詹姆斯·凯瑞超凡的洞察和富有见地的评论,在学术批评家中是少有的。他的著作启发了不同的学者群,还有媒介的专业人士,因此,他在这部著中提出的观点应该引发更广泛、更有价值的讨论。 凯瑞富有创见的著作不仅涉及了这个领域的核心问题,而且对此作了新的界定。他的著作会让读者用新颖而有益的方法,思考传播研究中传递观对仪式观、行政性对批判性、实证主义对马克思主义、文化研究对权力取向研究等两分法。凯瑞对一些重要事物与理论所采用的历史观,值得有内涵的学者一读。 凯瑞这些论文所包含的东西远不止对某一学科的批判,其生动的思想、明晰的风格以及深邃的学问将引领读者穿越一片开宽而丰盛的知识领地,尤其是那些已经影响现代美国人思想的议题。无论作为一种思想启示,还是作为一次愉快的阅读经历,《作为文化的传播》必将成为这一领域的经典之作。 -
媒体与社会批判的视角,ISBN:9787302145448,作者:(英)伯顿 著,史安斌 主译 -
How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere
America's best-known master of conversation unveils his secrets for getting the talk flowing smoothly in any situation. "Communication is a necessary skill: Larry King is a master of communication, and now he's shared what he knows. If only he'd written the book sooner, I might have had a more interesting career."--Dan Rather. -
Difficult Conversations
Members of the Harvard Negotiation Project--which brought you the mega-bestseller Getting to YES --show you how to handle your most difficult conversations with confidence and skill. Whether you're dealing with an underperforming employee, disagreeing with your spouse about money or child-rearing, negotiating with a difficult client, or simply saying "no," or "I'm sorry," or "I love you," we attempt or avoid difficult conversations every day. Based on fifteen years of research at the Harvard Negotiation Project, Difficult Conversations walks you through a step-by-step proven approach to having your toughest conversations with less stress and more success. You will learn: how to start the conversation without defensiveness why what is not said is as important as what is ways of keeping and regaining your balance in the face of attacks and accusations how to decipher the underlying structure of every difficult conversation Filled with examples from everyday life, Difficult Conversations will help you on the job, at home, or out in the world. It is a book you will turn to again and again for advice, practical skills, and reassurance. "Does this book deliver on [its] promise of an effective way through sticky situations, whether 'with your baby sitter or your biggest client'? It does."-- The New York Times "These talented communicators blend a daunting array of disciplines into highly readable and practical advice."-- Booklist "Brilliant. . . . I've already re-read most of it. I'm using it. What more could a reader ask?"-- Tom Peters "Emotional Intelligence applied to life's tough moments."-- Daniel Goleman -
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
A study of human behavior in social situations and the way we appear to others. Dr. Goffman has employed as a framework the metaphor of theatrical performance. Discussions of social techniques are based upon detailed research and observation of social customs in many regions. -
《倾听的艺术(第5版)》内容简介:说话与倾听,哪个更重要?下面的数据很具说服力。我们每天花在沟通上的时间是:倾听为46%,说话为26%,阅读为15%,书写为13%,我们可以每“听”一本,每周“说”一本,每月“看”一本,每年“写”一本,随之而来的问题是:面对如此多的倾听时间,如此海量的信息,你该怎么听? 传播学者以其专业视角写作了《倾听的艺术(第5版)》——《倾听的艺术》,旨在告诉你:成为一个愿意倾听并善于倾听的人,是唯一务实的选择。 与浩如烟海的教人说话的著作不同,《倾听的艺术》教人成为高效的倾听者,它所提供的令人信服的证据和实用系统的方法,让它成为沟通领域的标杆之作。 阅读《倾听的艺术(第5版)》将使你在以下方面得到提升:更具批判性的思考能力,更准确的理解力,更清晰的辨别力——这些将助你得到更多回报:财富、口碑、人际关系。 -
Made to Stick
Editorial Reviews From Publishers Weekly Starred Review. Unabashedly inspired by Malcolm Gladwell's bestselling The Tipping Point, the brothers Heath—Chip a professor at Stanford's business school, Dan a teacher and textbook publisher—offer an entertaining, practical guide to effective communication. Drawing extensively on psychosocial studies on memory, emotion and motivation, their study is couched in terms of "stickiness"—that is, the art of making ideas unforgettable. They start by relating the gruesome urban legend about a man who succumbs to a barroom flirtation only to wake up in a tub of ice, victim of an organ-harvesting ring. What makes such stories memorable and ensures their spread around the globe? The authors credit six key principles: simplicity, unexpectedness, concreteness, credibility, emotions and stories. (The initial letters spell out "success"—well, almost.) They illustrate these principles with a host of stories, some familiar (Kennedy's stirring call to "land a man on the moon and return him safely to the earth" within a decade) and others very funny (Nora Ephron's anecdote of how her high school journalism teacher used a simple, embarrassing trick to teach her how not to "bury the lead"). Throughout the book, sidebars show how bland messages can be made intriguing. Fun to read and solidly researched, this book deserves a wide readership. (Jan. 16) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. From Booklist Based on a class at Stanford taught by one of the authors, this book profiles how some ideas "stick" in our minds while the majority fall by the wayside. Urban legends, conspiracy theories, and compelling advertising make up much of the intrinsically interesting examples that the Heaths profile that qualify for "stickiness." This book explores what makes social epidemics "epidemic" and, as the Heaths cite from Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point (2000), defines the secret recipe that makes an idea viral. The principles of stickiness are examined--an unexpected outcome, lots of concrete details that we remember, emotion, simplicity, and credibility--all packaged in an easily told story format. Taking these five stickiness attributes, the book offers numerous examples of how these properties make up the stories we are all familiar with--the urban legend about kidney theft and the razor blades supposedly lurking in Halloween candy. Exercises, checklists, and other tools are sprinkled throughout the book to help the reader understand and test how stickiness can be applied to their ideas, whether they are teachers, parents, or CEOs. Gail Whitcomb Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved -
作者E. M. 罗杰斯是美国当代著名的传播学学者,他的这本《传播学史》对传播学的历史和建构作了深刻而全面的阐述,最显著的特点是:资料翔实;将理论、历史和个人传记结合;时间跨度较长。全书分“传播学的欧洲起源”、“传播学在美国的发展”、“传播学领域的建立”三部分。 -
Telling Lies
In this revised edition, Paul Ekman, a renowned expert in emotions research and nonverbal communication, presents updated information on his groundbreaking inquiry into lying and methods for uncovering lies. He analyzes a range of deception strategies -- from the political strategies of international public figures, such as Adolf Hitler and Richard Nixon, to the deceitful behavior of private individuals, such as adulterers or petty criminals -- and explains how a successful liar most often depends on a willfully innocent dupe. Ekman describes how lies vary in form and can differ from other types of misinformation; how interviewers should probe for more information that can reveal untruths; and how a person's body language, voice, and facial expressions can give away a lie but still fool professional lie hunters like judges, police officers, drug enforcement agents, Secret Service agents, and others. -
Crucial Conversations
在线阅读本书 Foreword by Stephen R. Covey, Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People A PAPERBACK ORIGINAL "Most books make promises. This one delivers. These skills have not only helped us to change the culture of our company, but have also generated new techniques for working together in ways that enabled us to win the largest contract in our industry's history." --Dain M. Hancock, President, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics A powerful, seven-step approach to handling difficult conversations with confidence and skill "Crucial" conversations are interpersonal exchanges at work or at home that we dread having but know we cannot avoid. How do you say what needs to be said while avoiding an argument with a boss, child, or relationship partner? Crucial Conversations offers readers a proven seven-point strategy for achieving their goals in all those emotionally, psychologically, or legally charged situations that can arise in their professional and personal lives. Based on the authors' highly popular DialogueSmart training seminars, the techniques are geared toward getting people to lower their defenses, creating mutual respect and understanding, increasing emotional safety, and encouraging freedom of expression. Among other things, readers also learn about the four main factors that characterize crucial conversations, and they get a powerful six-minute mastery technique that prepares them to work through any highimpact situation with confidence. -
Crucial Conversations
在线阅读本书 Foreword by Stephen R. Covey, Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People A PAPERBACK ORIGINAL "Most books make promises. This one delivers. These skills have not only helped us to change the culture of our company, but have also generated new techniques for working together in ways that enabled us to win the largest contract in our industry's history." --Dain M. Hancock, President, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics A powerful, seven-step approach to handling difficult conversations with confidence and skill "Crucial" conversations are interpersonal exchanges at work or at home that we dread having but know we cannot avoid. How do you say what needs to be said while avoiding an argument with a boss, child, or relationship partner? Crucial Conversations offers readers a proven seven-point strategy for achieving their goals in all those emotionally, psychologically, or legally charged situations that can arise in their professional and personal lives. Based on the authors' highly popular DialogueSmart training seminars, the techniques are geared toward getting people to lower their defenses, creating mutual respect and understanding, increasing emotional safety, and encouraging freedom of expression. Among other things, readers also learn about the four main factors that characterize crucial conversations, and they get a powerful six-minute mastery technique that prepares them to work through any highimpact situation with confidence. -
1964年,一本奇书横空出世,在西方世界引起一场大地震。书名叫《理解媒介》,它的作者却是名不见经传的英美文学的教书匠。可是,就是这样一位小人物,突然成了新思想新学科的巨人和跨学科的奇才,他就是麦克卢汉。《麦克卢汉精粹》收录了麦克卢汉的主要思想,所录内容包括著论、书简和讲演。 今天,麦克卢汉的洞见更加富有新意,更能立竿见影。全新的一代人正在转向他的著作,以便了解这个地球村。信息高速公路和电子变革挑战,已经把地球村实实在在地展现在我们的眼前。 -
《无线通信原理与应用》(第2版)是一本关于无线通信技术和系统设计方面权威的最新教材。本书自第一版出版以来,就被世界上包括国内的多家大学采用为教材。本书内容涉及影响所有无线网络的基本问题,探讨了全球主要的无线通信新标准和技术发展,并提供了未来几年将改变人类通信方式的3G系统和无线局域网(WLAN)方面的内容。作者对每一个关键概念都给出了实用的例子,并逐步加以讲解。 -
今天我们大多数人对传播学的认识,更多地是从身边的媒体开始的。从传统的电话传真、图书报刊、广播影视,到新兴的互联网络、移动通信、人工智能,传播媒介和传播方式的发展和变化使传播学与我们每个人的生活紧密地连在了一起。 一个学科的构成,有史、论和应用三个方面。传播学是20世纪二三十年代从美国发展起来的、以人类社会信息传播活动为主要研究对象的一门交叉学科。它的主要研究范围包括传播者、传播内容、传播媒介、传播过程、受众、传播效果、传播制度与法规等。政治传播、新闻传播、教育传播、文化传播、科技传播等是传播学中较有影响的分支学科。受信息传播全球化趋势的影响,传播学已在世界范围内成为发展最快的学科之一。 传播学自问世以来,在中国一直命途多舛。“文化大革命”前其被划为西方资产阶级学说,排除在国门之外;80年代末又与资产阶级自由化绑在一起,打入了冷宫;1997年被列入国家教育部的学科目录后,传播学在大学校园里才有了正式的户口。一门推动信息社会成型、在世界范围内吸引了众多政治家、科学家、艺术家以及广大民众关注的热点学科,在20世纪末终于被中国社会正式接受,可谓亦悲亦喜。 目前,全国有300余所高等院校设有与传播学相关的专业,传播史、传播理论、传播方法等均已列入课程。在课堂上,李普曼、帕克、霍夫兰、拉扎斯菲尔德、拉斯韦尔等传播学大师及主要观点被屡屡提及。然而,学生和学者们要进一步研究,希望在中国图书馆的书架上找到大师们的原著却极其困难。中国人民大学出版社向来以弘扬学术为己任,这次又决定将传播学与文史哲、政经法并列,出版《人文社科经典名著选读》系列,实在是值得学界和业界称颂的一大幸事。 应出版社编辑之约,我从国外图书馆大量的传播学经典原著中,选了十种学界推崇的名著,取其中的重要章节,加上作者介绍和简单的导读,推荐给中国读者,希望能填补这方面的缺失,为有中级英文阅读能力的学生、学者和业界人士提供一条接近大师们原作的途径,也为传播学在中国的发展做一点推动工作。 本书所选的十部作品包括舆论学创始人李普曼的《公共舆论》 (Public Opinion,Walter Lippmann,1922)、芝加哥学派代表人物帕克的惟一著作《移民报刊及其控制》(The Immigrant Press and its Control,Robert Park,1922)、传播效果研究宗师拉扎斯菲尔德的开山作《人民的选择》(People's Choice,Paul Lazarsfeld,Bernard Berelson,and Hazel Gaudet,1948)、被称为新闻批评史上里程碑的哈钦斯委员会报告《自由和负责任的传媒》(A Free and Responsible Press,The Commission on Freedom of the Press,1947)、实验心理学家霍夫兰关于说服研究的奠基作《传播与说服》(Communication and Persuasion,Hovland,C.,1953)、拉斯韦尔提出传播过程“5W”观点的经典论文《社会传播的结构与功能》(The Structure and Function of Communication in Society,Lasswell,Harold D.,1948)、控制论创始人维纳阐述信息与社会相互关系的《人有人的用处》(The Human Use of Human Beings,Norbert Wiener,1950)、美国传播学之父施拉姆编撰的第一部教材《大众传播学》(Mass Communications,Wilbur Lang Schramm,1949)、加拿大媒介研究大师麦克卢汉的代表作《理解媒介:人的延伸》(Understanding Media:The Extensions of Man,Marshall McLuhan,1964)、联合国教科文组织国际传播委员会发布的历史性文献《多种声音,一个世界》(Many Voices,One World:Communication and Society,Today and Tomorrow:Towards a New More Just and More Efficient World[The MacBride Report],International Commission for the Study of Communication Problems,UNESCO,1980)。 以上选目,兼顾了传播学研究的主要领域。受篇幅所限,选本只取了原书的部分章节;读者欲窥全貌,可找全书阅读。为了读者阅读到完全真实的读本,在选编时,保留了原书的体例和风格。这十种著作,多数在国内没有出版,建议有关部门全文引进,以飨读者。 -
《传播理论(中文版)》多重视角的研究方法对传播专业的学生是尤为有帮助的。传播这一领域是许多学科用各种方法在进行调查研究的一个题目。它也吸引了持不同哲学观点的学者的注意。其结果是,对传播的研究得到了丰富和深化。这就像一颗宝石在七彩灯光的照耀下慢慢转动时更显得光彩夺目一样。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友