

  • Thinking in C++

    作者:Bruce Eckel

    In the first edition of Thinking in C++, Bruce Eckel synthesized years of C++ teaching and programming experience into a beautifully structured course in making the most of the language. It became an instant classic, winning the 1995 Software Development Jolt Cola Award for best book of the year. Now, Eckel has thoroughly rewritten Thinking in C++ to reflect the final ANSI/ISO C++ standard. Every page has been revisited and rethought, with many new examples and exercises -- all designed to help you understand C++ "down to the bare metal," so you can solve virtually any problem. Eckel starts with a detailed look at objects, showing how C++ programs can be constructed from off-the-shelf object libraries. This edition includes a new, chapter-length overview of the C features that are used in C++ -- plus a new CD-ROM containing an outstanding C seminar that covers all the foundations developers need before they can truly take advantage of C++. Eckel then walks through initialization and cleanup; function overloading and default arguments; constants; inline functions; name control; references and the copy constructor; operator overloading; and more. There are chapters on dynamic object creation; inheritance and composition; polymorphism and virtual functions, and templates. (Bonus coverage of string, templates, and the Standard Template Library, can be found at Eckel's web site.) Every chapter contains many modular, to-the-point examples, plus exercises based on Eckel's extensive experience teaching C++ seminars. Put simply, Eckel has made an outstanding book on C++ even better.
  • C语言接口与实现

    作者:(美)David R. Hanson

    可重用的软件模块是构建大规模可靠应用程序的基石,创建可重用的软件模块是每个程序员和项目经理必须掌握的技能。C语言对创建可重用的API提供的语言和功能支持非常少,虽然C程序员写应用时都会用到API和库,但却很少有人去创建和发布新的能广泛应用的API。本书介绍用一种基于接口的设计方法创建可重用的API,这一方法将接口与实现分离开来,且与语言无关。书中详细描述了24个接口及其实现,便于读者深入了解此方法。这些接口涉及很多计算机领域的知识,包括数据结构、算法、字符串处理和并发程序。 本书是C语言领域的的经典名著,出版十余年仍畅销不衰,是几代程序员倍加推崇的力作。
  • The Design and Evolution of C++

    作者:Bjarne Stroustrup

    The inventor of C++ presents the definitive insider's guide to the design and development of the C++ programming language. Without ommitting critical details or getting bogged down in technicalities, Stroustrup presents his unique insights into the decisions that shaped C++. Every C++ programmer will benefit from Stroustrup's explanations of the 'why's' behind C++ from the earliest features, such as the original class concept, to the latest extensions, such as new casts and explicit template instantiation. Some C++ design decisions have been universally praised, while others remain controversial, and debated vigorously; still other features have been rejected based on experimentation. In this book, Stroustrup dissects many of these decisions to present a case study in "real object- oriented language development" for the working programmer. In doing so, he presents his views on programming and design in a concrete and useful way that makes this book a must-buy for every C++ programmer. Features*Written by the inventor of C++ Stroustrup *Provides insights into the design decisions which shaped C++. *Gives technical summaries of C++.* Discusses the latest language features: templates, exceptions, run-time type information, and namespaces. *Presents Stroustrup's unique programming and design views. 0201543303B04062001
  • C++设计新思维

    作者:(美)Andrei Alexandres

    本书从根本上展示了generic patterns(泛型模式)或pattern templates(模式模板),并将它们视之为“在C++中创造可扩充设计”的一种功能强大的新方法。这种方法结合了template和patterns,你可能未曾想过,但的确存在。为C++打开了全新视野,而且不仅仅在编程方面,还在于软件设计本身;对软件分析和软件体系结构来说,它也具有丰富的内涵。
  • Accelerated C++中文版


    《Accelerated C++ 中文版通过示例进行编程实践》系统介绍C++程序设计,是美国斯坦福大学的经典教材。从使用C++标准库中的高级抽象开始,使读者很快掌握编程方法。每一章都有很经典独特的例子以及非常到位的讲解,覆盖了C++更多领域的内容,从标准库容器、泛型算法的使用,到类的设计、泛型算法的设计,本书都进行了详细的讲解。 本书作者有丰富的C++开发、研究和教学经验,内容由浅入深,讲解精炼巧妙。无论是刚入门的新手还是有经验的C++开发人员都能从本书中受益。
  • C++标准程序库

    作者:[德] Nicolai M. Josut

    这本包含最新资料的完整书籍,反映出被ANSI/ISO C++语言标准规格书纳入的C++标准程序库的最新组成。更明确地说,这本书将焦点放在标准模板库身上,检验其中的容器、迭代器、仿函数和算法。读者还可以找到特殊容、字串、数值类别、国际化议题、IOStream。每一个元素都有深刻的呈现,包括其介绍、设计、运用实例、细部解说、陷阱、意想不到的危险,以及相关类别和函数的精确樯记式和定义式。
  • Modern C++ Design

    作者:Andrei Alexandrescu

    In Modern C++ Design, Andrei Alexandrescu opens new vistas for C++ programmers. Displaying extraordinary creativity and virtuosity, Alexandrescu offers a cutting-edge approach to software design that unites design patterns, generic programming, and C++, enabling programmers to achieve expressive, flexible, and highly reusable code. The book introduces the concept of generic components, reusable design templates that enable an easier and more seamless transition from design to application code, generate code that better expresses the original design intention, and support the reuse of design structures with minimal recoding. The author then shows how to apply this approach to recurring, real-world issues that C++ programmers face in their day-to-day activity. All code is available on the Web, along with Alexandrescu's downloadable Loki C++ library, which provides powerful out-of-the-box functionality for virtually any C++ project. For experienced C++ programmers who have at least some familiarity with the Standard Template Library (STL).
  • C++ Primer中文版

    作者:Stanley B.Lippman,Jo

    本书是久负盛名的C++经典教程,完美结合了C++大师Stanley B.Lippman丰富的实践经验和C++标准委员会原负责人Josée Lajoie对C++标准的深入理解,已经帮助全球无数程序员学会了C++。新版更加入了C++先驱Barbara E.Moo在C++教学方面的真知灼见,充分体现了C++语言的最新进展和当前的业界最佳实践。本版不但有大量教学辅助内容,用于强调重要的知识点,提醒常见的错误,推荐优秀的编程实践,给出使用提示,大量来自实战的示例和习题,更特别附带了《C++编程规范》的内容。 对C++基本概念和技术全面而且权威的阐述,对现代C++编程风格的强调,使本书成为C++初学者的最佳指南;对于中高级程序员,本书也是不可或缺的参考书。
  • C++ Primer, 4th Edition

    作者:Stanley B. Lippman,J

  • The C++ Programming Language

    作者:Bjarne Stroustrup

    C+11 has arrived: thoroughly master it, with the definitive new guide from C++ creator Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ Programming Language, Fou rth Edition! The brand-new edition of the world's most trusted and widely read guide to C++, it has been comprehensively updated for the long-awaited C++11 standard. Extensively rewritten to present the C++11 language, standard library, and key design techniques as an integrated whole, Stroustrup thoroughly addresses changes that make C++11 feel like a whole new language, offering definitive guidance for leveraging its improvements in performance, reliability, and clarity. C++ programmers around the world recognize Bjarne Stoustrup as the go-to expert for the absolutely authoritative and exceptionally useful information they need to write outstanding C++ programs. Now, as C++11 compilers arrive and development organizations migrate to the new standard, they know exactly where to turn once more: Stoustrup's C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition.
  • More Exceptional C++中文版

    作者:[美] Herb Sutter

    More Exceptional C++是Exceptional C++的续篇。根据多年程序开发的实践经验、Herb Sutter向C++程序员提供了久经考验的程序设计技术和行之有效的解决方案,这些技术和方案对设计从小型工程到企业级应用的现代软件系统大有裨益。 围绕着40个编程难题, More Exceptional C++引导读者深刻理解成功的C++软件设计和开发中至关重要的原则和议题。书中包括一些新的主题,强化了泛型程序设计、内存管理、C++标准库的使用等内容,并涵盖了traits和predicates这样的重要技术;还就使用标准容器和算法时应该牢记的准则和要点进行了分析——其它资料很少深入涉及这一主题。 读者可以在书中找到以下重要问题的解决方案:使用std::map和std::set时会遇到哪些陷阱?如何安全地避免这些陷阱?何种predicates可以安全地和STL一起使用?何种不行?为什么?想通过“与模板协同工作的类型”的能力改变模板自身的行为吗?有什么现有的技术可以写出这种威力强大的通用模板代码?何时应该优化你的代码?如何优化?为什么花哨的优化会(而且的确会)让我们陷入麻烦?如何你是在撰写多线程安全代码,这些问题的某些答案会如何变化?异常安全问题会影响到类的设计吗?或者,它可以只是作为事后的改进手段来使用吗?在结合使用不同供应商提供的基于继承的程序库时,如何避免连体双婴问题?如何安全地使用auto-ptr?如何运用常见的设计模式来改装它,使之消除常见缺陷?可以将auto-ptr用作类的成员吗?在这样做之前,你应该了解些什么? 还有,现代C++中最常见的问题之一:到底在何时使用名字空间?如何使用? More Exceptional C++是真正的程序员的必读之物,在展示如何用C++撰写优质代码的同时,它为读者提供了对语言彻底而实用的理解。
  • Inside the C++ Object Model

    作者:Stanley B. Lippman

    Inside the C++ Object Model focuses on the underlying mechanisms that support object-oriented programming within C++: constructor semantics, temporary generation, support for encapsulation, inheritance, and "the virtuals"--virtual functions and virtual inheritance. This book shows how your understanding the underlying implementation models can help you code more efficiently and with greater confidence. Lippman dispells the misinformation and myths about the overhead and complexity associated with C++, while pointing out areas in which costs and trade offs, sometimes hidden, do exist. He then explains how the various implementation models arose, points out areas in which they are likely to evolve, and why they are what they are. He covers the semantic implications of the C++ object model and how that model affects your programs. Highlights *Explores the program behavior implicit in the C++ Object Model's support of object-oriented programming. *Explains the basic implementation of the object-oriented features and the trade offs implicit in those features. *Examines the impact on performance in terms of program transformation.* Provides abundant program examples, diagrams, and performance measurements to relate object-oriented concepts to the underlying object model. If you are a C++ programmer who desires a fuller understanding of what is going on "under the hood," then Inside the C++ Object Model is for you! Get a value-added service! Try out all the examples from this book at www.codesaw.com. CodeSaw is a free online learning tool that allows you to experiment with live code from your book right in your browser. 0201834545B11102003
  • C++ Primer Plus

    作者:Stephen Prata

    C++是在C语言基础上开发的一种集面向对象编程、通用编程和传统的过程化编程于一体的编程语言,是C语言的超集。本书是根据2003年的ISO/ANSI C++标准编写的。通过大量短小精悍的程序详细而全面地阐述了C++的基本概念和技术。全书分为18章和10个附录,分别介绍了C++程序的运行方式、基本数据类型、复合数据类型、循环和关系表达式、分支语句和逻辑操作符、函数重载和函数模板、内存模型和名称空间、类的设计和使用、多态、虚函数、动态内存分配、继承、代码重用、友元、异常处理技术、string类和标准模板库、输入/输出等内容。本书针对C++初学者,从C语言基础知识开始介绍,然后在此基础上详细阐述C++新增的特性,因此不要求读者有较多C语言方面的背景知识。本书可以作为高等院校C++课程的教材,也可以供初学者自学C++时使用。
  • The C++ Programming Language

    作者:Bjarne Stroustrup

  • More Effective C++中文版

    作者:Scott meyers

    MoreEffectiveC++的重点包括:   ·经过验证的一些用来改善程序效率的方法,包括尖锐而犀利地检验C++语言特性所带来的时间和空间上的成本   ·广泛描述C++专家所使用的高阶技术,包括placement new,virtual constructors,smart pointers,reference counting,proxy classes,double-dispa
  • C++沉思录

    作者:Andrew Koenig,Barbar

  • Essential C++中文版

    作者:[美] Stanley B. Lippm

  • More Effective C++

    作者:Scott Meyers

    More than 150,000 copies in print! Praise for Scott Meyers' first book, Effective C++: "I heartily recommend Effective C++ to anyone who aspires to mastery of C++ at the intermediate level or above." - The C/C++ User's Journal From the author of the indispensable Effective C++, here are 35 new ways to improve your programs and designs. Drawing on years of experience, Meyers explains how to write software that is more effective: more efficient, more robust, more consistent, more portable, and more reusable. In short, how to write C++ software that's just plain better. More Effective C++ includes: * Proven methods for improving program efficiency, including incisive examinations of the time/space costs of C++ language features * Comprehensive descriptions of advanced techniques used by C++ experts, including placement new, virtual constructors, smart pointers, reference counting, proxy classes, and double-dispatching * Examples of the profound impact of exception handling on the structure and behavior of C++ classes and functions * Practical treatments of new language features, including bool, mutable, explicit, namespaces, member templates, the Standard Template Library, and more. If your compilers don't yet support these features, Meyers shows you how to get the job done without them. More Effective C++ is filled with pragmatic, down-to-earth advice you'll use every day. Like Effective C++ before it, More Effective C++ is essential reading for anyone working with C++.
  • C和指针

    作者:Kenneth A.Reek

    本书提供与C语言编程相关的全面资源和深入讨论。本书通过对指针的基础知识和高级特性的探讨,帮助程序员把指针的强大功能融入到自己的程序中去。 全书共18章,覆盖了数据、语句、操作符和表达式、指针、函数、数组、字符串、结构和联合等几乎所有重要的C编程话题。书中给出了很多编程技巧和提示,每章后面有针对性很强的练习,附录部分则给出了部分练习的解答。 本书适合C语言初学者和初级C程序员阅读,也可作为计算机专业学生学习C语言的参考。
  • 编程精粹

    作者:Steve Maguire

    编写高质量的、没有bug的程序,是每位程序员所追求的目标。但随着软件规模越来越大,功能日趋复杂,这一目标变得越来越困难。 本书揭示了微软公司应对质量挑战、开发出世界级代码的技术内幕,作者在自己不断探索、实践和思考的基础上,系统总结了多年来指导微软各团队的经验,将其凝聚为许多切实可行的编程实践指导,可谓字字珠玑。正因如此,本书被公认为与《代码大全》齐名的编程技术名著,曾于1993年荣获有软件开发奥斯卡奖之称的Jolt生产效率大奖。书中内容主要针对C语言,但其中的思想对目前的各主流语言编程也完全适用。