

  • 字母袖扣谋杀案

    作者:[英] 苏菲·汉娜,Sophie Han

    休假中的波洛习惯每周四晚上七点去“欢乐咖啡屋”吃晚餐、喝咖啡,这个星期四,他遇见了一位自称珍妮的女士,她神情慌乱,声称有人要杀她。珍妮为此恐惧不已,却又承认自己罪有应得。 当晚,在伦敦一家著名的豪华酒店里发生了三起命案。受害者都独自死于自己的房间,现场情况如出一辙,最重要的是,每人口中都含着一枚刻有字母的金袖扣。 成对的袖扣已出现三枚,剩下的那一枚凶手打算放到谁的口中呢?
  • 万圣节前夜的谋杀


    万圣节前夜的派对上,十三岁女孩儿乔伊斯声称自己曾目睹过一场谋杀,但大家只当她是为了引人关注编的瞎话,无人当真。然而当晚,乔伊斯便被溺死在了咬苹果游戏的水桶里。 赫尔克里•波洛受邀前来破案,众人的说法各异、真假难辨,唯一达成一致的是:所有人都认定乔伊斯在撒谎。那她为何会因为一句谎话而被杀呢?
  • Lord Edgware Dies


    在线阅读本书 Actress Jane Wilkinson approaches Hercule Poirot and pleads with him to speak to her husband, Lord Edgware, who is refusing to divorce her. The next morning Lord Edgware is found murdered and witnesses tell Poirot that Jane Wilkinson was the last person to see him alive. However, Jane was at a dinner party miles away at the time with twelve other guests who will testify to her being there. When two more murders are committed, including that of famous impersonator Carlotta Adams, Poirot finds himself in the midst of one of his most perplexing cases. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • 波洛圣诞探案记


    对于自己在南非的发家之路以及手边留有一堆未经切割的钻石,老西米恩•李一直引以为傲,更不用说他哄起女人来确实有一手。可到了风烛残年的岁数,他在病痛中唯一想到的消遣方式,便是借着过圣诞节的机会,把四散各处的儿子们叫回身边,挨个儿数落。当然,他也没忘了提及修改遗嘱——挑起家人之间的猜忌是多么有趣的事! 圣诞前夜,李家笼罩在不祥的气氛中,一声惨叫,老西米恩死在自己的卧室中。呈密室状态的现场,家里每个人都有作案的可能,面对如此棘手的案子,大侦探波洛也不得不度过一个并不轻松的圣诞节了……
  • 灯火阑珊


    约翰做了一个美丽庄园的梦,此后他一再地梦到相同的庄园,他也一直渴望进入庄园的里面,直到有一次梦中见到了庄园窗帘后可怖的景象; 炙手可热的女演员奥尔加•斯多玛有过一段不堪回首的过去。惯于敲诈女人的无赖贾克知道她的底细; 年轻貌美的伊莎贝尔曾是社交场的风云人物。她除了钱,什么都有。在众多有追求者中,伊莎贝尔出人意料地选择了当时还默默无闻的画家艾伦。一起意外事件,使得艾伦真正认识了自己的妻子。最后一抹亮色从艾伦的作品上消失了……
  • 复仇女神


    过着安宁生活的马普尔小姐突然收到一封信,一位老朋友愿赠予她一笔数额巨大的遗产,前提是她为他做一件事。然而信中并没说明具体是什么事,只把此次行动称为“复仇女神”。 马普尔小姐在毫不知情的情况下开始了这位朋友为她准备的“旅行”,她确信这项任务与犯罪有关,于是,她要先“发现罪行”。 她必须怀疑每个人、每件事,而这趟意外频发的破案之旅,看起来越来越危险了……
  • Endless Night

    作者:Agatha Christie

    Strapped by a chauffeur's wages, Michael Rogers' want of a better life seems out of reach. Especially elusive is a magnificent piece of property in Kingston Bishop--unil a chance meeting with a beautiful heiress makes his dreams possible. Marrying her is the first step. Building the perfect home is the next. Unfortunately, Michael ignored the local warnings about the deadly curse buried in the tract of land, and living out his dreams may exact a higher price than he ever imagined. Praised as one of Agatha Christie's most unusual forays into gothic, psychological suspense, this novel of fate, chance, and the nature of evil was a personal favorite of the author's as well.
  • The Body in the Library

    作者:Agatha Christie

    Agatha Christie's world-famous Miss Marple mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. It's seven in the morning. The Bantrys wake to find the body of a young woman in their library. She is wearing evening dress and heavy make-up, which is now smeared across her cheeks. But who is she? How did she get there? And what is the connection with another dead girl, whose charred remains are later discovered in an abandoned quarry? The respectable Bantrys invite Miss Marple to solve the mystery...before tongues start to wag.
  • 四大魔头


  • The Thirteen Problems

    作者:Agatha Christie

    The Tuesday Night Club is a venue where locals challenge Miss Marple to solve recent crimes...One Tuesday evening a group gathers at Miss Marple's house and the conversation turns to unsolved crimes! The case of the disappearing bloodstains; the thief who committed his crime twice over; the message on the death-bed of a poisoned man which read 'heap of fish'; the strange case of the invisible will; a spiritualist who warned that 'Blue Geranium' meant death! Now pit your wits against the powers of deduction of the 'Tuesday Night Club'.
  • 借镜杀人

    作者:[英] 阿加莎·克里斯蒂

    卡莉•路易丝是个奇妙的女人。两任前夫让她坐拥豪宅,一辈子衣食无忧,现任丈夫虽然性情古怪,却毫无保留地爱着她。儿女绕膝、亲戚友善、仆从忠诚,甚至岁月都未在她脸上留下太多痕迹。这样的人生堪称完美,但她的老同学却觉得她身边环绕着不祥气息,甚至有死亡的征兆。 于是,马普尔小姐受托前往,希望弄清老同学不祥预感的来源。没过多久她就发现,卡莉的幸福只是镜中的反射。有人想探究镜中物却引来谋杀……
  • 艳阳下的谋杀案


  • 破镜谋杀案


    美丽动人、在影视圈里风生水起大半辈子的大明星玛丽娜搬进了马普尔小姐所在的乡村小镇。风韵犹存的女明星举办盛大派对宴请小镇居民,每位来客都热情地上前攀谈,然而原本谈笑风生的女主人突然望着虚空中的一点,表情仿佛凝固了一般。 这一奇异的画面被几位细心的客人捕捉到,事后众说纷纭,唯一相似的说法是,大家都觉得女主人那时如同看到了噩运。果然,不久后噩运降临,富丽堂换的女星豪宅迎来一连串凶杀……
  • Evil under the Sun

    作者:Agatha Christie

    A flirtatious young bride is strangled to death while vacationing, and only Poirot can unravel the woman's strange secrets.
  • 桑苏西来客


    二战期间,英军奋力击退了德国空军的进攻,更加险恶的敌人——乔装成普通市民的纳粹分子——却从内部威胁着国家安全。 代号为“N”和“M”的德国间谍杀害了英国最优秀的特工。迫于压力,情报部门起用被“闲置”已久的汤米和塔彭丝?贝尔斯福德夫妇。他们的任务是在海滨旅馆桑苏西的住客中找出N和M。书中的汤米和塔彭丝身边危机四伏,故事作者阿加莎也因创作此书受到军情五处调查。
  • Endless Night

    作者:Agatha Christie

    Agatha Christie's disturbing 1960s mystery thriller, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. Gipsy's Acre was a truly beautiful upland site with views out to sea -- and in Michael Rogers it stirred a child-like fantasy. There, amongst the dark fir trees, he planned to build a house, find a girl and live happily ever after. Yet, as he left the village, a shadow of menace hung over the land. For this was the place where accidents happened. Perhaps Michael should have heeded the locals' warnings: 'There's no luck for them as meddles with Gipsy's Acre.' Michael Rogers is a man who is about to learn the true meaning of the old saying 'In my end is my beginning!'
  • Five Little Pigs

    作者:Agatha Christie

    Beautiful Caroline Crale as convicted of poisoning her husband, yet there were five other suspects: Philip Blake (the stockbroker) who went to market; Meredith Blake (the amateur herbalist) who stayed at home; Elsa Greer (the three-time divorcee) who had roast beef; Cecilia Williams (the devoted governess) who had none; and Angela Warren (the disfigured sister) who cried 'wee wee wee' all the way home. It is sixteen years later, but Poirot just can't get that nursery rhyme out of his mind... 'Mrs. Christie as usual puts a ring through the reader's nose and leads them to one of her smashing last-minute showdowns.' --Observer
  • 命案目睹记


    有那么几秒钟,两列火车平行行驶在一起。在这恐怖的瞬间,伊丽莎白确信自己见证了一场谋杀。还能是什么呢?一个男子残忍地箍紧了一个女人的喉咙。而伊丽莎白只能透过车厢窗口徒劳地望着——女人的身体瘫软了。而火车,也开远了。 伊丽莎白马上报了警。可是,除了好友简•马普尔小姐,又有谁会拿她的话当回事呢?毕竟,没有疑犯,没有其他目击证人,而且,没有尸体。
  • 沉睡谋杀案


    新婚的格温达搬进了海边的一幢白色别墅。她兴致勃勃地布置自己的新家,一桩桩怪事却接连发生。“难道,这房子闹鬼?” 种种线索显示,作祟的不是鬼魂,而是多年前发生的一起谋杀案。格温达向马普尔小姐求助,得到的忠告却是“让沉睡的谋杀案继续沉睡”。可好奇的年轻人不甘心停止追查。终于,过去的罪恶苏醒,即将写下新的悲剧……