《介绍丛书:分形学》2000年首次出版,曾被翻译成多国语言出版发行,丛书的全球销量已达到24亿,本书在我国首次翻译出版。 浮云、繁星、麦田怪圈和奔流是怎么国事?这些大自然中的奥秘如何解答? 分形学无处不在,它的研究被应用于环保、信号处理、艺术创作甚至宇宙探索当中;它是数学、艺术、哲学甚至宗教的交集。 在技术的发展过程中,许多传统的科学难题,由于分形的引入而取得显著进展。本书是轻松有趣的分形学入门读物。分形学是一门以非规则几何形态为研究对象的几何学。由于不规则现象在自然界是普遍存在的,因此分形几何又称为描述大自然的几何学。本书正是向大众介绍这一奇异学科的敲门砖和引路人。本书的插画诙谐生动,语言通俗易懂,翻译精准到位,是带你入门的最佳选择,本书出自分形极客之手,深受国外读者青睐! -
《复杂性、风险与金融市场》是一本研究和阐释不确定性与复杂性、风险性之间关系的著作,这是作者继1994年出版《分形市场分析》、1996年出版《资本市场的混沌与秩序》之后的又一部力作。作者以通俗的语言和生动的实例,首先总结出复杂性和不确定性的本质特征,而后对复杂性、风险性和不确定性之间的关系进行了系统的比较和阐释,最后对复杂性科学理论与奥地利经济学说之间的关系进行了论述。著作还涉及不确定性与创新性的关系,以及如何用复杂性科学的观点来认识自由市场经济与计划经济的区别,如何看待计划经济国家的经济体制改革等等。 -
天气冷暖、经济兴衰、股市涨跌、技术进步、人口趋势、社会发展、组织行为,与我们生活息息相关的这7大领域充斥了太多的预测与“神话”。然而,我们回顾一下,这些预言到底有多少科学性,有多大的可靠性呢?我们把未来押在这些所谓“高明”的预言之上值得吗? 本书作者借助混沌概念和复杂性理论,以真实生动、饶有趣味的案例和真实的数据,揭示了上述7种领域的种种虚妄与谎言,告诉我们“预测不可靠”。这是因为我们生活的 -
In a rented convent in Santa Fe, a revolution has been brewing. The activists are not anarchists, but rather Nobel Laureates in physics and economics such as Murray Gell-Mann and Kenneth Arrow, and pony-tailed graduate students, mathematicians, and computer scientists down from Los Alamos. They've formed an iconoclastic think tank called the Santa Fe Institute, and their radical idea is to create a new science called complexity. These mavericks from academe share a deep impatience with the kind of linear, reductionist thinking that has dominated science since the time of Newton. Instead, they are gathering novel ideas about interconnectedness, coevolution, chaos, structure, and order - and they're forging them into an entirely new, unified way of thinking about nature, human social behavior, life, and the universe itself. They want to know how a primordial soup of simple molecules managed to turn itself into the first living cell - and what the origin of life some four billion years ago can tell us about the process of technological innovation today. They want to know why ancient ecosystems often remained stable for millions of years, only to vanish in a geological instant - and what such events have to do with the sudden collapse of Soviet communism in the late 1980s. They want to know why the economy can behave in unpredictable ways that economists can't explain - and how the random process of Darwinian natural selection managed to produce such wonderfully intricate structures as the eye and the kidney. Above all, they want to know how the universe manages to bring forth complex structures such as galaxies, stars, planets, bacteria, plants, animals, and brains. There are commonthreads in all of these queries, and these Santa Fe scientists seek to understand them. Complexity is their story: the messy, funny, human story of how science really happens. Here is the tale of Brian Arthur, the Belfast-born economist who stubbornly pushed his theories of economic ch -
《混沌七鉴:来自易学的永恒智慧》主要内容:人们自古以来就与混沌打交道,直至最近,科学才认识到它为宇宙中的根本力。混沌理论,最初用于理解产生暴风雨、洪水和飓风的运动,如今正被运用于从医学、战争到组织如何形成、变化的社会动力学和理论。混沌正从一个科学理论演变成文化隐喻。作为一个隐喻,它促使我们提出关于实在的新鲜问题。 我们现代社会沉迷于征服和科学上驾驭我们周围的世界。然而,非线性混沌系统(如自然、社会和个人生活)皆处在企图预言、操纵和控制它们之外。混沌表明,我们与其抗拒生命的不确定性,不如接受它们提供的诸多可能性。 在这本振聋发聩的新著中,作者阐释了接受日常生活中混沌的七条鉴识:1.创造;2.运用蝴蝶力量;3.行云流水;4.上下求索;5.观世术;6.在时间内生活;7.回归整体。假如你一度感到生活失控、趋于混沌,科学有一条重要忠告:生活即混沌,那才是激动人心的事。 除中文版外,《混沌七鉴:来自易学的永恒智慧》还被译为德文、日文、希腊文、葡萄牙文、西班牙文等语言出版。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友