

  • 线性代数及其应用

    作者:[美] David C. Lay

    《线性代数及其应用(第3版修订版)》用现代方法给出了线性代数的基本介绍,同时选录了线性代数在不同领域中的有趣的应用,是一本优秀的现代教材。主要内容包括线性方程组、矩阵代数、行列式、向量空间、特征值与特征向量、正交性和最小二乘法、对称矩阵和二次型等。此外,《线性代数及其应用(第3版修订版)》包含大量的练习题、习题、例题等,便于读者学习、参考。线性代数是处理矩阵和向量空间的数学分支,在现代科学的各个领域都有应用。 《线性代数及其应用(第3版修订版)》适合作为高等院校理工科相关专业线性代数课程的教材,也可作为相关研究人员的参考书。
  • Linear Algebra, 4th Edition

    作者:Stephen H. Friedberg

    This top-selling, theorem-proof book presents a careful treatment of the principle topics of linear algebra, and illustrates the power of the subject through a variety of applications. It emphasizes the symbiotic relationship between linear transformations and matrices, but states theorems in the more general infinite-dimensional case where appropriate. Chapter topics cover vector spaces, linear transformations and matrices, elementary matrix operations and systems of linear equations, determinants, diagonalization, inner product spaces, and canonical forms. For statisticians and engineers.
  • 矩阵分析

    作者:[美] Roger A.Horn, Ch

    有:特征值、特征向量和相似性、酉相似、Schur三角化及其推论、正规矩阵、标准形和包括Jordan标准形在内的各种分解、LU分解、QR分解和酉矩阵、Hermite矩阵和复对称矩阵、向量范数和矩阵范数、特征值的估计和扰动、正定矩阵、非负矩阵。 《矩阵分析.卷1(英文版)(本科)》可作为理工科专业研究生或数学专业高年级本科生教材,也可供数学工作者和科技人员参考。
  • 矩阵计算

    作者:Gene H.Golub,Charles

    本书是国际上数值计算方面的权威著作,有“圣经”之称。被美国加州大学、斯坦福大学、华盛顿大学、芝加哥大学、中国科学院研究生院等很多世界知名学府用作相关课程的教材或主要参考书。 本书系统地介绍了矩阵计算的基本理论和方法。书中的许多算法都有现成的软件包实现,每节后还附有习题,并有注释和大量参考文献,非常有助于自学。
  • Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces

    作者:P. R. Halmos

    From the reviews: "The theory is systematically developed by the axiomatic method that has, since von Neumann, dominated the general approach to linear functional analysis and that achieves here a high degree of lucidity and clarity...The book contains about 350 well placed and instructive problems, which cover a considerable part of the subject. All in all this is an excellent work, of equally high value for both student and teacher." --ZENTRALBLATT FUR MATHEMATIK
  • 线性代数导论

    作者:Serge Lang

    This book is meant as a short text in linear algebra for a one-term course. Except for an occasional example or exercise the text is logically independent of calculus, and could be taught early. In practice, I expect it to be used mostly for students who have had two or three terms of calculus. The course could also be given simultaneously with, or im mediately after, the first course in calculus.   此书为英文版!
  • 线性代数及其应用

    作者:[美]David C. Lay

  • Linear Algebra Done Right

    作者:Sheldon Axler

    This text for a second course in linear algebra, aimed at math majors and graduates, adopts a novel approach by banishing determinants to the end of the book and focusing on understanding the structure of linear operators on vector spaces. The author has taken unusual care to motivate concepts and to simplify proofs. For example, the book presents - without having defined determinants - a clean proof that every linear operator on a finite-dimensional complex vector space has an eigenvalue. The book starts by discussing vector spaces, linear independence, span, basics, and dimension. Students are introduced to inner-product spaces in the first half of the book and shortly thereafter to the finite- dimensional spectral theorem. A variety of interesting exercises in each chapter helps students understand and manipulate the objects of linear algebra. This second edition features new chapters on diagonal matrices, on linear functionals and adjoints, and on the spectral theorem; some sections, such as those on self-adjoint and normal operators, have been entirely rewritten; and hundreds of minor improvements have been made throughout the text.
  • 矩阵分析


  • 线性代数

    作者:[美] 利昂 Steven J.Leon

  • 线性代数应该这样学

    作者:Sheldon Axler

    描述线性算子的结构是线性代数的中心任务之一,传统的方法多以行列式为工具,但是行列式既难懂又不直观,其定义的引入也往往缺乏动因。本书作者独辟蹊径,抛弃了这种曲折的思路,把重点放在抽象的向量空间和线性映射上,给出的证明不使用行列式,更显得简单而直观。本书把行列式的内容放在了最后讲解,开辟了一条理解线性算子结构的新途径。书中还对一些术语、结论、证明思路、提及的数学家做了注释,增加了行文的趣味性,便于读者掌握核心概念和思想方法。 本书起点较低,不需要太多预备知识,而特色鲜明,是公认的阐述线性代数的经典佳作。原书自出版以来,迅速风靡世界,在30多个国家为200多所高校所采用,其中包括斯坦福大学和加州大学伯克利分校等著名学府。
  • 线性代数及其应用

    作者:(美)莱(Lay D.C.)
