《金融战争:中国如何突破美元霸权》作者从国际政治经济学的全维角度,揭示了美元霸权这个有史以来最复杂的金融体制,实际上是美国借助各国央行统治全球经济、获取全球资源财富的主要手段。全书分为3个部分:美元霸权是阻碍全球和中国发展的祸根,美中之间的金融与贸易关系,美元背景下的美中地缘政治。破解金融市场的运行之谜,长久以来都是人们的追求和理想。《金融战争》的面世,对广大投资者来说无疑是一个福音。该书跨越历史时空,俯瞰国际金融体系,对国内外一系列金融大事件进行了生动透彻的剖析,在充分揭示了在加快发展的同时,中国参与制定国际经济金融规则的战略意义。 -
《胡立阳股票投资100招》讲述了:他曾经在口袋只剩27美元的时候,进入美国证券界,才短短三年时间便成为华尔街叱咤风云的人物。他曾经在台湾股市发展初期,教育投资大众并推广股票投资,为台湾股市带来一股空前的投资热潮,被媒体尊称为“股市之父”。 他目前在中国大陆的演讲场场爆满,盛况空前,总是以幽默风趣的演讲方式,传授股票投资的正确知识,深受投资朋友们的喜爱。 这个人是谁?他就是——胡立阳!一个“来自华尔街的华人传奇”! -
蔓延全球的数字盗版现象,大肆挑战着正统的知识产权观念与制度。这是一个与科技发展密切相关的事件,更是一个引人深思的社会文化事件。 在这本书里,两位作者托权威机构IDC对57个国家数字盗版现象及其影响的调查研究,以及大量的访谈等一手资料,从历史、文化、法律、伦理、商业等多个角度,讲述了数字盗版的方方面面。 从熙熙攘攘的曼谷街头到争论不休的美国国会,从巴拉圭雨林的地下工厂到美国大都市的居民卧室,作者的笔端,展开了一场精彩纷呈的旅途。 -
The Conscience of a Liberal
What has gone wrong with America? With The Conscience of a Liberal, best-selling author Paul Krugman points the way to a new New Deal. America emerged from Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal with strong democratic values and broadly shared prosperity. But for the past thirty years American politics has been dominated by a conservative movement determined to undermine the New Deal's achievements - a movement whose founding manifesto was Barry Goldwater's The Conscience of a Conservative. That movement has been highly successful in turning the clock back: both the inequality of today's America and the corruption of its political life hark back to the age of the robber barons. Now the tide may be turning - and in The Conscience of a Liberal Paul Krugman, the world's most widely read economist and one of its most influential political commentators, charts the way to reform. Krugman ranges over a century of history, from the political economy of the Gilded Age - which seems all too familiar these days - to the calamities of the Bush years, which he argues were inevitable once movement conservatives gained full control of the U.S. government. He shows that neither the middle-class America the baby boomers grew up in nor the increasingly oligarchic nation we have become over the past generation evolved naturally: both were created, to a large extent, by government policies guided by organized political movements. He explains how defenders of inequality have exploited cultural and racial divisions to their advantage, while reformers have found ways to bridge those divisions. And he argues that the time is ripe for another great era of reform. Last but not least, The Conscience of a Liberal outlines a program for change. It shows how universal health care can be the centerpiece of a new New Deal, just as Social Security was the core of the original. It explains what can be done to narrow the wealth and income gap. And it shows how a new political coalition can both support and be supported by reform, making our society not just more equal but more democratic. -
本书涵盖了罗马帝国、中世纪欧洲,美国和加拿大的第一个百年,法国革命、19世纪、以及一战、二站,纳粹、前苏联、战后租金限制、以及20世纪70年代的贯穿四千年的工资价格管制史。这段著名的历史阐明了一个道理:通过立法来操纵市场进程是没有益处的,经济决策者用一种专横的方式导致了一种灾难性的后果——管制不仅没有使价格下降,反而导致通货膨胀加剧。 大量事实表明价格和工资管制尽管有一定程度的效果,但是也能够给经济带来严重的,有时候是永久性的伤害,它对市场体系的干预引发了很多负面影响。通过限价,政府鼓励了消费,打击了生产,引来了灾难。主要表现有:第一,当价格受到管制,因管制价格造成的资源浪费和配置不当,导致商户大量囤积商品,非但没能消除市场上的商品短缺,反而加重短缺。第二,在管制下,产品质量下降,黑市也会随之出现,人们在这里会以远高于均衡价格的价格进行交易,以满足一些消费者的需求,结果就是富人有足够多的食物而穷人还在挨饿。 漫长的历史已经表明工资与价格管制对于治理通货膨胀是无效的,若想永久消除通胀,要从通胀的根本原因入手,那就是由中央银行降低货币增长速度以匹配经济实际增长速度。也就是货币增长与产出增长保持一致。如果这个政策建议被经济决策者采纳,那以后也就不在需要工资和价格管制了。 -
看巧克力茶壶掀起市场狂潮 身经百战的作者根据自己的真实经历,在本书中讲述了一则让人欲罢不能的商战故事:麦琪和她的巧克力茶壶. 经济学家麦琪办起巧克力茶壶工厂,准备向消费者推出一款闻所未闻的新产品:巧克力茶饮。一路上,有勇有谋的麦琪为她的新产品披荆斩棘。她利用店内的茶壶陈设方式对顾客进行价格洗脑,为扩大消费群体而举办的花园茶会成效斐然,她用来对抗夙敌的妙招让人不禁拍案叫绝……后来,麦琪隐退江湖,巧克力茶壶公司则成了商界传奇。作者不仅借麦琪之口道出了诸多颠覆经济学常识的新鲜观点,还随着故事发展,逐步教导教读者如何在商业活动的各个环节巧用定价策略。 制定价格是一场心理战,本书就是要教你如何将这种定价技巧发挥得淋漓尽致,以获得最多的商业利润。它给老板和销售人员带来独特的视角,并向他们发出呐喊:是时候告别“成本加利润”的愚蠢策略,将定价主导权从会计师和该死的计算器手中抢回来了! -
China's Urban Billion
By 2030, China's cities will be home to 1 billion people - one in every eight people on earth. What kind of lives will China's urban billion lead? And what will China's cities be like? Over the past thirty years, China's urban population expanded by 500 million people, and is on track to swell by a further 300 million by 2030. Hundreds of millions of these new urban residents are rural migrants, who lead second-class lives without access to urban benefits. Even those lucky citizens who live in modern tower blocks must put up with clogged roads, polluted skies and cityscapes of unremitting ugliness. The rapid expansion of urban China is astonishing, but new policies are urgently needed to create healthier cities. Combining on-the-ground reportage and up-to-date research, this pivotal book explains why China has failed to reap many of the economic and social benefits of urbanization, and suggests how these problems can be resolved. If its leaders get urbanization right, China will surpass the United States and cement its position as the world's largest economy. But if they get it wrong, China could spend the next twenty years languishing in middle-income torpor, its cities pockmarked by giant slums. -
Poor Numbers
One of the most urgent challenges in African economic development is to devise a strategy for improving statistical capacity. Reliable statistics, including estimates of economic growth rates and per-capita income, are basic to the operation of governments in developing countries and vital to nongovernmental organizations and other entities that provide financial aid to them. Rich countries and international financial institutions such as the World Bank allocate their development resources on the basis of such data. The paucity of accurate statistics is not merely a technical problem; it has a massive impact on the welfare of citizens in developing countries. Where do these statistics originate? How accurate are they? Poor Numbers is the first analysis of the production and use of African economic development statistics. Morten Jerven's research shows how the statistical capacities of sub-Saharan African economies have fallen into disarray. The numbers substantially misstate the actual state of affairs. As a result, scarce resources are misapplied. Development policy does not deliver the benefits expected. Policymakers' attempts to improve the lot of the citizenry are frustrated. Donors have no accurate sense of the impact of the aid they supply. Jerven’s findings from sub-Saharan Africa have far-reaching implications for aid and development policy. As Jerven notes, the current catchphrase in the development community is "evidence-based policy," and scholars are applying increasingly sophisticated econometric methods—but no statistical techniques can substitute for partial and unreliable data. -
The Great Escape
The world is a better place than it used to be. People are wealthier and healthier, and live longer lives. Yet the escapes from destitution by so many have left gaping inequalities between people and between nations. In The Great Escape, Angus Deaton--one of the foremost experts on economic development and on poverty--tells the remarkable story of how, starting 250 years ago, some parts of the world began to experience sustained progress, opening up gaps and setting the stage for today's hugely unequal world. Deaton takes an in-depth look at the historical and ongoing patterns behind the health and wealth of nations, and he addresses what needs to be done to help those left behind. Deaton describes vast innovations and wrenching setbacks: the successes of antibiotics, pest control, vaccinations, and clean water on the one hand, and disastrous famines and the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the other. He examines the United States, a nation that has prospered but is today experiencing slower growth and increasing inequality. He also considers how economic growth in India and China has improved the lives of more than a billion people. Deaton argues that international aid has been ineffective and even harmful. He suggests alternative efforts--including reforming incentives to drug companies and lifting trade restrictions--that will allow the developing world to bring about its own Great Escape. Demonstrating how changes in health and living standards have transformed our lives, The Great Escape is a powerful guide to addressing the well-being of all nations. Endorsement: "There is nobody better than Angus Deaton to explain why our lives are longer, healthier, and more prosperous than those of our great-grandparents. The story he tells is much more than an inexorable march of progress--it has also been unequal, uneven, and incomplete, and at each step, politics has played a defining role. This is a must-read for anybody interested in the wealth and health of nations."--Daron Acemoglu, coauthor of Why Nations Fail "At once engaging and compassionate, this is an uplifting story by a major scholar."--Paul Collier, author of The Bottom Billion "Magisterial and superb."--William Easterly, author of The White Man's Burden "The Great Escape tells the two biggest stories in history: how humanity got healthy and wealthy, and why some people got so much healthier and wealthier than others. Angus Deaton, one of the world's leading development economists, takes us on an extraordinary journey--from an age when almost everyone was poor and sick to one where most people have escaped these evils--and he tells us how the billion still trapped in extreme poverty can join in this great escape. Everyone who wants to understand the twenty-first century should read this book."--Ian Morris, author of Why the West Rules--for Now "Deaton's account of global advances in health is magisterial. It is especially convincing in disentangling economic progress from technological growth as sources of health improvements. A very big story, this book should affect the way we think about human development and the role of science and science-based government programs. The language is modest and graceful, the use of evidence compelling, and the illustrations highly attractive."--Samuel Preston, University of Pennsylvania -
F.A.哈耶克是20世纪西方最重要的自由主义理论家、经济学家和政治哲学家之一,诺贝尔经济学奖获得者。在这本论文集中,他围绕着同一个议题,在由道德哲学、社会科学研究方法,到经济政策、经济学理论的诸领域内展开论述。本书的部分文章延续了其经典著作《通往奴役之路》一书中对自由市场与计划经济的探讨,另一些则是较为专业的论文。 -
在本书中,尤努斯展示了社会企业是如何被包括巴斯夫、英特尔、达能、威立雅以及阿迪达斯在内的龙头企业和那些遍布亚洲、南美、欧洲和美国的企业家、社会活动家所采纳,进而把一个理论发展为鼓舞人心的实践。他说明了社会企业如何改变人们的生活;为那些想要创办自己的社会企业的人提供了实践引导;解释了公众和公司政策应该如何适应形势给社会企业模式留出发展空间;他还展示为什么社会企业具有潜力能兑现自由市场企业没有兑现的承诺。 -
文集是继作者07年《世事胜棋局》和08年《病有所医当问谁》的最新力作,延续了作者的一贯风格,言词犀利、笔法畅快,凝结了作者精深学识和卓然远见,是一部值得从头到尾细细读来再慢慢品味的案头佳作。 本书是北京大学国家发展研究院院长周其仁教授2009年的最新文集,其中收录了包括作者在芝加哥大学“中国改革30年讨论会”上的发言“邓小平做对了什么”在内的25篇文章。全书包括五个部分,第一部分回顾了30年改革历程,第二部分针对当前的金融热点问题,第三部分分析了经济转型所面临的挑战,第四部分展望了未来的发展趋势和前景,第五部分针对城乡统筹土地改革的新问题展开了讨论。 简要目录 纪念中国改革30年 重新界定产权之路 邓小平做对了什么——在芝加哥大学“中国改革30年讨论会”上的发言 30年改革感言 一部未完成的产权改革史 公司理论与中国改革 通货与通胀 毫不含糊地反对通货膨胀 通货膨胀与价格管制:谨防一错再错 货币、制度成本与中国经济增长 币值稳定是第一民生 货币的教训——美国次贷危机的思想影响 货币不能松 还算“适度宽松的货币政策”吗? 货币似蜜,最后还是水 转型的困难 让相对价格发挥更大的作用 向内转型的困难 体制政策要靠前 未来的瓶颈 新形势,新挑战 未来中国经济的挑战与走势 经济新形势下的新起点 以规则的确定应对结果的不确定 为什么是“北京大学国家发展研究院” 打通城乡土地市场 走城乡兼顾之路 试办“土地交易所”的构想——对成都重庆城乡综合配套改革试验区的一个建议 改革土地制度,促进城乡协调 成都经验的启示——在成都统筹城乡土地管理制度改革研讨会上的发言 -
作为中国人民大学重阳金融研究院首位外籍高级研究员,已潜心研究中国社会30余年的英国前高官罗思义,跳出中国人的习惯性思维,以外国人视角分析中国经济成就达成的各项因素,多角度对比分析中国经济与世界其他经济发展强国特别是美国的发展指数,解析中美经济之兴衰成败,全方位展示出中国经济在地缘政治竞争加剧时代的未来经济走向。 全书主要分为四个部分:中国创造的经济与社会奇迹;为何中国经济发展如此之快;美国经济先崛起后放缓的原因及中国经济制度的优越性;有可能阻碍中国经济实现繁荣的不利因素。四个部分环环相扣,对中国经济的趋势做出最清晰的讨论,带领读者一同透视中国大时代经济变革的隐秘真相。 -
本书科学地回答了当前我国经济发展进入中高速发展阶段后面临的问题,尤其是中等收入陷阱问题,从提高潜在经济增长率、适当容忍6%-7%的经济增长率入手,提出了解决问题的对策建议。本书对于反击“唱衰中国经济”,坚定中国经济将来中长期内健康发展的信心,具有重要的意义。 -
“工业4.0”是德国联邦教研部与联邦经济技术部在2013年汉诺威工业博览会上提出的概念。它描绘了制造业的未来愿景,提出继蒸汽机的应用、规模化生产和电子信息技术等三次工业革命后,人类将迎来以信息物理融合系统(CPS)为基础,以生产高度数字化、网络化、机器自组织为标志的第四 次工业革命。“工业4.0”概念在欧洲乃至全球工业业务领域都引起了极大的关注和认同。西门子作为德国最具代表性的工业企业以及全球工业业务领域的创新先驱,也是“工业4.0”概念的积极推动者和实践者。 -
《政府为什么干预经济》目录简介:上篇斯蒂格利茨:政府的经济角色,下篇七位经济学家:对斯蒂格利茨《政府的经济角色》的评论。 -
The Road to Serfdom
In the last years of World War II, Friedrich Hayek wrote The Road to Serfdom. He warned the allies that policy proposals which were being canvassed for the post-war world ran the risk of destroying the very freedom for which they were fighting. On the basis of 'as in war, so in peace', economists and others were arguing that the government should plan all economic activity. Such planning, Hayek argued, would be incompatible with liberty, and had been at the very heart of the movements that had established both communism and Nazism. On its publication in 1944, the book caused a sensation. Neither its British nor its American publisher could keep up with demand, owing to wartime paper rationing. Then, in 1945, Reader's Digest published The Road to Serfdom as the condensed book in its April edition. For the first and still the only time, the condensed book was placed at the front of the magazine instead of the back. Hayek found himself a celebrity, addressing a mass market. The condensed edition was republished for the first time by the IEA in 1999 and has been reissued to meet the continuing demand for its enduringly relevant and accessible message. -
《全球城市》的最新版本中,沙森教授进一步对全球城市的理论建构及其实证进行了大量的探讨研究,提出了许多新颖的观点。尽管该书研究的是三个特别的城市(纽约、伦敦和东京),但这些最强有力的城市可以明确一些概念问题。与本书中的其他两个城市一样,上海曾经有作为世界城市的悠久历史,它现在重新站起,并已经与多种全球循环回路接轨,上海的未来给人以无限的想象。因此,它是一个象征性的全球城市。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友