《商务馆对外汉语专业本科系列教材:跨文化交际概论》力避与外语专业同类教材的重复,努力出新,突出对外汉语专业的特点,体现出学术性、实用性和原创性。在对跨文化交际的基本概念等进行界定后,全书从文化背景与跨文化交际、社会环境与跨文化交际、规范系统与文化过滤、跨文化语用对比分析、跨文化语篇对比分析、非言语行为差异与跨文化交际、性别差异和性别歧视与跨文化交际等角度进行阐述。 -
《跨文化交际学基础》一书从“基础研究”、“文化语境”、“跨文化互动”、“跨文化应用”和“跨文化交际伦理问题与未来”五个方面对跨文化交际学过去几十年的发展历程、所进行的研究、所取得的成果及其理论研究的最新进展进行全面而深刻的介绍和评论,并对跨文化交际活动和跨文化交际研究的未来进行预测。 -
《无声的声言》是跨文化传播(交际)学的奠基之作,视野宏阔,洞见深刻,理沦崭新。霍尔按知觉程度将文化分为显形、隐形和技术性三个层次,按内部构造将文化分为元素、集合和模式。他系统讲解直观而实用的“文化教学示意图”,解说文化变革,提出“文化即是交流”的命题,首倡“时间语言”和 “空间语言”,并给予生动的解说,意在帮助人们挣脱文化枷锁,逃离文化囚笼。 跨文化传播(交际)学之父爱德华·霍尔筚路蓝缕的精心之作前无古人,达到了后人也难以企及的高度,魅力经久不衰。 《无声的语言》在传播学的发展中给人启迪,在“和谐世界”的构建中给人信心,它扫荡隐形障碍,提高文化觉悟,激励世界各国人民互相学习和尊重。 (正在采用) -
From ideas and concepts to eccective practice... your intercultural communication skills will grow Effective intercultural communication begins with motivation, knowledge, and a true appreciation of cultural diversity. This pioneering best-seller supplies you with all three. Authors Larry A. Samovar. Richard E.Porter-and new co-author Lisa A.Stefani-translate communication ideas and concepts into effective practices that guice you in improving your intercultural communication skills and reaching your communication godls. Going beyond traditional coverage. Communication Between Cultures focuses on the deep structure of culture with special emphasis on religion, family, and history, You'll explore how differences in perception, world views, values, and verbal and nonwerbal messages all affect communication. And you'll have the benefit of the book's many current examples and concrete etrategies for improving you skills. In this third edition, significant changes and added features include: A new chapter devotedto the role of culture in health care Even more material on how religion, family, and history affect communication Expanded analysis of stereotyping,prejudice, discrimination, and ethics that addresses the increase in racial tension tension in the United States today A greater focus on the role of co-cultures in North America New discussion of the many ways that cultures are alike A new section on cultural adaptation that addresses the increased migration occurring in recent years -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友