进化心理学是一门革命性的新科学,它提供了一个有趣而独特的视角来观察人类的心理和行为,是现代心理学和进化生物学在理论上的真正融合。作者戴维巴斯是进化心理学领域的权威学者和领军人物,他在本书中对进化心理学这一日新月异的领域进行了全面而深入的回顾和展望。全书论述的主题是按照适应性问题来展开的,从生存挑战、择偶、抚育、亲属到群体生活的挑战,包括合作、攻击、性冲突、地位以及社会等级。各章不仅介绍必备的理论背景,而且还提供了生动具体的实例,帮助读者透彻地理解这一领域。作者的写作风格清晰简洁,轻松易读,逻辑严密,引人入胜,即便是普通读者也可以将书中学到的相关知识应用于理解自身和他人的生活。 自1999年首版以来,本书一直是进化心理学领域里程碑式的著作,是了解和学习进化心理学的必读书。最新第4版不仅增添了400余条新文献,而且增加了大量内容,包括:跨文化研究、生理学研究、遗传学和脑成像等研究方法;进化形成的导航机制理论;火和烹饪;凶杀;模仿择偶行为;男性择偶偏好对他们实际择偶行为的影响;等等。 -
《视读进化心理学》是帮助读者了解这一领域的最佳入门图书。迪兰-伊文斯生动简练的撰文,配以获奖艺术家奥斯卡·扎拉特的插图,带领读者轻松走入心智研究的历史。心智是如何进化而来的?人类的心智为何不同于祖先的心智以及亲缘最近的物种——猿类的心智?如果我们是由自私的基因建构而成的,为什么我们又会表现出合作的行为?男性和女性的心理差异是否能用进化论的观点加以解释?上述问题都是进化心理学的核心,而进化心理学又是近些年来兴起的一种新的研究学科。 依靠进化生物学和认知心理学的发展,同时借助人类学、灵长类动物学和考古学的研究数据,进化心理学家逐渐拼贴出一幅完整的有关人类本性的科学图景。 -
《感觉的分析》概括性和补充性的陈述,对于作者的观点或许是某种更为有益的阐明,作者常常被旨进感觉的分析这个领域里去,同时深信全部科学的基础、特别是物理学的基础,须等待着生物学、尤其是感觉的分析作进一步的重要阐明。 -
Power, Sex, Suicide
Mitochondria are tiny structures located inside our cells that carry out the essential task of producing energy for the cell. They are found in all complex living things, and in that sense, they are fundamental for driving complex life on the planet. But there is much more to them than that. Mitochondria have their own DNA, with their own small collection of genes, separate from those in the cell nucleus. It is thought that they were once bacteria living independent lives. Their enslavement within the larger cell was a turning point in the evolution of life, enabling the development of complex organisms and, closely related, the origin of two sexes. Unlike the DNA in the nucleus, mitochondrial DNA is passed down exclusively (or almost exclusively) via the female line. That's why it has been used by some researchers to trace human ancestry daughter-to-mother, to 'Mitochondrial Eve'. Mitochondria give us important information about our evolutionary history. And that's not all. Mitochondrial genes mutate much faster than those in the nucleus because of the free radicals produced in their energy-generating role.This high mutation rate lies behind our ageing and certain congenital diseases. The latest research suggests that mitochondria play a key role in degenerative diseases such as cancer, through their involvement in precipitating cell suicide. Mitochondria, then, are pivotal in power, sex, and suicide. In this fascinating and thought-provoking book, Nick Lane brings together the latest research findings in this exciting field to show how our growing understanding of mitochondria is shedding light on how complex life evolved, why sex arose (why don't we just bud?), and why we age and die. This understanding is of fundamental importance, both in understanding how we and all other complex life came to be, but also in order to be able to control our own illnesses, and delay our degeneration and death. 'An extraordinary account of groundbreaking modern science...The book abounds with interesting and important ideas.' Mark Ridley, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford -
The Adapted Mind
From reviews of the hardback: "A fascinating book which deserves a wide audience." European Medical Journal "a very significant contribution to the field of evolutionary thinking on human psychology and culture." British Journal of Medical Psychology Researchers have long been aware that the species-typical architecture of the human mind is the product of our evolutionary history, but it has only been in the last three decades that advances in such fields as evolutionary biology, cognitive psychology, and paleoanthropology have been made which have highlighted these changes. This book introduces the newly crystallizing field of evolutionary psychology to a wider scientific audience and focuses on the evolved information-processing mechanisms that comprise the human mind. -
《非零和时代》是近年来最为热议的书籍之一。 美国著名思想家、前总统克林顿智囊罗伯特•赖特继《道德动物》后,又一创新力作! 本书将生物进化和人类的文化演进进行比较,从细菌的化石一路叙述到石器时代的石斧,从中世纪伊斯兰教的商业模式一路叙述到世界贸易组织,探寻不同文化共有的发展轨迹和模式,生物演进导致人类的产生、人类组织的演进导致了文化的产生、文化的演进使地球形成一个统一的大脑。 运用博弈论的观点,揭示人类历史的必然命运:世界和人类发展的推动力和最终趋向并不是你死我活的竞争关系,而是互利共赢的合作关系,即“非零和”,进而为全球化发展指明了方向。 -
The Woman That Never Evolved
This work argues that evolutionary theorists' emphasis on sexual competition among males for access to females overlooks selection pressures on females themselves. In an account of what female primates themselves actually do to secure their own reproductive advantage, Sarah Hrdy demolishes myths about sexually passive, "coy", compliant and exclusively nurturing females. Her account of the great range of behaviours in many species of primates, in many circumstances, expands the concept of female nature to include the range of selection pressures on females, and reminds the reader of the complexity and dynamism of the evolutionary story. -
《道德的动物(我们为什么如此)》以达尔文的生平及其作品为脉络,从一些非常有趣的社会问题出发,逐步深入到人类进化的生物学基础。 -
The Evolution of Cooperation
Updated for the first time, the classic book on why cooperation is not only natural but also the best survival strategy The Evolution of Cooperation addresses a simple yet age-old question: If living things evolve through competition, how can cooperation ever emerge? Despite the abundant evidence of cooperation all around us, there existed no purely naturalistic answer to this question until 1979, when Robert Axelrod famously ran a computer tournament featuring a standard game-theory exercise called The Prisoner's Dilemma. To everyone's surprise, the program that won the tournament, named Tit for Tat, was not only the simplest but the most "cooperative" entrant. This unexpected victory proved that cooperation--one might even say altruism--is mathematically possible and therefore needs no hidden hand or divine agent to create and sustain it. A great roadblock to the understanding of all sorts of behavior was at last removed. The updated edition includes an extensive new chapter on cooperation in cancer cells and among terrorist organizations. "This book, if read, grasped and applied, could have a profound effect." ( Wall Street Journal ) "A fascinating, provocative, and important book." (Douglas R. Hofstadter, author of Godel, Escher, Bach ) -
进化心理学从20世纪80年代开始逐渐形成,它以达尔文的进化论为指导,探讨人类心理的结构和起源。二十多年来,进化心理学的研究得到了很大发展,渗透到心理学的各个分支领域,形成了一些新的研究领域和成果。同时,进化心理学的理论和研究也对哲学、经济学、管理学、伦理学、法律学、政治学等社会科学的领域产生了强烈的冲击和影响。目前在学术界,对于进化心理学的评价可谓毁誉参半,推崇者认为它是心理学未来发展的方向,是整合心理学的元理论,批评者认为它只是“新瓶装旧酒”,只不过是社会生物学理论的“翻版”,没有任何新的东西。可以说,心理学中还没有任何一个学派在学术界引起过集并阅读了大量的文献和资料,本书只是自己学习和探讨进化心理学的一个阶段总结。由于进化心理学是一个存在巨大争论的新兴学科,许多思想和观点还有待实证研究来加以判定,因此,本书的立足点是介绍进化心理学的一些基本观点,尽量少作评判。 -
《21世纪高校心理学教材•进化心理学》通过进化的观点来整合与分析很多诸如此类有关人类心理行为活动的本质问题。按照常见的心理学分类,《21世纪高校心理学教材•进化心理学》的进化心理学讨论分为四个部分,它们分别是进化心理学的理论基础、进化发展心理学、进化认知心理学、进化社会心理学。进化心理学为研究人类行为提供了一个新视角。主流心理学和其他社会科学可能更关注人类行为“如何”出现,而进化心理学的出众之处在于它更着重人类行为“为何”出现。为什么人类要经历如此漫长的儿童期和青春期,为什么人类不会过早或更多地进行性活动?为什么会出现同胞竞争和亲子冲突?为什么父母会偏爱众多孩子中的某几个?为什么人类在解决某些认知问题时得心应手,而对另一些问题却感到无比吃力。为什么人类那么在乎自己的智商有多高?为什么在性方面社会习俗对女性尤其苛刻,而对男性却相对宽松很多?《21世纪高校心理学教材•进化心理学》内容多为国内首次发表,可作为本科生、研究生教材或参考书,也可作为一般科普读物。 -
黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩是进化路途中和人类最为相似的两种动物,从他们的群体关系、家族构成、性格甚至两性关系中,可以窥见我们自己。德瓦尔先生的《黑猩猩的政治》是对黑猩猩进行了细致的观察后写作而成的学术著作,而本书则是进一步加入了他对倭黑猩猩的研究,写成的一部幽默风趣的科普书籍。到底我们人类更像生性好斗的黑猩猩,还是温柔乐观的倭黑猩猩,读完本书,自有答案。 本书2005年首次出版,获得《纽约时报》年度推荐好书等殊荣,文字授权多个国家和地区,是近十年来研究动物行为学和人类学的优秀科学普及读物。 -
Introducing Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary psychologists are beginning to piece together the first truly scientific account of human nature. -
Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters
A lively and provocative look at how evolution shapes our behavior and our lives.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, our brains and bodies are hardwired to carry out an evolutionary mission that determines much of what we do, from life plans to everyday decisions.
With an accessible tone and a healthy disregard for political correctness, this lively and eminently readable book popularizes the latest research in a cutting-edge field of study-one that turns much of what we thought we knew about human nature upside-down.
Every time we fall in love, fight with our spouse, enjoy watching a favorite TV show, or feel scared--walking alone at night, we are in part behaving as a human animal with its own unique nature-a nature that essentially stopped evolving 10,000 years ago. Alan S. Miller and Satoshi Kanazawa re-examine some of the most popular and controversial topics of modern life-and shed a whole new light on why we do the things we do.
Reader beware: You may never look at human nature the same way again. -
The Mating Mind
At once a pioneering study of evolution and an accessible and lively reading experience, The Mating Mind marks the arrival of a prescient and provocative new science writer. Psychologist Geoffrey Miller offers the most convincing–and radical–explanation for how and why the human mind evolved. Consciousness, morality, creativity, language, and art: these are the traits that make us human. Scientists have traditionally explained these qualities as merely a side effect of surplus brain size, but Miller argues that they were sexual attractors, not side effects. He bases his argument on Darwin’s theory of sexual selection, which until now has played second fiddle to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, and draws on ideas and research from a wide range of fields, including psychology, economics, history, and pop culture. Witty, powerfully argued, and continually thought-provoking, The Mating Mind is a landmark in our understanding of our own species. -
Evolutionary Psychology
The third edition of Evolutionary Psychology continues to be the premier text for the burgeoning field of evolutionary psychology, and this major update contains nearly 400 new references. -
Mean Genes
"The Mean Genes message is optimistic . . . a self-help book for the merely average human being." (The Washington Post Book World) "An unusual cross between a social Darwinist monograph and a self-help manual." (The New Yorker) Why do we want-and do-so many things that are bad for us? In Mean Genes Terry Burnham and Jay Phelan argue that we need to stop looking to Sigmund Freud for answers and start looking to Charles Darwin. Mean Genes reveals that our struggles for self-improvement are, in fact, battles against our own genes-genes that helped our distant ancestors flourish, but are selfish and out of place in the modern world. Using this evolutionary lens, Mean Genes brilliantly examines the issues that most affect our lives-body image, money, addiction, violence, and relationships, friendship, love, and fidelity-and offers steps to help us lead more satisfying lives. -
《进化心理学:从猿到人的心灵演化之路》内容简介:在接触心理学将近10年的时间里,我经常听人们说他们认为心理学是一门神秘的学科,甚至有人听到“心理”二字就感到邪乎:事实上,身为人类,我们有时候并不太能理解人类这一物种的一些特质和行为表现。人心之所以难以捉摸,其实只是因为我们没有站在合适的角度来看待。 把人类回归到动物水平,从宏观的进化视角来分析人类的心理,一切就会变得容易理解了。比如,让社会学家伤透脑筋的“杀婴现象”,如果从进化的角度来看,这件众人眼里十分“邪恶”事情似乎就不那么的不可理解了;又比如,当今社会热议的婚姻话题:“没房+没车=没媳妇”、“女孩为相亲整形”;种种看似可笑又或残忍的社会现象,事实上却可找到进化理论的根据。这些大多数人不能理解,或者说不能接受的现象,其实就是进化而来的结果(也可能是进化过程中的一个部分),也就是无可避免的“人性”。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友