

  • 罗素论幸福人生


  • 哲学·数学·文学


  • 罗素快乐智慧书


    《罗素快乐智慧书》(英汉对照)第一、二部分,译自罗素的《征服幸福》(The conquest Of Happiness),第三部分选译自他的《婚姻与道德》、《教育和社会秩序》、《我的信仰》等。全书英汉对照,保证高中英语水平的读者就能读懂。
  • 性爱与婚姻


  • 婚姻与道德


    ·出版社:Routledge ·页码:202 页 ·出版日期:2009年03月 ·ISBN:0415482887 ·条形码:9780415482882 ·装帧:平装 ·正文语种:英语 ·丛书名:Routledge Classics ·外文书名:婚姻与道德
  • 罗素


  • 罗素——热烈的怀疑者

    作者:(英)艾伦·伍德(Alan Wood)

  • The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell

    作者:Bertrand Russell

    Now available in a single paperback, this edition of Russell's Autobiography includes an introduction by scholar Michael Foot exploring the status of this classic nearly 30 years after the publication of its last volume.
  • 从剑桥走出的多情才子伯特兰·罗素


    伯特兰·罗素(Bertrand Russell 1872-1970)20世纪的哲学巨匠。1872年5月18日牛于英国寨埠头城。1890年入剑桥大学三一学院并取得数学奖学金,1893年(三年级)时转学哲学,1894年从剑桥大学毕业并取得哲学学位。第二次世界大战时,定居美国。1950年6月获得英国国王乔治六世颁发的“荣誉勋章”。1950年12月获诺贝尔文学奖。1960年,获丹麦索宁奖。1964年建立“罗素和平基金会”。1970年2月2日与世长辞,享年98岁。 伯特兰·罗素一生几乎经历了整整一个世纪。他领略过黄昏时分的维多利亚时代的柔而晚霞,品尝过铁窗风味和夫去自由的苦楚,也曾为人类的自由和幸福而奔走呼号,可谓饱经沧桑……。他作为哲学家、思想家和社会活动家,在一个动荡不安的险恶世纪中,以其非凡的人格魅力,卓越的才智和罕见的活动,在学术领域和社会领域里做出了重大贡献,在人类历史上留下一串串闪光的脚印。 与通常的隐居书斋脱离世事的纯学者不同,罗素是一个具有强烈社会关怀的人道主义者、和平主义者,他终其一生热衷于政治活动和社会事物,并且撰写了大量关于政治和社会方面的著作。他的胸怀充满正义、良知、睿智、温情。 罗素兼有学者和社会活动家的双重身份,以追求真理和正义为终生职志。作为哲学家,池的思想大致经历厂绝对唯心主义、逻辑原子论、新实在论、中立一元论等几个阶段。他的主要贡献是在数理逻辑方面,他由数理逻辑出发,建立起来的逻辑原子论和新实在论,使他成为现代分析哲学的创始人之一。在对真理的探索中,罗素从无门户之见,善于向各方面学习,善于自我省察,不断修进自己的观点。他的哲学是生活中的哲学,他关注生活、面对现实;关怀现实、面向社会。丰富的生活背景使得他的哲学没有流于书斋式,亦不至于流于游戏,非常有现实感,还具有绅士风度。 罗素一生著书多达七八十种,论文几千篇,广泛地涉及到哲学、数学、科学、伦理学、社会学、政治、教育、历史、宗教等诸多方面,享有“百科全书”式思想家之称。他的大部分著作都能把理论的深刻性和表达的通俗性结合起来,既有亚里士多德、黑格尔的思辨性,又有伏尔泰、达·芬奇作品的那种文采,其流畅清新的散文在美国文学中也享誉甚高。 终其一生,他性格和事业的最好写照是“三种单纯然而极其强烈的激情支配着我的一生:那就是对爱情的渴望,对知识的寻求,对人类苦难痛彻肺腑的怜悯。”他还说,“爱情和知识把我向上导往天堂,但怜悯又总是把我带回人间。” 正如重新面对罗素需要智慧一样,处于全球化时代的我们需要各种各样的智慧,而在智慧的海洋中,罗素无疑是一盏明亮的灯,他有一双洞察“现实的慧眼”。无论其人生智慧、哲学智慧还是政治智慧对我们来说都是很有启发的。只要我们听一听他在三一学院墙内外的“高谈阔论”,瞧瞧那位叼着烟斗、目光深邃、白发如银的老人,看一看“滚热的马铃薯”……,感受一下生活中的哲人,我们就会觉得他无愧于一位多情的“独领世纪风骚的智者”。
  • Logicomix

    作者:Apostolos Doxiadis,C

    An innovative, dramatic graphic novel about the treacherous pursuit of the foundations of mathematics. This exceptional graphic novel recounts the spiritual odyssey of philosopher Bertrand Russell. In his agonized search for absolute truth, Russell crosses paths with legendary thinkers like Gottlob Frege, David Hilbert, and Kurt Godel, and finds a passionate student in the great Ludwig Wittgenstein. But his most ambitious goal--to establish unshakable logical foundations of mathematics--continues to loom before him. Through love and hate, peace and war, Russell persists in the dogged mission that threatens to claim both his career and his personal happiness, finally driving him to the brink of insanity. This story is at the same time a historical novel and an accessible explication of some of the biggest ideas of mathematics and modern philosophy. With rich characterizations and expressive, atmospheric artwork, the book spins the pursuit of these ideas into a highly satisfying tale. Probing and ingeniously layered, the book throws light on Russell's inner struggles while setting them in the context of the timeless questions he spent his life trying to answer. At its heart, "Logicomix "is a story about the conflict between an ideal rationality and the unchanging, flawed fabric of reality.Apostolos Doxiadis studied mathematics at Columbia University. His international bestseller "Uncle Petros and Goldbach's Conjecture" spearheaded the impressive entrance of mathematics into the world of storytelling. Apart from his work in fiction, Apostolos has also worked in film and theater and is an internationally recognized expert on the relationship of mathematics to narrative. Christos H. Papadimitriou is C . Lester Hogan professor of computer science at the University of California, Berkeley. He was won numerous international awards for his pioneering work in computational complexity and algorithmic game theory. Christos is the author of the novel "Turing: A Novel about Computation." Alecos Papadatos worked for over twenty years in film animation in France and Greece. In 1997, he became a cartoonist for the major Athens daily "To Vima." He lives in Athens with his wife, Annie Di Donna, and their two children. Annie Di Donna studied graphic arts and painting in France and has worked as animator on many productions, among them "Babar" and "Tintin." Since 1991, she has been running an animation studio with her husband, Alecos Papadatos. This innovative graphic novel is based on the early life of the brilliant philosopher Bertrand Russell. Russell and his impassioned pursuit of truth. Haunted by family secrets and unable to quell his youthful curiosity, Russell became obsessed with a Promethean goal: to establish the logical foundation of all mathematics. In his agonized search for absolute truth, Russell crosses paths with legendary thinkers like Gottlob Frege, David Hilbert, and Kurt Godel, and finds a passionate student in the great Ludwig Wittgenstein. But the object of his defining quest continues to loom before him. Through love and hate, peace and war, Russell persists in the dogged mission that threatens to claim both his career and his personal happiness, finally driving him to the brink of insanity. "Logicomix" is at the same time a historical novel and an accessible explication to some of the biggest ideas of mathematics and modern philosophy. With rich characterizations and expressive, atmospheric artwork, the book spins the pursuit of these ideas into a captivating tale. Probing and ingeniously layered, the book throws light on Russell's inner struggles while setting them in the context of the timeless questions he spent his life trying to answer. At its heart, "Logicomix" is a story about the conflict between an ideal rationality and the unchanging, flawed fabric of reality. "At the heart of Logicomix stands Sir Bertrand Russell, a man determined to find a way of arriving at absolutely right answers. It's a tale within a tale, as the two authors and two graphic artists ardently pursue their own search for truth and appear as characters in the book. As one of them assures us, this won't be 'your typical, usual comic book.' Their quest takes shape and revolves around a lecture given by Russell at an unnamed American university in 1939, a lecture that is really, as he himself tells us, the story of his life and of his pursuit of real logical truth. With Proustian ambition and exhilarating artwork, "Logicomix"'s search for truth encounters head-on the horrors of the Second World War and the agonizing question of whether war can ever be the right choice. Russell himself had to confront that question personally: he endured six months in jail for his pacifism. Russell was determined to find the perfect logical method for solving all problems and attempted to remold human nature in his experimental school at Beacon Hill. Despite repeated failures, Russell never stopped being 'a sad little boy desperately seeking ways out of the deadly vortex of uncertainty.' The book is a visual banquet chronicling Russell's lifelong pursuit of 'certainty in total rationality.' As Logic and Mathematics, the last bastions of certainty, fail him, and as Reason proves not absolute, Russell is forced to face the fact that there is no Royal Road to Truth. Authors Dosiadis and Papadimitriou perfectly echo Russell's passion, with a sincere, easily grasped text amplified with breathtaking visual richness, making this the most satisfying graphic novel of 2009, a titanic artistic achievement of more than 300 pages, all of it pure reading joy."--Nick DiMartino, "Shelf Awareness" "This is an extraordinary graphic novel, wildly ambitious in daring to put into words and drawings the life and thought of one of the great philosophers of the last century, Bertrand Russell. The book is a rare intellectual and artistic achievement, which will, I am sure, lead its readers to explore realms of knowledge they thought were forbi
  • 西方文化巨匠-罗素传


  • 罗素传

    作者:[英] 瑞·蒙克

    罗素是20世纪最著名的思想家之一,他不仅在哲学方面有划时代的贡献,其思想对公共领域也有深远影响。蒙克的《罗素传》(两卷本)是迄今为止最全面、最好读的罗素传记,甫一出版就好评如潮。本书是第一卷,讲述其1872—1921年的成长、学习及研究历程。 该书不仅描述了思想家罗素的个人生活和内心世界,还交织叙述了罗素的哲学著作、政治担当和错综复杂的感情生活……蒙克不是去评价,而是用脉络清晰、无所不包的故事来说话,与作者同负盛名的《维特根斯坦传:天才之为责任》相比,这本传记无疑更加激动人心。
  • 罗素自传(第三卷)

    作者:[英] 伯特兰·罗素

  • 罗素的故事

    作者:Apostolos Doxiadis,C

    一部讲述疯狂与理性、情爱与战争的漫画历史小说 这部新颖的漫画小说取材于著名哲学家伯特兰罗素的早年生活,讲述了他满怀激情追求真理的故事。罗素一直被家族的秘密所困扰,好奇心强,从青年时代就开始痴迷于一个崇高的目标:建立所有数学的逻辑基础。 在痛苦探求绝对真理的过程中,罗素邂逅了弗雷格、希尔伯特、哥德尔等伟大的思想家,并遇到了富有激情的学生维特根斯坦。他确定的探索目标始终未动摇过。透过爱与恨、和平与战争,罗素执着于对他的事业和个人幸福都构成威胁的固执使命,最终把自己推向疯狂的边缘。 这本书既是一本历史小说,也是一本理解数学和现代哲学的最伟大思想的启发性图书,其核心内容是完美理性与不完美的、一成不变的现实构架之间的冲突。书中丰富的人物描述和表现力、富有美感的插图,将这些思想的追求历程编织成了迷人的故事。
  • 罗素自传(第二卷)

    作者:[英] 伯特兰·罗素(Bertrand

  • 罗素自传(第一卷)

    作者:[英] 伯特兰·罗素

    罗素一生兼有学者和社会活动家的双重身份,以追求真理和正义为终生职志。他的主要贡献首先是在数理逻辑方面,由此建立起来的逻辑原子论和新实在论,使他成为现代分析哲学的创始人之一。 第一卷记叙了罗素的早年岁月,他的家庭情况,他所受的教育,他最初的婚恋和他写作《数学原理》一书的背景。自传中揭示了支配着罗素生命之舟的三种激情:对爱情的渴望,对知识的追求,对人类苦难的同情。
  • 西方哲学史(下卷)

    作者:[英] 罗素

    罗素的《西方哲学史》的特点在于,它是在哲学与社会生活的相互作用和密切联系中讲述西方哲学发展的历史,而不是单纯地讲西方哲学自身的发展,不是讲纯哲学概念或哲学问题的发展。罗素认为,哲学是社会政治生活的一部分,哲学家的学说不是个人孤立思考的结果。社会环境和已往各种哲学学说对一种哲学学说的产生都有很大的影响。一方面,哲学家们是时代的社会环境和政治制度的结果。另一方面,他们又是后来的社会政治制度形成的原因之。因而,他在本书中,总是试图把每一个哲学家看作是时代的产物。又考察他们对时代的影响。例如,为了使读者更容易理解斯多葛派和伊壁鸠鲁派的哲学,本书比较详细地介绍了希腊化时代的社会历史情况;为了使读者更好地理解经院哲学的产生和发展,本书介绍了从5—15世纪基督教发展的知识。 本书的特点之二是,从时代的社会生活与哲学的关系出发,对本书中所要论述的哲学家的选择与一般的哲学史有所区别。他不是完全以哲学本身的优越性为选择标准,而是更加看重哲学家的学说对时代社会生活影响的大小。有些政治家和诗人,由于他们对哲学发展有比较大的影响,在本书中也占有一席地位。 本书的第三个特点是,罗素是个著名的哲学家,他对哲学和社会生活有独特的认识,对哲学发展史有独到的理解,本书由他一个独自写出,可以很清楚地看出他对西方哲学史发展的线索,及哲学史发展过程中的统一性的认识。
  • 中国问题


  • 西方哲学史(上卷)


  • 西方哲学史(下卷)


    罗素的《西方哲学史》的特点在于,它是在哲学与社会生活的相互作用和密切联系中讲述西方哲学发展的历史,而不是单纯地讲西方哲学自身的发展,不是讲纯哲学概念或哲学问题的发展。罗素认为,哲学是社会政治生活的一部分,哲学家的学说不是个人孤立思考的结果。社会环境和已往各种哲学学说对一种哲学学说的产生都有很大的影响。一方面,哲学家们是时代的社会环境和政治制度的结果。另一方面,他们又是后来的社会政治制度形成的原因之。因而,他在本书中,总是试图把每一个哲学家看作是时代的产物。又考察他们对时代的影响。例如,为了使读者更容易理解斯多葛派和伊壁鸠鲁派的哲学,本书比较详细地介绍了希腊化时代的社会历史情况;为了使读者更好地理解经院哲学的产生和发展,本书介绍了从5—15世纪基督教发展的知识。 本书的特点之二是,从时代的社会生活与哲学的关系出发,对本书中所要论述的哲学家的选择与一般的哲学史有所区别。他不是完全以哲学本身的优越性为选择标准,而是更加看重哲学家的学说对时代社会生活影响的大小。有些政治家和诗人,由于他们对哲学发展有比较大的影响,在本书中也占有一席地位。 本书的第三个特点是,罗素是个著名的哲学家,他对哲学和社会生活有独特的认识,对哲学发展史有独到的理解,本书由他一个独自写出,可以很清楚地看出他对西方哲学史发展的线索,及哲学史发展过程中的统一性的认识。