅美逾十载,仍梦思萦绕着故土。人生近半百,始回到天父怀抱。我以双重游子的身份,将此书献给神,献给海外学人和国内同胞。愿更多灵魂被拯救,盼望祖国繁荣昌盛。愿神使用这本书,得到他当得的荣耀。 ——里 程 1996年8月 11日 -
Purpose-driven Life
In this Spanish edition of Rick Warren’s phenomenal bestseller, he helps readers discover, develop, and fulfill God's purpose for their lives. Winner of the Retailers Choice Award. From the Back Cover What "level of living" are you reaching for? Survival, success or significance? Rick Warren believes God created you for a life of tremendous significance. One with a mission that fills you with energy, confidence, and satisfaction. A life with direction and impact for God’s kingdom. A purpose-driven life. In The Purpose-Driven™ Life, the author of the phenomenally popular Purpose-Driven Church uncovers seven essentials for understanding and fulfilling your God-given life mission: PRIORITIZE YOUR VALUES UNDERSTAND YOUR STRENGTHS RESOLVE TO FULFILL YOUR MISSION PRAYERFULLY CREATE A MISSION STATEMENT ORGANIZE YOUR TIME STRENGTHEN SKILLS, HABITS, AND RELATIONSHIPS About the Author Dr. Rick Warren is the founding pastor of Saddleback Church, one of America's largest and best-known churches. His previous book, "The Purpose-Driven Church", has sold over a million copies in 20 languages. Winner of the Gold Medallion, it was selected as one of the 100 Christian Books That Changed the 20th Century. www.purposedrivenlife.com From Publishers Weekly Pastor of Saddleback Church, a Southern Baptist mega-church in southern California with weekly attendance of more than 15,000, Warren now applies his highly successful "purpose-driven" framework, developed in the best-seller The Purpose-Driven Church, to individual experience. The same principles Warren has taught to thousands of pastors to help churches be healthy and effective can also drive lives, he says. The book argues that discerning and living five God-ordained purposes-worship, community, discipleship, ministry and evangelism-is key to effective living. His 40 short chapters are intended to be read over 40 days' time, giving readers small pieces of his purpose-discovering program to chew on. Warren certainly knows his Bible. Of 800-plus footnotes, only 18 don't refer to Christian Scripture. He deliberately works with 15 different Bible translations, leaning heavily on contemporary translations and paraphrases, as an interesting way of plumbing biblical text. The almost exclusively biblical frame of reference stakes out the audience niche for this manual for Christian living. It's practical yet paradoxically abstract, lacking the kind of real-life examples and stories that life-application books usually provide in abundance. The book has flaws editing might have fixed. People are quoted without being identified, and subheads simply repeat lines of text, which tends to make the prose sound too simple. This book is not for all, but for those needing a certain kind of scriptural rock, it is solid. -
Fierce Style
Christian Siriano made headlines as the youngest designer to win Bravo's highly rated reality series Project Runway, but the 22-year-old prodigy is more than just the winner of a television show: his ferocious approach to life has become an inspiration to an entire generation to follow their dreams. In FIERCE STYLE, Siriano discusses how to look, feel, act, and be fierce in everyday life, weaving in his personal journey of overcoming all obstacles to chase his dreams. He shows how to develop personal style, build self-confidence, and use your unique strengths in fashion and life. Siriano also dishes on what inspires him and shares inspirational quotes from his network of celebrities.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友