

  • Spring in Action中文版


    《Spring in Action中文版》适合所有Java开发人员,特别是对企业级Java开发人员更有帮助。《Spring in Action中文版》将循序渐进地指导读者浏览贯穿《Spring in Action中文版》的复杂示例。Spring最突出之处在于它使企业级系统开发变得简单,所以,企业级系统开发人员会更加欣赏《Spring in Action中文版》中的示例代码。《Spring in Action中文版》最后4章描述了Spring是如何为Web层开发提供支持的,如果你是一位Web开发人员,你会发现《Spring in Action中文版》的最后一部分特别有用。
  • Spring in Action

    作者:Craig Walls

    Spring in Action, Third Edition has been completely revised to reflect the latest features, tools, practices Spring offers to java developers. It begins by introducing the core concepts of Spring and then quickly launches into a hands-on exploration of the framework. Combining short code snippets and an ongoing example developed throughout the book, it shows you how to build simple and efficient J2EE applications. The revised Third Edition explores the core Spring Framework issues, as well as the latest updates to other Spring portfolio projects such as Spring WebFlow and Spring Security. The result is a book that's both broader and deeper than previous editions. You'll learn the full range of new features available with Spring 4, including: More annotation-oriented options to reduce the amount of XML configuration Full-featured support for REST A new Spring Expression Language (SpEL) that makes short work of wiring complex values. Examples that illustrate the current best practices developed in the Spring community. This book assumes that you know your way around Java, but no previous experience with Spring is required.
  • Microsoft.NET框架程序设计

    作者:Jeffrey Richter
