Analysis and Metaphysics
All developed human beings possess a practical mastery of a vast range of concepts, including such basic structural notions as those of identity, truth, existence, material objects, mental states, space, and time; but a practical mastery does not entail theoretical understanding. It is that understanding which philosophy seeks to achieve. In this book one of the most distinguished of living philosophers, assuming no previous knowledge of the subject on the part of the reader, sets out to explain and illustrate a certain conception of the nature of analytical philosophy. Professor Strawson draws on his many years of teaching at Oxford University, during which he refined and developed what he regards as the most productive route to understanding the fundamental structure of human thinking. Among the distinctive features of his exposition are the displacement of an older, reductive conception of philosophical method (the ideal of 'analysing' complex ideas into simpler elements) in favour of elucidating the interconnections between the complex but irreducible notions which form the basic structure of our thinking; and the demonstration that the three traditionally distinguished departments of metaphysics (ontology), epistemology, and logic are but three aspects of one unified enquiry. He has produced an elegant work that will be invaluable to students and stimulating for professional philosophers and general readers alike. -
本书共6卷,大致按年代顺序编辑而成。但出于各卷篇幅方面的考试,有时也打破了这种顺序。 第1卷收入两部论著:《威拉德·范·奥曼·蒯因自传》和《数理逻辑》 第2卷收入两部论著:《逻辑方法》和《本体论的相对性及其他论文》 第3卷收入两部论著:《集合论及其逻辑》和《逻辑哲学》 第4卷收入三部论著:《从逻辑的观点看》、《指称之根》以及《语词和对象》 第5卷收入两部论著:《悖论的方式及其他论文》和《信念之网》 第6卷收入四部论著:《理论和事物》、《一些离奇的想法——一部不连贯的哲学辞典》、《真之追求》、《从刺激到科学》 以上6卷收入了蒯因的绝大部分逻辑论著和哲学论著,只有少数论著未收入。 -
Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind
The most important work by one of America's greatest twentieth-century philosophers, Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind is both the epitome of Wilfrid Sellars' entire philosophical system and a key document in the history of philosophy. First published in essay form in 1956, it helped bring about a sea change in analytic philosophy. It broke the link, which had bound Russell and Ayer to Locke and Hume--the doctrine of "knowledge by acquaintance." Sellars' attack on the Myth of the Given in Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind was a decisive move in turning analytic philosophy away from the foundationalist motives of the logical empiricists and raised doubts about the very idea of "epistemology." With an introduction by Richard Rorty to situate the work within the history of recent philosophy, and with a study guide by Robert Brandom, this publication of Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind makes a difficult but indisputably significant figure in the development of analytic philosophy clear and comprehensible to anyone who would understand that philosophy or its history. -
本书主旨是解决或者说消解心灵何以关联到世界的问题,进而是解决或者说消解经验思维何以具有经验内容的问题。作者认为近现代哲学家有关这个问题的思考导致了各种各样的忧虑。消除这些忧虑的唯一方式是彻底放弃我们有关经验或印象的根深蒂固的观念,即认为经验或印象只是单纯自然的事件,转而承认我们的概念能力实际上已经在经验或印象那里发挥作用了。 -
Language and Reality - 2nd Edition
What is language? How does it relate to the world? How does it relate to the mind? Should our view of language influence our view of the world? These are among the central issues covered in this spirited and unusually clear introduction to the philosophy of language.Making no pretense of neutrality, Michael Devitt and Kim Sterelny take a definite theoretical stance. Central to that stance is naturalism--that is, they treat a philosophical theory of language as an empirical theory like any other and see people as nothing but complex parts of the physical world. This leads them, controversially, to a deflationary view of the significance of the study of language: they dismiss the idea that the philosophy of language should be preeminent in philosophy.This highly successful textbook has been extensively rewritten for the second edition to reflect recent developments in the field. -
《语言的逻辑句法》,本书作者卡尔纳普哲学思想的发展,一般说来,有语义、句法、语用三个阶段。在句法这个阶段,他强调把哲学变成科学语言的元语言——即句法。旨在把科学研究的内容与科学的语言形式分别开来。他认为,内容或对象属于具体的自然科学范围,与哲学无关。 -
摩尔关注日常语言及其分析,关注概念、命题的意义,其语言和逻辑的分析方法为分析哲学之滥觞。他一生著作不多,多是通过一些论文不断修正和发展自己的思想,本书为其重要论文集,收录了十篇论文。这些论文以“逻辑”和“经验”的方法分析了哲学和伦理学的一些基本问题,显示出分析哲学注重方法而非哲学观的特点,为后来的“逻辑经验主义”开辟了思路,在现代哲学史上影响广泛而深刻。 -
Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
When it first appeared in 1979, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature hit the philosophical world like a bombshell. In it, Richard Rorty argued that, beginning in the seventeenth century, philosophers developed an unhealthy obsession with the notion of representation: comparing the mind to a mirror that reflects reality. Rorty's book is a powerful critique of this imagery and the tradition of thought that it spawned. Thirty years later, the book remains a must-read and stands as a classic of twentieth-century philosophy. Its influence on the academy, both within philosophy and across a wide array of disciplines, continues unabated. This edition includes new essays by philosopher Michael Williams and literary scholar David Bromwich, as well as Rorty's previously unpublished essay "The Philosopher as Expert." -
Word and Object
Language consists of dispositions, socially instilled, to respond observably to socially observable stimuli. Such is the point of view from which a noted philosopher and logician examines the notion of meaning and the linguistic mechanisms of objective reference. In the course of the discussion, Professor Quine pinpoints the difficulties involved in translation, brings to light the anomalies and conflicts implicit in our language's referential apparatus, clarifies semantic problems connected with the imputation of existence, and marshals reasons for admitting or repudiating each of various categories of supposed objects. He argues that the notion of a language-transcendent "sentence-meaning" must on the whole be rejected; meaningful studies in the semantics of reference can only be directed toward substantially the same language in which they are conducted. -
本书收入了作者有关语言哲学的系列论文,自1984年出版后,本书成为讨论语言哲学的参照点以及相关争论的焦点,其影响已扩展到语言理论、心灵哲学和认识论。 本书讨论的核心问题是,语词为什么具有它们所确实具有的意义。作者认为,哲学上有教益的意义理论应当承认对语言理解的整体论性质,它应当能够解释一个说话者或一群说话者所有实际的和潜在的话语;而它不应当依赖于它所要解释的概念,因为它应当是独立于说话者具体的命题态度而可证实的。本书所涵盖的论题包括了真理论与意义论之间的关系、翻译、引语、信念、彻底的解释、指称、隐喻、交流等。 -
本书是一项中英两国学者合作的成果,对当代英美哲学的描述十分清晰,对西方哲学的横向延拓和纵向发展,都作了很细致的阐述,真正做到了深入浅出,是一本学习西方入门书。本书中附有大量的思考题和全面、丰富的参考书目,为有志进一步深入研究英美哲学者提供了良好的途径。 -
为了探讨哲学和元哲学问题,实验哲学借用心理学和认知科学中的实验研究方法。它探讨了关于心理世界的本性的哲学问题——我们关对事物所形成的概念的结构或意义,探讨了关于非心理世界的本性的哲学问题——物自身。它还探索了哲学探究的本性以及探究哲学的合适方法论等元哲学问题。 本书为这一富有创新性的领域提供了一个详实的和令人振奋的导论,聚焦于实验哲学和更加传统的分析哲学的目标与方法之间的关系。本书特别注重详细认真地检视实验哲学中截然不同的哲学计划,实验哲学的独特的优势与不足,以及实验哲学对于我们的哲学理解所能够作出的独特贡献。全书语言清新流畅,可读性强,在当代和历史的语境中定位实验哲学,解释了实验哲学的目标和方法,通过与实验哲学批评者的交战,检视并批判性地评价了实验哲学最富有意义的主张和论证。 -
Philosophy in an Age of Science
Hilary Putnam's unceasing self-criticism has led to the frequent changes of mind he is famous for, but his thinking is also marked by considerable continuity. A simultaneous interest in science and ethics - unusual in the current climate of contention - has long characterized his thought. In "Philosophy in an Age of Science", Putnam collects his papers for publication - his first volume in almost two decades. Mario De Caro and David Macarthur's introduction identifies central themes to help the reader negotiate between Putnam past and Putnam present: his critique of logical positivism; his enduring aspiration to be realist about rational normativity; his anti-essentialism about a range of central philosophical notions; his reconciliation of the scientific worldview and the humanistic tradition; and his movement from reductive scientific naturalism to liberal naturalism. Putnam returns here to some of his first enthusiasms in philosophy, such as logic, mathematics, and quantum mechanics. The reader is given a glimpse, too, of ideas currently in development on the subject of perception. Putnam's work, contributing to a broad range of philosophical inquiry, has been said to represent a "history of recent philosophy in outline." Here it also delineates a possible future. -
Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language
In this book Saul Kripke brings his powerful philosophical intelligence to bear on Wittgenstein's analysis of the notion of following a rule. -
本书可以说是我社已出版的《“是”与“真”——形而上学的基石》的姊妹篇,如果说后一本书主要是以西方哲学史上两个重要的范畴“是”与“真”为切入点,从微观的层面探讨逻辑与哲学的关系,那么《逻辑与哲学》则进了一个层次,从较为宏观的角度,即从逻辑和哲学两个学科的层面来探讨逻辑和哲学的关系。作者认为,西方哲学的主要特征是逻辑的、分析的,而中国哲学的主要特征是体验的、综合的,因而,正确理解逻辑与哲学的关系,有助于我们正确了解西方哲学的历史嬗变和全貌。全书约28万字,是作者近年研究的一部力作,展现了作者对逻辑与哲学关系的许多独到见解。 -
《可能世界的逻辑》由上海译文出版社出版。 -
弗雷格思想研究,ISBN:9787100056397,作者:王路 著 -
The Philosophy of Language
What is meaning? How is linguistic communication possible? What is the nature of language? What is the relationship between language and the world? How do metaphors work? The Philosophy of Language, considered the essential text in its field, is an excellent introduction to such fundamental questions. This revised edition collects forty-one of the most important articles in the field, making it the most up-to-date and comprehensive volume on the subject. The fourth edition features several new articles including influential work by Bertrand Russell, John R. Searle, John Perry, Ruth Garrett Millikan, and John Stuart Mill. Other selections include classic articles by such distinguished philosophers as Gottlob Frege, P. F. Strawson, J. L. Austin, Hilary Putnam, and David Kaplan. The selections represent evolving and varying approaches to the philosophy of language, with many articles building upon earlier ones or critically discussing them. Eight sections cover the central issues: Truth and Meaning; Speech Acts; Reference and Descriptions; Names and Demonstratives; Propositional Attitudes; Metaphor; Interpretation and Translation; and The Nature of Language. The revised general introduction and introductions to each section give students background to the issues and explain the connections between them. A list of suggested further reading follows each section. -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友