中國的改革開放使得原來被國家完全控制的社會開始鬆動,公民社會已經出現。中國的市民社會在維護自己權益和爭取自由的目的之下,在最近幾年內發展很快,一個重要的標誌就是出現了知識分子、農民、城市弱勢群體、中產階層和宗教自由的社會運動。這些社會運動雖然剛剛出現,還是自發形態的,但力量之大、勢頭之猛,以及前仆後繼的勇氣,帶來了中國社會巨大的變化。在互聯網和維權律師兩個支持平臺的幫助之下,社會在許多地方開始和國家之間展開了鬥爭,並在多個方面取得了勝利。在和國家的衝突之中,社會已經迅速地組織起來。這些已經迫使國家開始調整政策。從當前發展狀況來看,在強大的市民社會的壓力下,一個可以有效制衡國家、迫使國家進行政治改革的狀態很有可能出現。 -
Defeating Authoritarian Leaders in Postcommunist Countries
Why would authoritarian leaders ever lose elections? Valerie J. Bunce and Sharon L. Wolchik answer this question by analyzing a remarkable run of electoral victories by the opposition in postcommunist Europe and Eurasia from 1998 to 2005. They conclude that these upset elections occurred because of the hard and creative work of a transnational network that was committed to electoral change and composed of local opposition and civil society groups, members of the international democracy assistance community, and graduates of successful electoral challenges to authoritarian rule in other countries. -
Insurgent Identities
Product Description In this important contribution both to the study of social protest and to French social history, Roger Gould breaks with previous accounts that portray the Paris Commune of 1871 as a continuation of the class struggles of the 1848 Revolution. Focusing on the collective identities framing conflict during these two upheavals and in the intervening period, Gould reveals that while class played a pivotal role in 1848, it was neighborhood solidarity that was the decisive organizing force in 1871. The difference was due to Baron Haussmann's massive urban renovation projects between 1852 and 1868, which dispersed workers from Paris's center to newly annexed districts on the outskirts of the city. In these areas, residence rather than occupation structured social relations. Drawing on evidence from trail documents, marriage records, reports of police spies, and the popular press, Gould demonstrates that this fundamental rearrangement in the patterns of social life made possible a neighborhood insurgent movement; whereas the insurgents of 1848 fought and died in defense of their status as workers, those in 1871 did so as members of a besieged urban community. A valuable resource for historians and scholars of social movements, this work shows that collective identities vary with political circumstances but are nevertheless constrained by social networks. Gould extends this argument to make sense of other protest movements and to offer predictions about the dimensions of future social conflict. -
Understanding Ethnic Violence
This 2002 book seeks to identify the motivations of individual perpetrators of ethnic violence. The work develops four models, labeled Fear, Hatred, Resentment, and Rage, gleaned from existing social science literatures. The empirical chapters apply these four models to important events of ethnic conflict in Eastern Europe, from the 1905 Russian Revolution to the collapse of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Each historical chapter generates questions about the timing and target of ethnic violence. The four models are then applied to the case, to learn which does the best job in explaining the observed patterns of ethnic conflict. The findings challenge conventional wisdom, in that the Resentment narrative, centered on a sense of unjust group status, provides the best fit for a variety of cases. While Fear, Hatred, and Rage do motivate hostile actions, Resentment pervasively appears to inflame ethnic animosity and drive outcomes in the timing and pattern of action. -
Smart Mobs
How the convergence of mobile communications and computing is driving the next social revolution-transforming the ways in which people meet, mate, work, buy, sell, govern, and create. When Howard Rheingold sneaks off down an untrodden trail, everyone else follows. He is always onto something marvelous no one has seen before. An ever-considerate guide, he navigates this new world with ease, compassion, and grace, and gives you the inside story, with no punches pulled. Tech talk? Howard could get your mother to understand. From Tokyo to Helsinki, Manhattan to Manila, Howard Rheingold takes us on a journey around the world for a preview of the next techno-cultural shift-a shift he predicts will be as dramatic as the widespread adoption of the PC in the 1980s and the Internet in the 1990s. The coming wave, says Rheingold, is the result of super-efficient mobile communications-cellular phones, personal digital assistants, and wireless-paging and Internet-access devices that will allow us to connect with anyone, anywhere, anytime. From the amusing ("Lovegetty" devices in Japan that light up when a person with the right date-potential characteristics appears in the vicinity) to the extraordinary (the overthrow of a repressive regime in the Philippines by political activists who mobilized by forwarding text messages via cell phones), Rheingold gives examples of the fundamentally new ways in which people are already engaging in group or collective action. He also considers the dark side of this phenomenon, such as the coordination of terrorist cells, threats to privacy, and the ability to incite violent behavior. Applying insights from sociology, artificial intelligence, engineering, and anthropology, Rheingold offers a penetrating perspective on the brave new convergence of pop culture, cutting-edge technology, and social activism. At the same time, he reminds us that, as with other technological revolutions, the real impact of mobile communications will come not from the technology itself but from how people use it, resist it, adapt to it, and ultimately use it to transform themselves, their communities, and their institutions. -
The New Transnational Activism
From labor organizers to immigrant activists, from environmentalists to human rights campaigners, from global justice protesters to Islamic militants, this book shows how ordinary people gain new perspectives, experiment with new forms of action, and sometimes emerge with new identities through their contacts across borders. It asks to what extent transnational activism changes domestic actors, their forms of claim making, and their prevailing strategies. Does it simply project the conflicts and alignments familiar from domestic politics onto a broader stage, or does it create a new political arena in which domestic and international contentions fuse? And if the latter, how will this development affect internationalization and the traditional division between domestic and international politics? -
Nationalist Mobilization and the Collapse of the Soviet State
This 2002 study examines the process by which the seemingly impossible in 1987 - the disintegration of the Soviet state - became the seemingly inevitable by 1991, providing an original interpretation not only of the Soviet collapse, but also of the phenomenon of nationalism more generally. Probing the role of nationalist action as both cause and effect, Beissinger utilizes data and case studies from across the USSR during its final years to elicit the shifting relationship between pre-existing structural conditions, institutional constraints, and event-generated influences in the nationalist explosions that brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union. As Beissinger demonstrates, the 'tidal' context of nationalism - i.e., the transnational influence of one nationalism upon another - is critical to an explanation of the success and failure of particular nationalisms, why some nationalisms turn violent, and how a crescendo of events can overwhelm states, periodically evoking large-scale structural change in the character of the state system. -
《抵抗的全球化(套装上下册)》的构想颇为宏大,首先以世界为整体,包括了北方与南方。这样的安排是建基于一种信念,即新旧形态的全球化是在各地人民之间交织着不平等的互相依存的关系网络,因此,任何好的变革必须在国家、全球的各个层面推展。本文集试图讨论现实中各个方面的议题——经济、政治、社会、意识形态、文化——因为不希望遗漏任何重要的议题。 -
Regimes and Repertoires
Review "This book will be invaluable to any doctoral students or researchers interested in the contentious area of political and conceptual study."-Matt McCullock, H-Net Review (Matt McCullock H-Net Review ) "In Regimes and Repertoires, Charles Tilly is at his inventive and wide-ranging best. Tilly takes us into the minds of rulers and rebels to examine how their opportunities and choices have shaped each others' actions. Using a simple but powerful theory of regime types and a rich array of historical and contemporary cases, he provides fresh new explanations for the variation in modern political struggles, from peaceful protest to genocide and terrorism. This small book bursts with big ideas."--Jack Goldstone, George Mason University (Jack Goldstone ) Product Description The means by which people protest—that is, their repertoires of contention—vary radically from one political regime to the next. Highly capable undemocratic regimes such as China's show no visible signs of popular social movements, yet produce many citizen protests against arbitrary, predatory government. Less effective and undemocratic governments like the Sudan’s, meanwhile, often experience regional insurgencies and even civil wars. In Regimes and Repertoires, Charles Tilly offers a fascinating and wide-ranging case-by-case study of various types of government and the equally various styles of protests they foster. Using examples drawn from many areas—G8 summit and anti-globalization protests, Hindu activism in 1980s India, nineteenth-century English Chartists organizing on behalf of workers' rights, the revolutions of 1848, and civil wars in Angola, Chechnya, and Kosovo—Tilly masterfully shows that such episodes of contentious politics unfold like loosely scripted theater. Along the way, Tilly also brings forth powerful tools to sort out the reasons why certain political regimes vary and change, how the people living under them make claims on their government, and what connections can be drawn between regime change and the character of contentious politics. -
State Repression and the Domestic Democratic Peace
Does democracy decrease state repression in line with the expectations of governments, international organizations, NGOs, social movements, academics and ordinary citizens around the world? Most believe that a 'domestic democratic peace' exists, rivalling that found in the realm of interstate conflict. Investigating 137 countries from 1976 to 1996, this book seeks to shed light on this question. Specifically, three results emerge. First, while different aspects of democracy decrease repressive behaviour, not all do so to the same degree. Human rights violations are especially responsive to electoral participation and competition. Second, while different types of repression are reduced, not all are limited at comparable levels. Personal integrity violations are decreased more than civil liberties restrictions. Third, the domestic democratic peace is not bulletproof; the negative influence of democracy on repression can be overwhelmed by political conflict. This research alters our conception of repression, its analysis and its resolution. -
The Language of Contention
This book examines the relations between the material and political bases of contentious politics and the construction, diffusion, and endurance of contentious language. Beginning with the language of revolution developed from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries, it examines contentious language at work, in gender and race relations and in nationalist and ethnic movements. It closes with an examination of emotions in contentious politics, reflecting on the changes in political language since 9/11 and assessing the impact of religion and recent innovations in electronic communication on the language of politics. -
序論:台灣環境運動二十歲 在1986年的春天,鹿港小鎮籠罩在一團未知的恐懼之中。在政府的極力爭取下,美國杜邦公司決定在中台灣設置二氧化鈦工廠。對於官員而言,這項投資案一方面可以解決閒置以久的彰濱工業區,另一方面也可以提振自從1984年勞基法施行以來的低迷景氣。他們有理由相信,鹿港居民也會樂見跨國工業的進駐,以及就業機會與土地價值的提升,就如同二十餘年前,鄰近的彰化市民以舞龍舞獅的方式來迎接台灣化纖公司的設廠。樂觀的官員萬萬沒有想到,鹿港居民在新任鎮長的帶領下,發起了一波又一波綿密的反對運動,他們要求保存一個自己所熟悉的鹿港——一個香火鼎盛、生意活絡的濱海小鎮,而不是煙囪陰影下的工業城。 在六○年代中期,台化彰化廠正式開工,附近的農民開始發現自己的農田再也長不出結實飽滿的稻穗,因為工廠污水破壞了肥沃的土地。彰化市民失去了新鮮的空氣,長期的廢氣排放除了引發撲鼻的不適,也導致了各種看得見與看不見的呼吸道病變。隔著大肚溪,從台中南下的旅客可以遠眺籠罩在彰化上空的混淆空氣;一進入了市區,龐大而醜陋的工廠廠房也是迎接他們的第一個景象。二十年來,彰化居民早就知道在繁榮地方的承諾背後,現代工廠往往隱藏了各種健康、財富的代價。鹿港人見證鄰居二十年來的教訓,他們堅決主張,同樣的故事情節不能再發生自己的家鄉。為了反對杜邦設廠,他們發動遊行、北上請願、舉行演講、串連其他公害受害地區、組織反公害協會、發行宣傳刊物、動員學童繪製反公害壁報等等。換言之,鹿港居民創造出一個未曾存在過的事物,亦即是本土的環境運動。經過了一年多的努力,大衛終於戰勝巨人哥利亞,杜邦公司決定放棄彰濱設廠計劃。這項未意料到的勝利宣告台灣環境運動春天的到來。 從鹿港起義到政黨輪替後的第六年,我們又經歷了整整二十年。在這段期間,環境運動的風潮蔓延到台灣各個角落。無論關於工業污染、焚化爐、道路、水庫、國家公園、行動電話基地台等環境議題,許多社區都經歷了大大小小的集體行動。在要求改善環境的強烈民意下,環保署成立了,公害糾紛調處、環境影響評估、禁用免費塑膠袋、廚餘回收等一系列的制度開始實施。在二十年前,黨外人士宣稱與鹿港人民站在一起,他們試圖吸納這一股來自草根的反叛勢力;在二十年後,他們已經高居國家廟堂,在民進黨執政下,有兩位環保署長是來自於當初積極鼓吹環境意識的知識份子。事實上,早在台獨運動轉向公投路線之前,二十年前的鹿港反對人士已經在倡導鎮民自決。在接連的環境運動動員下,公投逐漸從政治異端轉變成為一項體制內的民主機制。 環境運動除了帶來結構性的衝擊,也在許多人的生命歷程中留下了不可抹滅的印記。二十年前,大學生開始下鄉調查各地蜂起的反公害抗爭,校園的社會參與不再是侷限於七○年代的「農村服務」、「山地服務」,進而轉變成為貨真價實的社會運動。九○年代以降台北街頭的年度反核遊行,也曾經是許多青年的政治啟蒙第一堂課,理想主義的認同也促使其中的一些人選擇了社會運動作為他們的生涯。一位知名的文化評論者第一篇投稿報社的文章就是為了聲援核四公投,另一位反核運動者選擇了在有反核聖地之稱的貢寮拍攝他們的婚紗照。當然也有人因此而付出昂貴的代價,在1991年一○○三貢寮事件之後,林順源已經花蓮監獄待了十五個年頭,他無法親身經歷後來反核動員的高漲與廢核的頓挫。 在這二十年來,環境運動被觀察者賦與不同的名稱。環境運動是「社會力」,因為它代表了一股獨立於政治權力與經濟資本的反對力量。環境運動是「民間社會」,不滿的人民挑戰了威權控制。環境運動也是「公民社會」,因為它創造了另一種公民之間相互連結的可能性。對於其抨擊者而言,環境運動代表著一股盲目、不理性、不信任專業的「民粹主義」,一位國民黨籍的經濟部長就將環境抗爭比喻成為「吸食安非他命」。無論是被推崇或是被指責,被期許或是被畏懼,環境運動即是一種強而有力的潮流,深刻地重新形塑了台灣的社會圖像。 該是還給環境運動原本風貌的時候了,這一本書將環境運動視為一種追求環境正義的集體行動。環境運動並不只是美化生活、保護自然,而是要求公平分配資源、承認弱勢群體生活方式、共同參與環境決策,換言之,環境運動終極目標是環境正義的落實。在過去的二十年,這種追求綠色民主的渴望展現出巨大的政治動員能量,也與既有的體制產生激烈的抗衡。環境運動的興起意味著台灣政治民主化的深層批判,他們強烈地質問,到底新民主政權如何看待環境受害者?對於越來越自我安逸化的民主派人士,環境正義的呼籲不外乎是嗡嗡作響的牛虻,不斷地提醒我們那份未完成的民主化志業。本書追溯環境運動的歷史軌跡,從解嚴前的初步萌芽到政黨輪替之後的轉型。三個主要的質問引導本書的章節寫作:環境運動是起源何種歷史脈絡?在威權到民主的鉅變之中,環境運動扮演了何種的角色?那些道路可以通往環境的民主化?從起源到未來,本書期待能夠紀錄環境運動在台灣的驚異航程,並且透過其故事,理解台灣整體變遷的歷程。 許多熱血青年相信,詮釋歷史遠不如創造歷史更為重要,但是儘管如此,在若干時候,詮釋歷史的工作也是有迫切需要的,有待知識界的積極投入。在經歷了解嚴、民主革命、政黨輪替之後,台灣的政治景象產生了劇烈的變動。在二十年前,鹿港居民用偷襲的方式,在當時仍叫做介壽路的總統府廣場進行陳情,他們的和平行動沒有進行多久就被軍警勸離;在二十年後,在凱達格蘭大道上比較常見的場面是揮舞國旗、高喊打倒台獨的群眾,國民黨中央黨部儼然成為他們的前進指揮所。迅速而根本性的變革迫使我們需要一直拋棄既有的參考座標,隨時適應新到來的時代。就如同一趟需要不斷在各個時區轉機的旅程,到最後每一個當地時間都變得那麼不真實,缺乏意義。無論是有意的或無心的,遺忘成為許多人面對過去最好的方式。因此,在這個急劇變遷所塑造的失憶社會中,歷史的詮釋成為不可或缺的集體治療。 在劇烈的社會變動下,知識界也會感染一股參與的熱忱,積極投入創造歷史的活動,也就使得詮釋的工作被擱置了。在時代的集體亢奮下,詮釋歷史成為森林裏那一條比較少人走過的路。因此,儘管台灣的社會研究在過去十餘年來有長足的進步,但是至今對於許多重要問題仍缺乏完整的研究結論。就以社會運動為例,台灣有一本八○年代學運史,但是卻沒有關於九○年代的專著。筆者唯一可以找到關於1990年三月學運的期刊論文,是由外國學者所寫的。在勞工運動方面,工運團體所出版的著作還比學術界還多。事實上,仍有更多的社運故事乃未被紀錄下來。 越是在劇變的年代中,詮釋者往往被迫接受「意外」的發展,修正以往的詮釋方式。換言之,不同詮釋方式的鬥爭是研究者所需要獨自面對的事實。這一本書是延續筆者在2000年完成的博士論文研究。在取得博士學位的同時,台灣的政權也產生史無前例的和平轉移。在當時,我是以國家與市民社會的角度來詮釋1980-1998年間的環境運動演進。但是面對政黨輪替的變局,我卻發現自己完全無法預測民進黨上台之後的發展,我沒有料想到廢核改革的挫敗、種種反制運動的興起,乃至於民進黨政府的保守化。事實上,我也懷疑有任何人可以預見政黨輪替之後的種種演變。在1999年,一位反核人士曾告訴我,要終止核四有三種可能,分別是民進黨贏得總統選舉,民進黨取得國會過半,公投法立法通過。結果已經有兩個條件實現了,但是核四廠依舊繼續興建。黑格爾所說,歷史給人們的唯一教訓就是人們無法從歷史學到任何教訓。從另一個角度來看,這句話並不一定是感嘆人類的盲目,而強強調歷史本身的無法預測性。這亦即是說,歷史詮釋者永遠只能依賴後見之明,而且他們隨時需要有心理準備,接受後續發展所帶來的挑戰。 除了第二章、第四章、第五章以外,大部分的章節則是在筆者博士論文之後才撰寫的。若干章節曾在學術期刊中發表過,第二章修改自「台灣環境運動的開端」,《台灣社會學》(2001)。第三章修改自“Protest as Community Revival”,African and Asian Studies (2005b)。第五章修改自「政治民主化與環境運動的制度化」,《台灣社會研究季刊》(2003c)。第六章修改自“Weakened State and Social Movement”,Journal of Contemporary China (2005a)。第七章修改自「自主與依賴」,《台灣社會學刊》(2003b)。第八章修改自「為何民進黨政府的廢核政策失敗」,《台灣政治學刊》(2002a)。 呈現在這一本書的材料,有不少曾經在各種研討會的場合中宣讀過,我感謝林宗弘、林益仁、林國明、范雲、張茂桂、張高傑、張鐵志、陳志柔、陳東升、陳俊宏、黃長玲、董建宏、劉華真、鄭力軒、James Jasper、Jeff Goodwin等人寶貴意見。針對本書的初稿,群學出版社的兩位匿名審查者、王金壽、林宗弘、柯志明、陳兆勇、黃于玲、黃崇憲、詹筱勻等學界的師長與朋友,提供了許多具有洞見的批判。這些建議使我獲益良多,但是我也必得要承認,自己無法完全滿足他們對於這一本書的各種期待。其中,不少意見是超越筆者目前的能力範圍,我將牢牢記住這些想法,希望下一本書能有更好的突破。此外,王崇穎、張國偉、陳麗如、曾子旂、黃郁軒、蔡佳憓、蔡璧娟、顏妙娟等助理的各項協助,也是不可或缺的,在此一併致謝。在寫作過程中,我也獲得了諸多環境運動界朋友的幫忙。他們不只是慷慨地惠賜我訪談的機會,在許多時候,他們的想法也激發了我更多的靈感。作為一個純粹的學院觀察者,我很欽佩他們對於台灣綠色民主志業的投入,也祝福他們的努力能有更好的回報。 我要特別感謝蕭新煌老師的長期鼓勵,從學生時期到我來嘉義教書,他一直很寬容我的各種想法。當我告知他這一本書要出版時,他很爽快地答應給我一篇序言。我很佩服群學出版社的劉鈐佑總編對於社會學的熱忱與投入,他不厭其煩地提醒我,寫書是要要採取更宏觀的視野。每次與他在陽台上抽煙聊天,我都受益良多。這五年來,南華大學的師生等於是我在南部的家人。他們樂情地接納了我,毫不吝嗇地支持我,無論是在桌球場、排球場、錢櫃KTV、釣蝦場、或是劍湖山世界。其中,我要特別感謝蘇峰山學長的美食、美酒與比白天更美麗的夜晚時光。最後,我也要向淑鈴說一聲謝謝。她說得對,只有她才能完全接納我的個性,也因此,我是一個幸福的人。 2006年二二八 馬里蘭州College Park -
No Other Way Out
No Other Way Out provides a powerful explanation for the emergence of popular revolutionary movements, and the occurrence of actual revolutions, during the Cold War era. This sweeping study ranges from Southeast Asia in the 1940s and 1950s to Central America in the 1970s and 1980s and Eastern Europe in 1989. Goodwin demonstrates how the actions of specific types of authoritarian regimes unwittingly channeled popular resistance into radical and often violent directions. By comparing the historical trajectories of more than a dozen countries, Goodwin also shows how revolutionaries were able to create opportunities for seizing state power. -
在这本富有挑战性的书中,当代著名政治哲学家约翰•基恩呼吁重新认识民主与暴力之间的复杂关系。基恩探讨了处于争议中的暴力概念,提出并回答了如下一些主要问题:为何说暴力是民主最大的敌人?为什么今天全球性的“暴力三角”正在诱使政治家动用不民主的紧急权力?暴力能否“民主化”以及如何“民主化”?自始至终,基恩优先考虑伦理问题,提出并阐述了清除过剩暴力的十条规则。 -
Methods of Social Movement Research
Citing the critical importance of empirical work to social movement research, the editors of this volume have put together the first systematic overview of the major methods used by social movement theorists. Original chapters cover the range of techniques: surveys, formal models, discourse analysis, in-depth interviews, participant observation, case studies, network analysis, historical methods, protest event analysis, macro-organizational analysis, and comparative politics. Each chapter includes a methodological discussion, examples of studies employing the method, an examination of its strengths and weaknesses, and practical guidelines for its application. -
Social Movements, 1768-2004
Westerners invented social movements during the 18th century, but after that social movements became vehicles of popular politics across the world. By locating social movements in history, prize-winning social scientist Charles Tilly provides rich and often surprising insights into the origins of contemporary social movement practices, relations of social movements to democratization, and likely futures for social movements. -
Poor People's Movements
Have the poor fared best by participating in conventional electoral politics or by engaging in mass defiance and disruption? The authors of the classic Regulating The Poor assess the successes and failures of these two strategies as they examine, in this provocative study, four protest movements of lower-class groups in 20th century America: -- The mobilization of the unemployed during the Great Depression that gave rise to the Workers' Alliance of America -- The industrial strikes that resulted in the formation of the CIO -- The Southern Civil Rights Movement -- The movement of welfare recipients led by the National Welfare Rights Organization.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友