New Rules for the New Economy
Forget supply and demand. Forget computers. The old rules are broken. Today, communication, not computation, drives change. We are rushing into a world where connectivity is everything, and where old business know-how means nothing. In this new economic order, success flows primarily from understanding networks, and networks have their own rules. In New Rules for the New Economy, Kelly presents ten fundamental principles of the connected economy that invert the traditional wisdom of the industrial world. Succinct and memorable, New Rules explains why these powerful laws are already hardwired into the new economy, and how they play out in all kinds of business -- both low and high tech -- all over the world. More than an overview of new economic principles, it prescribes clear and specific strategies for success in the network economy. For any worker, CEO, or middle manager, New Rules is the survival kit for the new economy. -
Out of Control
Out of Control is a summary of what we know about self-sustaining systems, both living ones such as a tropical wetland, or an artificial one, such as a computer simulation of our planet. The last chapter of the book, "The Nine Laws of God," is a distillation of the nine common principles that all life-like systems share. The major themes of the book are: As we make our machines and institutions more complex, we have to make them more biological in order to manage them. The most potent force in technology will be artificial evolution. We are already evolving software and drugs instead of engineering them. Organic life is the ultimate technology, and all technology will improve towards biology. The main thing computers are good for is creating little worlds so that we can try out the Great Questions. Online communities let us ask the question "what is a democracy; what do you need for it?" by trying to wire a democracy up, and re-wire it if it doesn't work. Virtual reality lets us ask "what is reality?" by trying to synthesize it. And computers give us room to ask "what is life?" by providing a universe in which to create computer viruses and artificial creatures of increasing complexity. Philosophers sitting in academies used to ask the Great Questions; now they are asked by experimentalists creating worlds. As we shape technology, it shapes us. We are connecting everything to everything, and so our entire culture is migrating to a "network culture" and a new network economics. In order to harvest the power of organic machines, we have to instill in them guidelines and self-governance, and relinquish some of our total control. -
Out of Control
Examines the role of evolution in human-made entities, stressing that no one can be in control--and it is better that way--and attempting to define the world of distributed being. 15,000 first printing. -
2006年,《长尾理论》的作者克里斯·安德森在亚马逊网站上这样评价该书: “这可能是90年代最重要的一本书”,并且是“少有的一年比一年卖得好的书”。“尽管书中的一些例子在十几年后可能有些过时,但(它们所表达的)信息却越来越成为真知灼见”。“在那时人们还无法想象博客和维基等大众智慧的突起,但凯利却分毫不差地预见到了。这可能是过去十年来最聪明的一本书。” 这是《黑客帝国》主要演员的必读物之一,这本关于机器、系统、生物和社会的“大部头”,揭示了社会进化、特别是互联网发展的“先知预言”,从这本书里,人们可以窥探到SNS的今天和未来。 《失控》成书于1994年,作者是《连线》杂志的创始主编凯文·凯利。这本书所记述的,是他对当时科技、社会和经济最前沿的一次漫游,以及借此所窥得的未来图景。书中提到并且今天正在兴起或大热的概念包括:大众智慧、云计算、物联网、虚拟现实、敏捷开发、协作、双赢、共生、共同进化、网络社区、网络经济,等等。说它是一本“预言式”的书并不为过。其中必定还隐藏着我们尚未印证或窥破的对未来的“预言”。 软精装本为全国独家版,且独家收录了:凯文·凯利中国之行的个人采访资料以及与李开复、张向东、吴伯凡的高端对话。值得珍藏。 《失控》用最科学的方法,阐释关于生命未来和社会新秩序,一语道破人类最终的命运和结局。 《失控》涉猎:天文、化学、生物、计算机、控制论、运筹学、社会学 ……同时又堪比《黑客帝国》中洞悉未来的“神谕”,正在兴起的“云计算”、“物联网”等都可以在这本写于15年前的书中找到相关的影子。 这是一本关于机器、系统、生物和社会的“大部头”,市一部揭示了社会进化、特别是互联网发展的“先知预言” 带领人们窥探到今天和未来,涉猎:天文、化学、生物、计算机、控制论?运筹学、社会学 …… 同时又堪比《黑客帝国》中洞悉未来的“神谕”,正在兴起的“云计算”、“物联网”等都可以在这本写于15年前的书中找到相关的影子。 此软精装本为全国独家版,独家收录了:凯文·凯利中国之行的个人采访资料以及与李开复、张向东、吴伯凡的高端对话。 1、 九问凯文·凯利 2、 凯文·凯利对话李开复、张向东、吴伯凡
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友