Python是当今世界流行的编程语言之一。本书共15章,通过一些短小精悍的交互式Python脚本帮助学生进行练习,并在这个过程中掌握诸如数据结构、排序和搜索算法、面向对象编程、数据库访问、图形用户界面等基本概念以及良好的程序设计风格。本书既是一本注重科学的计算机科学专业教材,也是一本目标明确的Python参考书。 本书语言风格言简意赅,图表丰富,简单实用,是一本优秀的Python入门级读物,适合Python初学者使用。 -
《人件集:人性化的软件开发》是人件领域中的经典著作,以专题的形式探讨了软件开发中的人的因素。本书共分九个部分:第一部分介绍团队如何开展工作以及如何为开发更好的软件而更好地工作;第二部分涉及软件开发人员的不同观点;第三部分探讨团队组织和开发的问题;第四部分探讨开发者与其使用的工具之间的关系;第五部分针对提高软件质量提出了建议;第六部分着眼于软件可用性和用户界面设计问题;第七部分解释在用户界面设计和软件可用性方面的相同之处;第八部分探讨软件在沟通中涉及的一些话题;第九部分论述软件开发中的组织文化。 本书的许多内容收自作者在多本知名计算机杂志的人件专栏文章。本书适合所有开发并使用软件的设计人员、开发人员和管理人员阅读。 -
封面图片为英国伯明翰塞尔福瑞吉百货大楼,其极具线条感的轮廓外型优美,犹如水波的流动。其外表悬挂了1.5万个铝碟,创造出一种极具现代气息的纹理装饰效果,有如夜空下水流的波光粼粼,闪烁于月光之下,使建筑的商业氛围表现到极致。设计该建筑的英国“未来系统建筑事物所”,将商场内部围合成一个顶部采光的中庭,配以交叉的自动扶梯,使购物环境呈现出一种凝聚的向心力和商业广告的展示效应。作为英国第二商业城市伯明翰的建筑地标,人们称该建筑为“未来的百货商店”。因其设计构思的前卫性,该建筑获得2004年英国皇家建筑学会的“建筑设计奖”和2004年“英国皇家工艺美术委员会奖”等多个奖项。 本书从计算机科学领域的角度出发,介绍了信息检索的基础知识,并对当前信息检索的发展做了回顾,重点介绍了搜索引擎的核心技术,如文档分类和文档聚类问题,以及机器学习和数值计算方法。书中所有重要的思想都用示例进行了解释,生动形象,引人入胜,实现了理论与实战的完美结合。 本书的三位作者均是信息检索领域的顶级专家,两位来自学术教育界,一位来自硅谷业界,使本书既具备深厚的理论基础,又代表了尖端科技水准。因此,该书甫一出版,即被奉为该领域的权威著作,备受瞩目。目前已被众多世界名校采用为信息检索课程的教材。 -
Randomized Algorithms
For many applications, a randomized algorithm is either the simplest or the fastest algorithm available, and sometimes both. This book introduces the basic concepts in the design and analysis of randomized algorithms. The first part of the text presents basic tools such as probability theory and probabilistic analysis that are frequently used in algorithmic applications. Algorithmic examples are also given to illustrate the use of each tool in a concrete setting. In the second part of the book, each chapter focuses on an important area to which randomized algorithms can be applied, providing a comprehensive and representative selection of the algorithms that might be used in each of these areas. Although written primarily as a text for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, this book should also prove invaluable as a reference for professionals and researchers. -
《操作系统:精髓与设计原理》(第5版)不仅全面系统地讲述了操作系统的基本概念、原理和方法,而且以当代最流行的操作系统(操作系统是计算机系统的核心系统软件,负责控制和管理整个系统,使之协调工作)Windows、Solaris和Linux为例,全面清楚地展现了当代操作系统的本质和特点,使本书的内容具有先进性和适应性。 -
《Java语言的科学与艺术》简练清晰地介绍了传统CS1课程的内容,同时也包含了最近的Computing Curriculum 2001报告计算机科学卷中指定为CS1010或CSl110课程的全部主题。自1995年首次发布以来,Java编程语言作为一种教学语言变得日益重要,现在已经成为初级计算课程的标准语言。Java语言可以让学生编写高度交互式程序,这充分激发了他们的学习兴趣。但Java语言很复杂,老师和学生们在理解Java语言的结构时,复杂性成为了最大的障碍。 在《Java语言的科学与艺术》中,斯坦福大学教授、著名的计算机科学教育领导者Eric S.Roberts着重强调了更适合于初学者的友好讲解方式,使用ACM Java库简化编程。 -
尹华杰:华中理工大学电气工程系博士(1994年),美国伊利诺伊大学(UIUC)电磁计算中心(CCEM)访问学者(1999年-2000年),华南理工大学电气工程系副教授。主要从事电气传动控制、电力电子及工程电磁场数值计算等方向的科研与教学工作。曾主持完成国家自然科学基金一项、广东省自然科学基金一项,目前正主持“基于等效超级电容观念的能量回馈型动态负荷群的性能分析与协调控制”的国家自然科学基金项目。译著有《开关电容电路:从入门到精通》、《开关电源仿真——PSpice和SPICE3应用》、《应用电磁学基础》等。 -
Beautiful Architecture
-from amazon Product Description What are the ingredients of robust, elegant, flexible, and maintainable software architecture? Beautiful Architecture answers this question through a collection of intriguing essays from more than a dozen of today's leading software designers and architects. In each essay, contributors present a notable software architecture, and analyze what makes it innovative and ideal for its purpose. Some of the engineers in this book reveal how they developed a specific project, including decisions they faced and tradeoffs they made. Others take a step back to investigate how certain architectural aspects have influenced computing as a whole. With this book, you'll discover: * How Facebook's architecture is the basis for a data-centric application ecosystem * The effect of Xen's well-designed architecture on the way operating systems evolve * How community processes within the KDE project help software architectures evolve from rough sketches to beautiful systems * How creeping featurism has helped GNU Emacs gain unanticipated functionality * The magic behind the Jikes RVM self-optimizable, self-hosting runtime * Design choices and building blocks that made Tandem the choice platform in high-availability environments for over two decades * Differences and similarities between object-oriented and functional architectural views * How architectures can affect the software's evolution and the developers' engagement Go behind the scenes to learn what it takes to design elegant software architecture, and how it can shape the way you approach your own projects, with Beautiful Architecture. -
这本最新的权威著作致力于改变这种状况,作者全面阐述了多处理器编程的指导原则,介绍了编制高效的多处理器程序所必备的算法技术。了解本书所涵盖的多处理器编程关键问题将使在校学生以及相关技术人员受益匪浅。 -
Introduction to Information Retrieval
Class-tested and coherent, this groundbreaking new textbook teaches classic web information retrieval, including web search and the related areas of text classification and text clustering from basic concepts. Written from a computer science perspective by three leading experts in the field, it gives an up-to-date treatment of all aspects of the design and implementation of systems for gathering, indexing, and searching documents; methods for evaluating systems; and an introduction to the use of machine learning methods on text collections. All the important ideas are explained using examples and figures, making it perfect for introductory courses in information retrieval for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in computer science. Based on feedback from extensive classroom experience, the book has been carefully structured in order to make teaching more natural and effective. Although originally designed as the primary text for a graduate or advanced undergraduate course in information retrieval, the book will also create a buzz for researchers and professionals alike. Contents 1. Information retrieval using the Boolean model; 2. The dictionary and postings lists; 3. Tolerant retrieval; 4. Index construction; 5. Index compression; 6. Scoring and term weighting; 7. Vector space retrieval; 8. Evaluation in information retrieval; 9. Relevance feedback and query expansion; 10. XML retrieval; 11. Probabilistic information retrieval; 12. Language models for information retrieval; 13. Text classification and Naive Bayes; 14. Vector space classification; 15. Support vector machines and kernel functions; 16. Flat clustering; 17. Hierarchical clustering; 18. Dimensionality reduction and latent semantic indexing; 19. Web search basics; 20. Web crawling and indexes; 21. Link analysis. Reviews “This is the first book that gives you a complete picture of the complications that arise in building a modern web-scale search engine. You'll learn about ranking SVMs, XML, DNS, and LSI. You'll discover the seedy underworld of spam, cloaking, and doorway pages. You'll see how MapReduce and other approaches to parallelism allow us to go beyond megabytes and to efficiently manage petabytes." -Peter Norvig, Director of Research, Google Inc. "Introduction to Information Retrieval is a comprehensive, up-to-date, and well-written introduction to an increasingly important and rapidly growing area of computer science. Finally, there is a high-quality textbook for an area that was desperately in need of one." -Raymond J. Mooney, Professor of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin “Through compelling exposition and choice of topics, the authors vividly convey both the fundamental ideas and the rapidly expanding reach of information retrieval as a field.” -Jon Kleinberg, Professor of Computer Science, Cornell University -
《ACM图灵奖:计算机发展史的缩影(1966-2006)(第3版)》介绍了51位ACM图灵奖获得者的工作和事迹。通过对20世纪下半叶及21世纪初有代表性计算机科学家的介绍,多方位、多视角地反映计算机科学技术半个多世纪来的发展历程。《ACM图灵奖:计算机发展史的缩影(1966-2006)(第3版)》在一定程度上反映了计算机体系结构、程序设计语言、算法设计与分析、操作系统和编译程序、数据库技术、计算复杂性理论、软件工程、人工智能等计算机科学技术主要分支的形成过程和发展概况。通过追寻成功者的足迹,给人以必要的启迪,读者可以从阅读《ACM图灵奖:计算机发展史的缩影(1966-2006)(第3版)》中吸取成长和成功所必需的养分。 -
《计算机程序设计艺术:半数值算法(第2卷)(英文版)(第3版)》主要内容:关于算法分析的这多卷论著已经长期被公认为经典计算机科学的定义性描述。迄今已出版的完整的三卷已经组成了程序设计理论和实践的惟一的珍贵资源,无数读者都赞扬Knuth的著作对个人的深远影响,科学家们为他的分析的美丽和优雅所惊叹,而从事实践的程序员已经成功地将他的“菜谱式”的解应用到日常问题上,所有人都由于Knuth在书中表现出的博学、清晰、精确和高度幽默而对他无比敬仰。 第2卷为半数值算法,分“随机数”和“算术”两章。本卷总结了主要算法范例及这些算法的基本理论,广泛剖析了计算机程序设计与数值分析间的相互联系。 -
The Science of Programming
Describes basic programming principles and their step-by- step applications.Numerous examples are included. -
利用经验累积而得到的洞察力开发新的解决方案被称为预构。透过重构而获得的专业知识也属于这类经验,而预构的词源即重构。重构是修改程序或软件系统内部结构的实践,以此在保留其现有行为的基础上改良设计。重构的原因有多种:方便后期增加功能、提高可维护性、提升性能。 本书作者是经验老道的软件开发人员。书中,作者运用他个人和其他众多开发人员的丰富经验,展示由其推衍而得的各项实践方针。这些方针把优秀的开发人员在设计时隐而未显的考虑细节如实地呈现出来。许多方针都围绕着极致抽象化、极致隔离以及极致可读性这几个概念。在假想的软件项目和实际项目的介绍中,作者把实践方针呈现在读者面前。其中几条于稍后列出。 把作者的方针应用到你的软件项目,有助于写出可读性、可维护性更棒的程序。这些方针可以协助你前期决策,以减少后期重构的工作量。在这样的前提下,你可以预测未来,减少修改。简言之,就是程序预构会使你更有效率。 -
本书是关于形式语言、自动机理论和计算复杂性方面的经典教材,是三位理论计算大师的巅峰之作,现已更新到第3版。书中涵盖了有穷自动机、正则表达式与语言、正则语言的性质、上下文无关文法及上下文无关语言、下推自动机、上下文无关语言的,陸质、图灵机、不可判定性以及难解问题等内容。 本书已被世界许多著名大学采用为计算机理论课程的教材或教学参考书,适合用作国内高校计算机专业高年级本科生或研究生的教材,还可供从事理论计算工作的研究人员参考。 -
Common Lisp
This book is about learning to program in Lisp. Although widely known as the principal language of artificial intelligence research—one of the most advanced areas of computer science—Lisp is an excellent language for beginners. It is increasingly the language of choice in introductory programming courses due to its friendly, interactive environment, rich data structures, and powerful software tools that even a novice can master in short order. When I wrote the book I had three types of reader in mind. I would like to address each in turn. · Students taking their first programming course. The student could be from any discipline, from computer science to the humanities. For you, let me stress the word gentle in the title. I assume no prior mathematical background beyond arithmetic. Even if you don’t like math, you may find you enjoy computer programming. I’ve avoided technical jargon, and there are lots of examples. Also you will find plenty of exercises interspersed with the text, and the answers to all of them are included in Appendix C. · Psychologists, linguists, computer scientists, and other persons interested in Artificial Intelligence. As you begin your inquiry into AI, you will see that almost all research in this field is carried out in Lisp. Most Lisp texts are written exclusively for computer science majors, but I have gone to great effort to make this book accessible to everyone. It can be your doorway to the technical literature of AI, as well as a quick introduction to its central tool. · Computer hobbyists. Prior to about 1984, the Lisps available on personal computers weren’t very good due to the small memories of the early machines. Today’s personal computers often come with several megabytes of RAM and a hard disk as standard equipment. They run full implementations of the Common Lisp standard, and provide the same high-quality tools as the Lisps in university and industrial research labs. The ‘‘Lisp Toolkit’’ sections of this book will introduce you to the advanced features of the Common Lisp programming environment that have made the language such a productive tool for rapid prototyping and AI programming. This current volume of the ‘‘gentle introduction’’ uses Common Lisp throughout. Lisp has been changing continuously since its invention 30 years ago. In the past, not only were the Lisp dialects on different machines incompatible, but programs written in one dialect would often no longer run in that same dialect a few years later, because the language had evolved out from under them. Rapid, unconstrained evolution was beneficial in the early days, but demand for a standard eventually grew, so Common Lisp was created. At present, Common Lisp is the de facto standard supported by all major computer manufacturers. It is currently undergoing refinement into an official standard. But Lisp will continue to evolve nonetheless, and the standard will be updated periodically to reflect new contributions people have made to the language. Perhaps one of those contributors will be you. -
《国外计算机科学教材系列•Intel汇编语言程序设计(第5版)》全面细致地讲述了汇编语言程序设计的各个方面。从微处理器体系结构、工作机制到指令集;从最基本的编译器链器的使用到高级过程、结构和宏的使用;从用纯汇编编写程序到用C/C++等最新编译器与汇编的混合接口编程;从16位实模式下BIOS、DOS实模式文本及图形程序设计到32位保护模式的Windows程序设计;从磁盘基础知识到Intel指令编码、浮点运算等相关知识都做了深入而细致的讲解。 -
本书是一部设计与分析领域的经典著作,着重介绍了计算机算法设计领域的基本原则和根本原理。书中深入分析了一些计算机模型上的算法,介绍了一些和设计有效算法有关的数据结构和编程技术,为读者提供了有关递归方法、分治方法和动态规划方面的详细实例和实际应用,并致力于更有效算法的设计和开发。同时,对NP完全等问题能否有效求解进行了分析,并探索了应用启发式算法解决问题的途径。另外,本书还提供了大量富有指导意义的习题。 本书可以作为高等院校计算机算法设计与分析课程的本科生或研究生教材,也可以作为计算机理论研究人员、计算机算法设计人员的参考书。 -
本书系统地介绍了数据通信与计算机网络领域的基本理论及应用。与前几版相比,第4版在内容和编排上都有较大更新,更加注重理论与实际应用相结合。主要内容包括:传输介质和数据编码、模拟信号和数字信号、建立连接、数据压缩、数据完整、数据安全、流量控制、局域网、网络互连、因特网协议和应用、因特网编程、电路技术等。另外,每章后面均附有大量复习题与练习题。 本书适合作为高等院校计算机科学专业本科生的教材或参考书,也可供从事数据通信和网络工作的技术人员参考。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友