

  • "一带一路"


    人民出版社推出国际问题专家王义桅教授对“一带一路”的权威解读:《“一带一路”:机遇与挑战》。这也是国内首部从国际关系角度解读"一带一路"战略的著作。本书指出,“一带一路”是全方位对外开放的必然逻辑,也是文明复兴的必然趋势,还是包容性全球化的必然要求,标志着中国从参与全球化到塑造全球化的态势转变。“一带一路”是中国提出的伟大倡议和国际合作公共产品,既面临着全方位开放机遇、周边外交机遇、地区合作机遇、全球发展机遇,同时也面临着地缘风险、安全风险、经济风险、道德风险、法律风险。本书对此做了辩证解读。“一带一路”既超越古代,又超越近代,体现在:一是理念革新:共商、共建、共享,二是理论创新:经济发展理论、区域合作理论、全球化理论,三是方式崭新:依靠中国与有关国家既有的双多边机制,借助既有的、行之有效的区域合作平台,高举和平发展的旗帜,主动地发展与沿线国家的经济合作伙伴关系,实现 “五通”——政策沟通、道路联通、贸易畅通、货币流通、民心相通,共同打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同体、命运共同体和责任共同体,充分展示了“世界养育中国、中国回馈世界”的主旋律。
  • 重启


    欧美金融危机以后,世界经济的游戏规则发生了变化。中国,正在启动新一轮的改革。 新的改革,带来了各种发展的机遇。但全球化的经济联动,需要我们把自身的发展放到世界这个棋盘上考虑。 如何厘清世界经济新的游戏规则?新一轮改革中的机遇又在何处?著名经济学家李稻葵在《重启(新改革时代的中国与世界)》一书中以全球性的视角,纵论新改革时代的中国与世界,以全球性视野解读中国下一步改革的思路、方向与可操作性,阐释未来全球版图上中国与世界的互动关系,让我们在摸索中有所依仗。 拨开重重迷雾,点拨机遇所在!
  • 资本主义大变形


    《资本主义大变形》内容简介:美国已经成为权贵资本主义的牺牲品。美国经济已经发生变形,华尔街成为巨大的投机赌场,欺骗、掠夺普罗大众。 美联储沉浸在美国经济增长胜利的喜悦中,迷失在伪科学的政策规则里。罗斯福新政、里根革命、奥巴马经济刺激计划都是骗人的谎言、愚蠢的行为。 美国前国会议员、里根时期白宫预算和管理办公室主任戴维•斯托克曼,直击资本主义核心国家——美国。斯托克曼细数美国80年来的社会、经济、金融、政治、军事、地产、能源等情况,痛陈美国,尤其是美联储,在应对各种金融危机和财政悬崖时所采取的不当政策。斯托克曼的分析戳穿了美国部分掌权者的谎言,证明所谓消费刺激和减税计划只会导致福利社会越发臃肿,战争国家的日益膨胀更将耗尽所有财政资源;而美联储实施的大规模货币超发政策进一步助纣为虐,救助了不需要救助的华尔街,让自由市场、美国民众承担残酷的后果。 戴维•斯托克曼在这本书中开列了一长串名单,指出了稳健货币、财政公平和自由市场的反叛者和英雄。其中包括创立权贵资本主义的罗斯福、摧毁国家财政准则和金本位制的尼克松、屈从于权力而姑息纵容泡沫金融的格林斯潘和伯南克、推升国家债务水平的奥巴马,以及倡导平衡预算和恪守金融市场准则的杜鲁门、艾森豪威尔、保罗•沃尔克、克林顿等。 《资本主义大变形》向读者展示了,美国如何走到今天,为什么会出现这些扭曲和变形,从而向人们证明了,权贵资本主义政治给美国带来了重大危害,它正威胁着自由市场的繁荣和资本主义的政治民主。 《资本主义大变形》还尖锐地指出,东亚和波斯湾地区的某些国家把天赋的自然资源和人力资源用于无休止地换取美元债务。它们所追求的商业发展模式是有缺陷的增长和繁荣。这也是大变形之一,是现代全球经济的危险所在。 任何希望全面了解当今全球经济困境和可能出路的人,都应该仔细阅读这部书。 编辑推荐 《资本主义大变形》是《纽约时报》畅销书!美国前白宫预算和管理办公室主任力作! 美式资本主义沦为权贵资本主义?21世纪资本主义何去何从?美国80年社会、财政、经济、军事、能源、房产全景画卷,谱就美国资本主义死亡挽歌。 名人推荐 这是一本用犀利的语言揭示美国的权贵资本主义正在吞噬美国的自由市场和民主制度,让国家走向散架的好书。值得一口气读完。 ——张军 经济学家、复旦大学中国经济研究中心主任 斯托克曼的分析表明:美国以及其他发达国家的资本主义经济制度已经发生深刻蜕变,蜕变成为权贵资本主义和金融资本主义,蜕变成为投机赌博资本主义,蜕变成为贫富两极分化的“拼爹资本主义”。任何希望全面了解当今全球经济困境和可能出路的人,都应该仔细阅读这部书。 ——向松祚 中国农业银行首席经济学家、中国人民大学国际货币研究所副所长、前海国际资本管理学院(筹)院长 媒体推荐 斯托克曼令人信服并且十分中肯地控诉了一个已经危险扭曲的制度……《资本主义大变形》十分清楚地表明,我们就是过去历史错误的孽果,是所有一厢情愿的想法和毫无逻辑、错误妥协的继承者,正是这些想法和妥协产生了我们父辈和祖父辈们所担心却最终想得到的短期利益。现在,该是还债的时候了。 ——《华盛顿邮报》 斯托克曼揭穿了一直围绕着里根保守主义的神话,同时对艾森豪威尔的财政和军事保守主义则赞赏有加,展现了一个真正公职人员的良心……斯托克曼在他的雄辩中包含了大量知识。 ——《科克斯书评》 这是多年来对金融制度历史叙述最充分的书籍之一。 ——《福布斯》 对于任何信奉奥地利经济学派的人来说,对于那些赞同斯托克曼观点的人来说,即认为权贵资本主义和资本主义的没落已经导致财政和货币政策陷入不停增加刺激和债务金字塔不断增长的死循环中,《资本主义大变形》令人悲哀地切中要害——并且预示着悲惨的未来。 ——路透社 斯托克曼……用自己的杰出作品向人们展示了,谁是2008年经济危机的恶棍和英雄……斯托克曼的提名清单无疑是我最喜欢的,不仅因为他的原创性研究、他所展示的历史背景(从20世纪30年代的经济大萧条开始),而且因为他本身所具有的局内人的身份,以及在展示过程中所表现出来的政治上不偏不倚的中立立场。 ——《今日美国》 哇,这书名……这本书……这位作者,真棒! ——CNBC
  • Markets over Mao

    作者:Nicholas R. Lardy

    China's transition to a market economy has propelled its remarkable economic growth since the late 1970s. In this book, Nicholas R. Lardy, one of the world's foremost experts on the Chinese economy, traces the increasing role of market forces and refutes the widely advanced argument that Chinese economic progress rests on the government's control of the economy's "commanding heights." In another challenge to conventional wisdom, Lardy finds little evidence that the decade of the leadership of former President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao (2003–13) dramatically increased the role and importance of state-owned firms, as many people argue. This book offers powerfully persuasive evidence that the major sources of China's growth in the future will be similarly market rather than state-driven, with private firms providing the major source of economic growth, the sole source of job creation, and the major contributor to China's still growing role as a global trader. Lardy does, however, call on China to deregulate and increase competition in those portions of the economy where state firms remain protected, especially in energy and finance. "Everyone concerned with the future of China in the global economy should carefully consider Lardy抯 thesis." ——Lawrence H. Summers, former US Treasury Secretary and Director of the National Economic Council "Nick Lardy is one of the world抯 leading experts on the Chinese economy. This book is critical reading for anyone trying to gauge China抯 economic prospects." ——Robert Rubin, former US Treasury Secretary and cochairman of the Council on Foreign Relations "At a time when the new conventional wisdom is that the Chinese dragon is deploying 'state capitalism' to challenge the international market economy, Lardy has mined the data to discover China抯 real driving engine: its private sector." ——Robert B. Zoellick, former World Bank President, US Trade Representative, and US Deputy Secretary of State
  • 欧元的使命与挑战


  • 龙象之争


  • 国富论

    作者:[英] 亚当·斯密

    《经典通读》是一套将经典学术巨著进行全新通俗化编译的丛书,旨在引领读者轻松快速阅读学术经典,从而普及对人类影响深远的社会科学、自然科学的名家名著。 《国富论》是第一部伟大的经济学著作,经济学的百科全书。亚当·斯密主张自由竞争,抨击重商主义,这对英国经济政策曾起过重大作用。其个人在经济学界中拥有崇高的地位,直至今日,他的思想仍是所有主流的经济学理论必须参考和借鉴的基础。
  • 全球化地图


  • 看不見的新大陸

    作者:大前研一(Kenichi Ohmae)

  • 成與敗

    作者:喬埃.斯塔威爾(Joe Studwell

    《經濟學人》讚譽,針對亞洲九國經濟發展,生動結合報導、學術和論證的佳作。 日本、南韓、台灣、印尼、馬來西亞、泰國、菲律賓、越南,以及中國——同屬東亞的九個亞洲國家,在經濟上為何有的成功,有的失敗?這些國家是否有獨特的發展經驗,或是特殊的政策武器? 斯塔威爾在亞洲地區擔任駐地記者長達二十年,英國《金融時報》譽其為「亞洲商業的迷思破除者」。他在本書中透過對日本、南韓、台灣、印尼、馬來西亞、泰國、菲律賓、越南,以及中國的實地考察和經濟政策研究,首次揭示同屬一區的亞洲九國,何以在有些國家經濟蓬勃起飛的同時,另一些卻萎靡不振,提出的立論完全破除西方對亞洲經濟舊有的錯誤觀念。 斯塔威爾的深度分析聚焦於理解亞洲經濟的三個關鍵領域:土地政策、製造業,以及金融業。土地改革是日本、韓國、台灣和中國大陸經濟成功的前提關鍵;而土地改革的失敗,也是東南亞國家現今的政治與經濟困境的肇因。工業化讓國家經濟得以發展,但一國的工業發展單靠製造業並不夠,國家需要「出口規訓」,由政府敦促企業以國際格局跨出國門,在國際間競爭,而有效的金融規範則是一國自立成長的最終關鍵。為了深入探索這些議題,斯塔威爾深入亞洲九國,以歷史縱深和產業政策為座標,進行一場針對亞洲各國經濟的跨國實地調查紀錄。 透過書中廣泛且深入的剖析,讀者將對即將形塑世界未來樣貌的亞洲國家,具備更詳實精闢的新認知。 名人推薦 「簡潔有力,智性十足…… 斯塔威爾的立論堅實,觀點極具說服力,而且風格強悍。高度精彩的重要之作。」—《金融時報》 「令人印象深刻、極富啟發意義,是一部生動結合學術、報導和辦論的佳作。」—《經濟學人》 「引人入勝…… 讀者可從斯塔威爾資訊豐富而且有條不紊的報導中拓展眼界。」—《出版人週刊》
  • 城镇化与中国经济新未来


  • China's Superbank

    作者:Henry Sanderson,Mich

    China's rise as a global economic superpower, the success of its top companies, and its continuing domestic boom is intricately tied to China Development Bank (CDB). This less-than-transparent institution, which is wholly owned by the Chinese government, has become the financial enabler of this nation's growth and is arguably the most powerful bank in the world. While development banks have long existed to finance political projects, infrastructure, and other initiatives, nothing comes close to CDB in scope. In China's Superbank, authors Henry Sanderson and Michael Forsythe—both Bloomberg journalists working in Beijing—combine on-the-scene reporting and interviews from across the world with numbers crunched from Chinese bond prospectuses to put CDB in perspective, and help you understand the economic phenomenon that is China. Along the way, you'll not only become familiar with the growing accomplishments and influence of CDB, but you'll also gain valuable insights into the darker side of this political-financial institution—one that has never had to answer to anyone apart from its state shareholders. You'll also discover how China's seemingly unstoppable banking system could potentially be saddled with bad debt from trillions of yuan invested in projects with questionable economic value both at home and abroad. Throughout the book, the authors: Explore CDB's hallmark innovation—the system of local government finance—which has transformed China's landscape in just over a decade by pumping trillions of yuan into various domestic projects Profile Chen Yuan, the Chairman of CDB since 1998, and discuss how he's been instrumental in reasserting the Communist Party in China's economy, while managing to preserve enough independence from the government to make decent investment decisions and function as a commercially driven institution Analyze CDB's China-Africa Development Fund—China's largest private equity fund investing in Africa—and its attempts to stimulate manufacturing in Ethiopia, and CDB's lending to Ghana Address CDB's work to secure a steady flow of oil and gas to China through loans-for-energy deals around the world, particularly to Venezuela Examine CDB's lines of credit that have helped new Chinese firms in telecom and alternative energy win significant global projects, as well as how the bank is developing a new form of private equity financing through CDB Capital. As China's influence continues to grow around the world, many people are asking how far it will extend. China's Superbank addresses this vital question, looking at the institution at the heart of its growth. Praise for China's Superbank "The phenomenal economic rise of China and its growing global role have been driven by a unique mix of political and economic actors. China Development Bank has been at the center of much of this growth especially as the principal banker in China's overseas commodity investments. Henry and Michael's timely book, China's Superbank, details for the first time the role that CDB has played under the focused leadership of its Chairman Chen Yuan. This book is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand how China funds its growth but it also raises important questions as to whether CDB's strategy will be sustainable over the long term." —Fraser Howie, Managing Director, CLSA Singapore and co-author of Red Capitalism "Combining in-depth knowledge of China with hard-nosed economic analysis and first-rate journalism, Sanderson and Forsythe have written an astonishingly detailed yet lively portrait of China's muscular state capitalism. This important work tells us in concrete terms how China is expanding its influence around the world, not through military force, but through writing checks. This is a must-read for all those who take an interest in China's rising influence in the world—and its increasingly vulnerable financial system." —Victor Shih, Associate Professor, Northwestern University "In China's Superbank Henry and Michael shed a much-needed light on the operations and people behind China Development Bank, an apparent policy bank that in a brief decade has in many ways surpassed the power and functions of the country's Ministry of Finance. The tale of how this formerly moribund institution ignited China's local debt crisis while financing China's foreign policy initiatives is a must for anyone seeking to understand China's opaque financial system." —Carl Walter, former COO of JP Morgan China, independent consultant and co-author of Red Capitalism "American Cabinet members say the global reach and growth of China Development Bank keeps them up at night. After reading this book, they might not go to sleep at all. For all the tsunami of news about China's rise in recent years, the country's political and financial institutions remain vastly undereported and little understood. Mike Forsythe and Henry Sanderson's book helps correct that with remarkable detail and insights about the bank that laid the financial foundations for China's economic miracle at home, before then finding a formula to spread its money abroad." —Richard McGregor, Financial Times reporter and author of The Party

    作者:James McGregor

    In the past three decades, China has risen from near collapse to a powerhouse -- upending nearly every convention on the world stage, whether policy or business. China is now the globe’s second largest economy, second largest exporter, a manufacturing machine that has lifted 500 million of its citizens from poverty while producing more than one million US dollar millionaires. Then why do China’s leaders describe the nation’s economic model as “unstable and unsustainable”? Because it is. James McGregor has spent 25 years in China as a businessman, journalist and author. In this, his latest highly readable book, he offers extensive new research that pulls back the curtain on China’s economic power. He describes the much-vaunted “China Model” as one of authoritarian capitalism, a unique system that, in its own way, is terminating itself. It is proving incompatible with global trade and business governance. It is threatening multinationals, which fear losing their business secrets and technology to China’s mammoth state-owned enterprises. It is fielding those SOEs – China’s “national champions” -- into a global order angered by heavily subsidized state capitalism. And it is relying on an outdated investment and export model that’s running out of steam. What has worked in the past, won’t work in the future. The China Model must be radically overhauled if the country hopes to continue its march toward prosperity. The nation must consume more of what it makes. It must learn to innovate. It must unleash private enterprise. And the Communist Party bosses? They must cede their pervasive and smothering hold on economic power to foster the growth, and thus social stability, that they can’t survive without. Government must step back, the state-owned economy must be brought to heel, and opportunity must be freed. During the Tang Dynasty, an official in the imperial court observed: “No ancient wisdom, no followers.” He was lamenting that regime was headed alone into dangerous and uncharted waters without any precedent for guidance. Again today – as McGregor makes clear – this is China’s greatest challenge.
  • 去問李光耀

    作者:格雷厄姆‧艾利森(Graham Alli

    李光耀說話,全球要人都在傾聽! 歐巴馬、柯林頓、習近平,一致請益。 李光耀是現代新加坡的開國元勳,於一九五九年至一九九○年擔任新加坡總理,在世界舞台超過五十年的歷練造就了他的智慧,一肩承擔新加坡轉變成為現代西方經濟體的重任。他的觀點與言論,全世界的政經要人都在傾聽。 本書整理李光耀的訪談、演講和其著作的精華,以問答集的方式呈現,逐一點評全球各國的政經分析與未來預言,並為目前在經濟上大力崛起的中國提出觀察,也在權衡美國與中國的競合關係上精闢著墨。本書亦分章論述印度的未來、伊斯蘭極端主義、經濟成長、地緣政治和全球化、民主的未來等議題;並針對多元文化、福利國家、教育和自由市場,提供坦率意見;也揭露了李光耀的自我定位與對權力本質的核心批判。 全球領導人都該看這本書。
  • 改革共识与中国未来


  • 市场过程的含义


  • 浙江发生了什么


    浙江的民主究竟有着怎样的特征?浙江的民主和浙江经济的发展,有着怎样的因与果?浙江的民主是不是中国民主的未来?从浙江的民主看中国民主的未来,会不会再现俄罗斯式民主的厄运? 本书主要叙述了浙江私营企业主阶层的民主生活,当金钱的影响开始及于国务、商业成为跻身权力之门的新阶梯,这个新兴阶层的民主生活就不复是一个孤立的存在。本书的叙事,不仅是逐渐壮大的私营企业主如何参政的个体叙事,而必然包含公民社会的人和事,以及基于人民伦理的国家叙事。作者认为,新兴的私营企业主阶层将带来民主创新的活力,亦将成为公民社会发展的动力。
  • 赌场资本主义


  • 世界经济霸权


    本书是美国著名经济史学家金德尔伯格在1996年出版的一部著作,作者在书中提出了观察世界经济霸权更替的一种新观点。认为国家也和人一样,有其生命周期,有它的幼年、青年、老年和暮年。在不同的生命阶段,一个国家的地位也会随之发生从兴旺到衰弱的变化,并由此决定着它在世界经济中的地 位,它是否处于领先地位,抑或是否为它国所替代。作者研究了1500-1990年近五百年中世界经济霸权的更替现象,从最初的意大利城邦,到欧洲的低地国家如葡萄牙和西班牙,再到法、英、德、美、日;考察了各国从贸易到制造业和金融业的经济活动转变对其经济实力的影响,深刻揭示了世界经济霸权变化的经济、政治、文化和历史原因。 电子版本下载: http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/5819419.html
  • 公共财政与公共选择

    作者:(美)布坎南, 马斯格雷夫
