

  • 风暴眼

    作者:[美]戴维·奥布赖恩,David M.O

    与国会和政府相比,美国最高法院似乎以其超然独立的姿态远离公众生活。宪法研究专家奥布赖恩紧跟最高法院的历史足迹,试图还原它作为政治机构的本来面目,它不再是“最不危险的部门”,而是深陷于塑造美国政治与社会的权力斗争之中,成为政治争议的“风暴眼”。 《风暴眼:美国政治中的最高法院》不仅是各大法学院必读的宪法类教科书,还以其卓越的研究水准、小说般的行文风格、生动的内幕花絮和老练的政治眼光,成为美国最畅销的最高法院研究专著,是了解美国司法及政治生活的经典佳作。
  • The Nine

    作者:Jeffrey Toobin

    在线阅读本书 Bestselling author Jeffrey Toobin takes you into the chambers of the most important—and secret—legal body in our country, the Supreme Court, and reveals the complex dynamic among the nine people who decide the law of the land. Just in time for the 2008 presidential election—where the future of the Court will be at stake—Toobin reveals an institution at a moment of transition, when decades of conservative disgust with the Court have finally produced a conservative majority, with major changes in store on such issues as abortion, civil rights, presidential power, and church-state relations. Based on exclusive interviews with justices themselves, The Nine tells the story of the Court through personalities—from Anthony Kennedy's overwhelming sense of self-importance to Clarence Thomas's well-tended grievances against his critics to David Souter's odd nineteenth-century lifestyle. There is also, for the first time, the full behind-the-scenes story of Bush v. Gore —and Sandra Day O'Connor's fateful breach with George W. Bush, the president she helped place in office. The Nine is the book bestselling author Jeffrey Toobin was born to write. A CNN senior legal analyst and New Yorker staff writer, no one is more superbly qualified to profile the nine justices.