

  • 大道至简


    本书提出了审视软件工程的全新视角和软件工程的体系模型(EHM,软件工程层状模型)。本书用非工程的方式重新解析软件工程现象,全面、细致而深刻地分析了工程中各个环节的由来、价值及其内在关系。综合论述开发、工程二者的现状,例如对程序员“工匠思想”的起源进行广征博引的分析,也对工程中“敏捷过程”的经验主义本质进行深至髓质的论证。全书语言轻快,可读性强,薄且有味。. 本书是在“思想方法学”这一软件工程尚未涉足过的领域中的实习之作。作者亲历国内软件工程的英雄时代、泡沫时代,从失败中醒觉而创建独特的思考方法,对软件开发、工程中的现状深刻反思,从而完成这本专著。在缺乏独立思维、对国外工程理论亦步亦趋的国内工程界、开发业界,该书无疑是一份激荡新思的佳作。本书是第一本讨论软件工程思想本源的书籍,也是第一本从工程实践出发溯源而论的佳作。...
  • UML和模式应用(原书第2版)


    本书英文版面世以来,便广受业界专家和读者的好评。全书叙述清晰、用词精炼、构思巧妙,将面向对象分析设计的概念、过程、方法、原则和个人的实践建议一一道来,博引多家观点,以实例为证,将软件的分析和设计的过程叙述得如逻辑推理一般,于细节处见真知。 本书是一本经典的面向对象分析设计技术的入门书,适用范围非常广,从刚刚入门的初学者,到已经有一定对象技术知识但希望进一步提高开发水平的中级读者,甚至是资深的专业人员,都可以从本书获益匪浅。同时,本书也很适合作为高等院校计算机专业及软件学院相关课程的教材和各类培训班的辅导教材。
  • 敏捷软件开发

    作者:Robert C. Martin

    在本书中,享誉全球的软件开发专家和软件工程大师Robert C.Martin将向您展示如何解决软件开发人员、项目经理及软件项目领导们所面临的最棘手的问题。这本综合性、实用性的敏捷开发和极限编程方面的指南,是由敏捷开发的创始人之一所撰写的。
  • 企业应用架构模式

    作者:Martin Fowler

    《企业应用架构模式》作者是当今面向对象软件开发的权威,他在一组专家级合作者的帮助下,将40多种经常出现的解决方案转化成模式,最终写成这本能够应用于任何一种企业应用平台的、关于解决方案的、不可或缺的手册。《企业应用架构模式》获得了2003年度美国软件开发杂志图书类的生产效率奖和读者选择奖。《企业应用架构模式》分为两大部分。第一部分是关于如何开发企业应用的简单介绍。第二部分是《企业应用架构模式》的主体,是关于模式的详细参考手册,每个模式都给出使用方法和实现信息,并配以详细的Java代码或C#代码示例。此外,整《企业应用架构模式》中还用了大量UML图来进一步阐明有关概念。 《企业应用架构模式》是为致力于设计和构建企业应用的软件架构师、设计人员和编程人员而写的,同时也可作为高等院校计算机专业及软件学院相关课程的参考教材。
  • The Timeless Way of Building

    作者:Christopher Alexande

    The theory of architecture implicit in our world today, Christopher Alexander believes, is bankrupt. More and more people are aware that something is deeply wrong. Yet the power of present-day ideas is so great that many feel uncomfortable, even afraid, to say openly that they dislike what is happening, because they are afraid to seem foolish, afraid perhaps that they will be laughed at. Now, at last, here is a coherent theory which describes in modern terms an architecture as ancient as human society itself.
  • C++ Network Programming, Volume I

    作者:Douglas C. Schmidt,S

    As networks, devices, and systems continue to evolve, software engineers face the unique challenge of creating reliable distributed applications within frequently changing environments. C++ Network Programming, Volume 1, provides practical solutions for developing and optimizing complex distributed systems using the ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE), a revolutionary open-source framework that runs on dozens of hardware platforms and operating systems. This book guides software professionals through the traps and pitfalls of developing efficient, portable, and flexible networked applications. It explores the inherent design complexities of concurrent networked applications and the tradeoffs that must be considered when working to master them. C++ Network Programming begins with an overview of the issues and tools involved in writing distributed concurrent applications. The book then provides the essential design dimensions, patterns, and principles needed to develop flexible and efficient concurrent networked applications. The book's expert author team shows you how to enhance design skills while applying C++ and patterns effectively to develop object-oriented networked applications. Readers will find coverage of: * C++ network programming, including an overview and strategies for addressing common development challenges The ACE Toolkit * Connection protocols, message exchange, and message-passing versus shared memory * Implementation methods for reusable networked application services * Concurrency in object-oriented network programming * Design principles and patterns for ACE wrapper facades With this book, C++ developers have at their disposal the most complete toolkit available for developing successful, multiplatform, concurrent networked applications with ease and efficiency.
  • 领域驱动设计

    作者:Eric Evans

  • 道法自然


    本书是一本试图用实战案例阐释面向对象技术体系的指南。本书共分19章,以实际的开发案例——FishGUI项目为主线依次介绍了需求和用例分析、面向对象分析、架构分析、面向对象设计、设计模式、编码技巧等几个主要的技术领域,并基本按照时间顺序,描述了FishGUI系统设计和实现的全过程。 如果把面向对象大师们偏重理论建构的经典读物称为面向对象盛宴中的主菜,那么,这本书指南若能充当佐餐的凉菜或是饭后的甜心,作者就心满意足了。本书适合所有在软件开始领域辛勤工作的开发人员、管理人员、系统分析人员、测试人员、技术支持人员以及广大的在校学生阅读。
  • JavaScript设计模式

    作者:Addy Osmani

    《JavaScript设计模式》是JavaScript设计模式的学习指南。全书分为14章。首先介绍了什么是模式、模式的结构、类别、模式的分类、如何编写模式等等;然后,集中介绍了很多流行的设计模式在JavaScript中的应用,包括Module(模块)模式、Observer(观察者)模式、Facade(外观)模式和Mediator(中介者)模式;最后,还探讨了模块化的JavaScript模式、jQuery及其插件中的设计模式。 《JavaScript设计模式》适合专业的Web开发人员和前端工程师阅读。通过阅读本书,他们将能够提高对设计模式的认识,并学会如何将设计模式应用到JavaScript编程语言中。
  • 建筑的永恒之道


  • 设计模式之禅


    如果说“四人帮”的《设计模式》是设计模式领域的“圣经”,那么之后出版的各种关于设计模式的书都可称之为“圣经”的“注释版”或“圣经的故事”。本书是得道者对“圣经”的“禅悟”,它既不像“圣经”那样因为惜字如金、字字珠玑而深奥、晦涩和难懂,又比“圣经”的“注释版”更深刻和全面、更通俗和生动、更接近开发者遇到的实践场景,更具指导性。本书兼收并蓄、博采众长,也许是设计模式领域里的下一个里程碑之作。 全书共分为四部分,第一部分从原理的角度阐述了面向对象程序设计的6大原则;第二部生动地讲解和剖析了23种常见的设计模式,并进行了扩展,通俗易懂,趣味性极强而又紧扣模式的核心;第三部分对各种相关联的设计模式进行了深入分析和比较,旨在阐明各种设计模式比较理想的应用场景和它们之间的区别;第四部分探讨了设计模式的混编,讲解了如何在实际开发中将各种设计模式混合起来使用,以发挥设计模式的最大效用。最后,本书还附有一份设计模式彩图,可以裁剪,便于参考。
  • 深入PHP

    作者:Matt Zandstra

    本书全面深入地剖析了面向对象的PHP编程与设计。首先介绍了PHP的OO特性,包括类声明、对象实例化、继承、方法与属性封装以及静态方法与属性、抽象类、接口、异常处理、对象克隆等高级主题。然后介绍了设计模式,阐述了模式的概念,展示了如何在PHP中实现几个关键的模式,用专门的章节介绍了企业模式和数据库模式。本书最后一部分围绕PHP应用程序开发,详细介绍了一批极为实用的辅助开发工具,讨论了具有普遍意义的最佳开发实践。 本书适合每位PHP程序员进阶参考,帮助他们掌握PHP面向对象设计和开发的精髓,跻身高端PHP程序员之列。
  • A Little Java, A Few Patterns

    作者:Matthias Felleisen,D

    Java is a new object-oriented programming language that was developed by Sun Microsystems for programming the Internet and intelligent appliances. In a very short time it has become one of the most widely used programming languages for education as well as commercial applications.Design patterns, which have moved object-oriented programming to a new level, provide programmers with a language to communicate with others about their designs. As a result, programs become more readable, more reusable, and more easily extensible.In this book, Matthias Felleisen and Daniel Friedman use a small subset of Java to introduce pattern-directed program design. With their usual clarity and flair, they gently guide readers through the fundamentals of object-oriented programming and pattern-based design. Readers new to programming, as well as those with some background, will enjoy their learning experience as they work their way through Felleisen and Friedman's dialogue.
  • 软件预构艺术(中文版)

    作者:Ken Pugh

    利用经验累积而得到的洞察力开发新的解决方案被称为预构。透过重构而获得的专业知识也属于这类经验,而预构的词源即重构。重构是修改程序或软件系统内部结构的实践,以此在保留其现有行为的基础上改良设计。重构的原因有多种:方便后期增加功能、提高可维护性、提升性能。 本书作者是经验老道的软件开发人员。书中,作者运用他个人和其他众多开发人员的丰富经验,展示由其推衍而得的各项实践方针。这些方针把优秀的开发人员在设计时隐而未显的考虑细节如实地呈现出来。许多方针都围绕着极致抽象化、极致隔离以及极致可读性这几个概念。在假想的软件项目和实际项目的介绍中,作者把实践方针呈现在读者面前。其中几条于稍后列出。 把作者的方针应用到你的软件项目,有助于写出可读性、可维护性更棒的程序。这些方针可以协助你前期决策,以减少后期重构的工作量。在这样的前提下,你可以预测未来,减少修改。简言之,就是程序预构会使你更有效率。
  • Pro JavaScript Design Patterns

    作者:Dustin Diaz,Ross Har

    As a web developer, you’ll already know that JavaScript™ is a powerful language, allowing you to add an impressive array of dynamic functionality to otherwise static web sites. But there is more power waiting to be unlocked--JavaScript is capable of full object-oriented capabilities, and by applying OOP principles, best practices, and design patterns to your code, you can make it more powerful, more efficient, and easier to work with alone or as part of a team. With Pro JavaScript Design Patterns, you’ll start with the basics of object-oriented programming in JavaScript applicable to design patterns, including making JavaScript more expressive, inheritance, encapsulation, information hiding, and more. With that covered, you can kick-start your JavaScript development in the second part of the book, where you’ll find detail on how to implement and take advantage of several design patterns in JavaScript, including composites, decorators, façades, adapters, and many more. Each chapter is packed with real-world examples of how the design patterns are best used and expert advice on writing better code, as well as what to watch out for. Along the way you’ll discover how to create your own libraries and APIs for even more efficient coding. * Master the basics of object-oriented programming in JavaScript, as they apply to design patterns. * Apply design patterns to your kick-start your JavaScript development. * Work through several real-world examples.
  • 深入浅出面向对象分析与设计

    作者:Brett D.McLaughlin,G

    你是否早已对市面上那些只有在成为专家以后,读起来才有感觉的 OOA&D 书籍感到厌倦?你可能早就听说过 OOA&D 书籍能帮助你写出伟大的软件 — 让老板高兴、客户满意的软件。. 但如何办到呢? 《深入浅出面向对象分析和设计》将告诉你如何分析、设计以及撰写真正面向对象的软件:容易重利用、好维护、可扩展的软件;不再使你心碎的软件;让你增添新功能而不会破坏旧机制的软件。在本书中,你将学到: ·使用诸如封装(encapsulation)与委派(delegation)的 OO 原则建立灵活的应用程序。 ·使用开闭原则(Open-Closed Principle)与单一责任原则(Single-Responsibility Principle)提升程序的重利用性。 ·学习如何将 OO 原则、设计模式及各种开发方法,通通整合到 OOA&D 项目的生命周期里。 ·运用 UML、用例及用例图来确保所有利害关系人都能清楚地进行沟通,协助你交付正确的软件,达到每个人的要求。...
  • Head First Design Patterns

    作者:Elisabeth Freeman,Er

    You're not alone. At any given moment, somewhere in the world someone struggles with the same software design problems you have. You know you don't want to reinvent the wheel (or worse, a flat tire), so you look to Design Patterns--the lessons learned by those who've faced the same problems. With Design Patterns, you get to take advantage of the best practices and experience of others, so that you can spend your time on... something else. Something more challenging. Something more complex. Something more fun. You want to learn about the patterns that matter--why to use them, when to use them, how to use them (and when NOT to use them). But you don't just want to see how patterns look in a book, you want to know how they look "in the wild". In their native environment. In other words, in real world applications. You also want to learn how patterns are used in the Java API, and how to exploit Java's built-in pattern support in your own code. You want to learn the real OO design principles and why everything your boss told you about inheritance might be wrong (and what to do instead). You want to learn how those principles will help the next time you're up a creek without a design paddle pattern. Most importantly, you want to learn the "secret language" of Design Patterns so that you can hold your own with your co-worker (and impress cocktail party guests) when he casually mentions his stunningly clever use of Command, Facade, Proxy, and Factory in between sips of a martini. You'll easily counter with your deep understanding of why Singleton isn't as simple as it sounds, how the Factory is so often misunderstood, or on the real relationship between Decorator, Facade and Adapter. With Head First Design Patterns, you'll avoid the embarrassment of thinking Decorator is something from the "Trading Spaces" show. Best of all, in a way that won't put you to sleep! We think your time is too important (and too short) to spend it struggling with academic texts. If you've read a Head First book, you know what to expect - a visually-rich format designed for the way your brain works. Using the latest research in neurobiology, cognitive science, and learning theory, Head First Design Patterns will load patterns into your brain in a way that sticks. In a way that lets you put them to work immediately. In a way that makes you better at solving software design problems, and better at speaking the language of patterns with others on your team.
  • J2EE核心模式

    作者:(美)Deepak Alur

    《J2EE核心模式》(原书第2版):“Java领域的版图上撒满了各种类库、工具和技术规范。而缺乏的则是把这些内容融合在一起、解决真实情况下的问题的专业能力。本书中的这些模式,成为了J2EE软件建设过程中的智能水泥。 ——John Vlissides,《设计模式》的作者之一   “《J2EE核心模式》的作者们提取了一组真正实用的模式。他们介绍了应该如何应用这些模式、如何重构你的系统以便从模式中获益。这就像有一个专家组坐在你旁边一样。 ——Grady Booch,Rational软件公司首席科学家   “作者们介绍了大量对于应用架构极有帮助的模式,这是一项了不起的工作。单单是书中的‘重构’部分就值整本书的价钱!” ——Craig McClanahan,Struts首席架构师,JavaServer Faces技术规范组负责人   开发者们常常把“学会一种技术”和“学会使用这种技术进行设计”混为一谈。在本书中,Sun Java中心的资深架构师们分享了他们多年积累的使用J2EE技术进行设计的经验。   本书关注的主要内容,是使用J2EE的核心技术蜒包括JSPTM、Servlet、EJBTM、JMSTMAPI等蜒实现企业应用过程中的模式、最佳实践、设计策略以及经过验证的解决方案。其中的J2EE模式目录包括21个模式以及大量策略,有助于记录、促成运用以上技术的最佳实践。
  • JavaScript设计模式与开发实践

