

  • “主动的”地方政治


    作为中国官员队伍的主体,省以下各级官员,尤其是县乡官员,不仅是国家法律政策的具体执行者和解释者,也是其所生活区域中具有很大影响的群体,是地方政治能动性的具体实现者。这部文集从地方官员与制度互动的视角,探讨了地方官员作为一个群体的行为特征,他们如何受制度的塑造,又是如何影响制度的运行。 本文集是中央编译局比较政治与经济研究中心与德国杜伊斯堡大学东亚研究所、图宾根大学大中华研究中心2008年以来进行合作研究的成果。作者分别来自德国、中国(包括香港)、美国和澳大利亚,对于中国地方政治进行过长期的田野调查和实证研究。文章类型在主题上可以分为两类:一类是从现有制度视角来讨论制度是如何影响地方官员行为的;另一类是从地方官员视角来分析如何应对制度的激励和约束的。讨论的都是地方官员与制度的互动关系。
  • 革命与世界政治


    本书探讨了自1789年法国大革命的两百多年里革命运动对国际关系的影响,作者在研究了革命者的言行,国际因素对革命国家及革命自身命运的影响后,对现在仍在流行的种种解释革命的理论一一进行了评说。  作者认为,革命者胸怀理想主义抱负,为扫除人间不平事,建立起不同于以往“旧秩序”的新体制。他们不方面为了实现心中的理想和巩固新体制,需要支持其他落后国家的革命运动。另一方面为了自身的生存和发展,又有必要与其他发达国家发展经贸往来。这就导致了革命政权的外交政策在一定程度上的矛盾性。随着革命激情的谈化。发展经济水平的呼声的高涨,外交政策重点由追求理想向注策现实转化,不再号召“输出革命”,而是争取在现行的国际政治经济格局中获得最大的利益。  作者断言,在全球化时代,虽然有利于大规模革命发生的国际因素大大减少了,但是只要人类仍然面临不平等和处于被支配地位。对既有现状的激进抵制就不可避免。
  • 发现政治社会


    本書翻譯-記錄了印度Subaktern Studies的主將Partha Chatterjee教授來台的演講,以及他與台灣學者的互動。他的造訪代表著批判圈對話對象向亞洲轉移,其演講焦點-政治社會、現代性、國家暴力、第三世界民主問題等,觸動的不僅是我們對照與比較的過程中,開啟了對台灣自我在認識的契機。
  • Nationalist Mobilization and the Collapse of the Soviet State

    作者:Mark R. Beissinger

    This 2002 study examines the process by which the seemingly impossible in 1987 - the disintegration of the Soviet state - became the seemingly inevitable by 1991, providing an original interpretation not only of the Soviet collapse, but also of the phenomenon of nationalism more generally. Probing the role of nationalist action as both cause and effect, Beissinger utilizes data and case studies from across the USSR during its final years to elicit the shifting relationship between pre-existing structural conditions, institutional constraints, and event-generated influences in the nationalist explosions that brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union. As Beissinger demonstrates, the 'tidal' context of nationalism - i.e., the transnational influence of one nationalism upon another - is critical to an explanation of the success and failure of particular nationalisms, why some nationalisms turn violent, and how a crescendo of events can overwhelm states, periodically evoking large-scale structural change in the character of the state system.
  • State Repression and the Domestic Democratic Peace

    作者:Christian Davenport

    Does democracy decrease state repression in line with the expectations of governments, international organizations, NGOs, social movements, academics and ordinary citizens around the world? Most believe that a 'domestic democratic peace' exists, rivalling that found in the realm of interstate conflict. Investigating 137 countries from 1976 to 1996, this book seeks to shed light on this question. Specifically, three results emerge. First, while different aspects of democracy decrease repressive behaviour, not all do so to the same degree. Human rights violations are especially responsive to electoral participation and competition. Second, while different types of repression are reduced, not all are limited at comparable levels. Personal integrity violations are decreased more than civil liberties restrictions. Third, the domestic democratic peace is not bulletproof; the negative influence of democracy on repression can be overwhelmed by political conflict. This research alters our conception of repression, its analysis and its resolution.
  • 魔方式的国家


  • 落后之源

    作者:[美] 弗朗西斯·福山

    弗朗西斯·福山的这本《落后之源(诠释拉美和美国的发展鸿沟)》就是要致力于从历史和政治制度的角度来诠释拉丁美洲和美国之间的发展鸿沟。 拉丁美洲和美国之间的发展鸿沟并非不可跨越。美国虽然经常会出现一些种族主义的残余并推行一些短视的外交政策,但是,它依然能够构建起一套令人钦佩的政治体系并且有条不紊地运转。而拉丁美洲虽然继承了值得称道的文化传统,但这些优秀的传统都被毫无意义地消耗和浪费在一连串的内战、起义、暴乱和革命中了。幸运的是,这一地区的大多数国家已经意识到了自己过去的失败,也意识到了自己的西方身份。它们不再轻举妄动,而开始在最严肃的游戏中成为严格遵守游戏规则的积极参与者:为子孙后代打造一个良好的社会环境,从而让人类的尊严能够得到充分的体现。
  • 妥协的精神


    如果政治是可能性的艺术,那么妥协就是民主的艺术。除非政府的所有机构都由一党意识形态支配,对全体公民的利益来说,妥协是一种必要的执政手段。即使拒绝妥协会冒风险,也会使政治偏向于维持现状,但在很多情况下人们还是会拒绝妥协。那么,为何妥协在当今美国政治中难以实现? 《妥协的精神》中将拒绝妥协和执政竞选——这一当今美国民主的永久性活动联系起来。竞选公职需要对抗妥协的思维,要坚持动员选民、猜疑对手的原则,以赢得竞选。而良好的政府却需要相反的态度和做法,妥协的思维使政客们偏向于调整自己的原则并尊重对手,有助于他们欣赏并利用可欲的妥协带来的机会。历史上的妥协事件,如1986年里根总统时期的税制改革和2010年奥巴马总统的医疗改革,均来之不易。但只有税制改革的妥协发生在两党之间。这些美国政治中重要的妥协及失败的妥协能为人们提供不少借鉴,改变和调整现有的政治体制、程序及思维方式,从而在竞选和治理之间取得更好的平衡。当代政治中,应多一些更加广泛的合作。
  • 暴力与民主


  • The Handbook of Political Sociology

    作者:Janoski, Thomas (EDT

  • The End of the Chinese Dream

    作者:Gerard Lemos

    Glossy television images of happy, industrious, and increasingly prosperous workers show a bright view of life in twenty-first-century China. But behind the officially approved story is a different reality, Gerard Lemos reveals in this extensively researched book. Lemos conducted hundreds of interviews with Chinese men and women in non-westernized areas distant from such cities as Beijing and Shanghai. He reports that the lives his subjects describe belie the myth of a harmonious, cohesive Chinese society. Much as the government promotes such a positive image, everyday people in China are beleaguered by immense social and community problems as well as personal, family, and financial anxieties. Lemos investigates a China beyond the tourist trail. He offers a revealing account of the thoughts and feelings of Chinese people regarding all facets of their lives, from education to health care, unemployment to old age, politics to wealth. Taken together, the stories of these men and women bring to light a broken society, one whose people are frustrated, angry, sad, and often fearful about the circumstances of their lives. The author considers the implications of these findings and analyzes how China's community and social problems threaten the ambitious nation's hopes for a cohesive future.
  • Roots of the State

    作者:Benjamin Read

  • 政治社会学


  • State in Society

    作者:Joel S. Migdal

    The essays in this book trace the development of Joel Migdal's 'state-in-society' approach. That approach illuminates how power is exercised around the world, and how and when patterns of power change. Despite the triumph of concept of state in social science literature, actual states have had great difficulty in turning public policies into planned social change. The state-in-society approach points observers to the ongoing struggles over which rules dictating how people will lead their daily lives. These struggles, which ally parts of the state and groups in society against other such coalitions, determine how societies and states create and maintain distinct ways of structuring day-to-day life - the nature of the rules that govern people's behavior, whom they benefit and whom they disadvantage, which sorts of elements unite people and which divide them, what shared meaning people hold about their relations with others and their place in the world.
  • Challenging the Mandate of Heaven

    作者:Elizabeth J. Perry

    Social science theories of contentious politics have been based almost exclusively on evidence drawn from the European and American experience, and classic texts in the field make no mention of either the Chinese Communist revolution or the Cultural Revolution - surely two of the most momentous social movements of the twentieth century. Moreover, China's record of popular upheaval stretches back well beyond this century, indeed all the way back to the third century B.C. By bringing together studies of protest that span the Imperial, Republic, and Communist eras, this book introduces Chinese patterns and provides a forum to consider ways in which contentious politics in China might serve to reinforce, refine or reshape theories derived from Western cases.
  • 政治社会学


  • Revolution and Rebellion in the Early Modern World

    作者:Jack A. Goldstone

    What can the great crises of the past teach us about contemporary revolutions? Arguing from an exciting and original perspective, Goldstone suggests that great revolutions were the product of 'ecological crises' that occurred when inflexible political, economic, and social institutions were overwhelmed by the cumulative pressure of population growth on limited available resources. Moreover, he contends that the causes of the great revolutions of Europe--the English and French revolutions--were similar to those of the great rebellions of Asia, which shattered dynasties in Ottoman Turkey, China, and Japan. The author observes that revolutions and rebellions have more often produced a crushing state orthodoxy than liberal institutions, leading to the conclusion that perhaps it is vain to expect revolution to bring democracy and economic progress. Instead, contends Goldstone, the path to these goals must begin with respect for individual liberty rather than authoritarian movements of 'national liberation.' Arguing that the threat of revolution is still with us, Goldstone urges us to heed the lessons of the past. He sees in the United States a repetition of the behavior patterns that have led to internal decay and international decline in the past, a situation calling for new leadership and careful attention to the balance between our consumption and our resources. Meticulously researched, forcefully argued, and strikingly original, Revolutions and Rebellions in the Early Modern World is a tour de force by a brilliant young scholar. It is a book that will surely engender much discussion and debate.
  • 政治社会学导论


  • 政治社会学


  • 政治社会学


    《政治社会学•民主制度的政治社会基础》内容简介:古典阶段可以看作是政治社会学的萌芽阶段。在这一阶段,政治社会学的核心课题已经为人们提出并得到了初步思考,提出了一些富有启发意义的观点。政治社会学的重要学者有古希腊时期的柏拉图和亚里士多德,古罗马时期的西塞罗·圣·奥古斯西,中世纪时期的托马斯·阿奎那,以及文艺复兴时期和启蒙运动时期的马基雅维利、霍布斯、洛克、孟德斯鸠和卢梭等。 柏拉图(P1ato,约公元前427~前347年)是古希腊的哲学家。他的政治社会学思想主要表现在《理想国》、《政治家篇》、《法律篇》以及有关苏格拉底的审判及屈死的对话如《欧塞弗罗篇》、《道德篇》和《克里多篇》等著作中。柏拉图对政治社会学的重要贡献表现在如下几个方面:一是他最早提出了功能主义的社会分层理论,认为国家有三种必要的职能,即供应基本的物质需要、保护和管理。履行这三种职能的有从事生产的工人、从事保护的军人以及从事管理的统治者。执行不同的职能需要不同的才能,不同才能的人就构成了社会的等级。只要具有不同才能的人去履行各自适合的职能,国家就能够保持正义。二是他首次看到了民主与科学的矛盾,认为民主与科学(知识)是对立的,主张科学先于民主,认为应该由爱好智慧、掌握知识的人来担任国王,这就是著名的“哲学王”理论。 亚里士多德(Aristotle,公元前384~前322年)也是古希腊的哲学家,并且是柏拉图的得意弟子。他的政治社会学思想主要表现在《政治学》和《雅典政制》等著作中。他的《政治学》实际上可以叫做《政治社会学》,因为该书讨论的很多问题实际上就是政治社会学研究的问题。