《建筑研究2:地形学和心理空间》内容主要来自2011年5月25日至5月29日,在南京和上海两地举行的第二届“当代建筑理论论坛”国际研讨会。研讨会围绕两个中心议题,“地形学”和“心理空间”,分别以戴维·莱瑟巴罗的著作《建筑研究2:地形学和心理空间》和安东尼·维德勒的《建筑异样》为基础,并包含了一系列与之相关的公开讲座和名为“山水”的展览。 -
《透视前后的空间体验与建构》共7章,主要探讨了透视前后的空间意识与建构的本质特征、直觉空间与神话空间、运动空间与旅程、叙事空间与透视空间、轴测空间与拼贴空间,最后提出:体验会萌发新的空间意识和空间形态,以至于构建新建筑学空间逻辑。我们已经感受到了当代认识论和本体论从前现代性、现代性到后现代性的嬗变。作为建筑学、景观和城市设计这类学科的基本概念,其空间建构和体验尤其体现了这种变化。 《透视前后的空间体验与建构》可供建筑、景观、艺术、城市设计人员阅读,也可供相关专业研究者、教师与学生学习参考。 -
Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture
"Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture: An Anthology of ArchitecturalTheory" collects in a single volume the most significant essays on architectural theory of the last thirty years. A dynamic period of reexamination of the discipline, the postmodern eraproduced widely divergent and radical viewpoints on issues of making, meaning, history, and the city. Among the paradigms presented arearchitectural postmodernism, phenomenology, semiotics, poststructuralism, deconstruction, and feminism. By gathering these influential articles from a vast array of books and journals into a comprehensive anthology, Kate Nesbitt has created a resource of great value. Indispensable to professors and students of architecture and architectural theory, Theorizing a New Agenda also serves practitioners and the general public, as Nesbitt provides an overview, a thematic structure, and a critical introduction to each essay. The list of authors in "Theorizing a New Agenda" reads like a "Who's Who" of contemporary architectural thought: Tadao Ando, Giulio Carlo Argan, Alan Colquhoun, Jacques Derrida, Peter Eisenman, Marco Frascari, Kenneth Frampton, Diane Ghirardo, Vittorio Gregotti, Karsten Harries, Rem Koolhaas, Christian Norberg-Schulz, Aldo Rossi, Colin Rowe, Thomas Schumacher, Ignasi de Sol-Morales Rubi, Bernard Tschumi, Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, and Anthony Vidler. A bibliography and notes on all the contributors are also included. -
Architecture Theory since 1968
In the discussion of architecture, there is a prevailing sentiment that, since 1968, cultural production in its traditional sense can no longer be understood to rise spontaneously, as a matter of social course, but must now be constructed through ever more self-conscious theoretical procedures. The development of interpretive modes of various stripes--post-structuralist, Marxian, phenomenological, psychoanalytic, as well as others dissenting or eccentric--has given scholars a range of tools for rethinking architecture in relation to other fields and for reasserting architectures general importance in intellectual discourse.This anthology presents forty-seven of the primary texts of architecture theory, introducing each with an explication of the concepts and categories necessary for its understanding and evaluation. It also presents twelve documents of projects or events that had major theoretical repercussions for the period. Several of the essays appear here in English for the first time.Contributors : Diana Agrest, Stanford Anderson, Archizoom, George Baird, Jennifer Bloomer, Massimo Cacciari, Jean-Louis Cohen, Beatriz Colomina, Alan Colquhoun, Maurice Culot, Jacques Derrida, Ignasi de Sola-Morales, Peter Eisenman, Robin Evans, Michel Foucault, Kenneth Frampton, Mario Gandelsonas, Frank Gehry, Jurgen Habermas, John Hejduk, Denis Hollier, Bernard Huet, Catherine Ingraham, Fredric Jameson, Charles A. Jencks, Jeffrey Kipnis, Fred Koetter, Rem Koolhaas, Leon Krier, Sanford Kwinter, Henri Lefebvre, Daniel Libeskind, Mary McLeod, Alberto Perez-Gomez, Jose Quetglas, Aldo Rossi, Colin Rowe, Massimo Scolari, Denise Scott Brown, Robert Segrest, Jorge Silvetti, Robert Somol, Martin Steinmann, Robert A. M. Stern, James Stirling, Manfredo Tafuri, Georges Teyssot, Bernard Tschumi, Anthony Vidler, Paul Virilio, Mark Wigley. -
上世纪20~30年代的批判理论,如法兰克福学派,兴起了对于现代性和现代主义的复杂而精深的批判研究。现代主义建筑的理论和实践与这一丰富的传统同时发展,但却基本上独立于此传统之外。本书作者希尔德·海嫩通过探讨现代性、栖居和建筑学之间的关联性,试图填补在现代运动的话语与现代性文化理论之间存在的鸿沟。一方面,她从批判理论的视角展开对建筑学的讨论,另一方面,她通过与建筑学的连接,修正了批判理论的地位。她将建筑作为一种文化场域进行考量,这一场域建构了日常生活,也包含了现代性固有的主要矛盾,但她争辩道,建筑学仍有某种能力采取一种批判立场来面对现代性。除了展开关于建筑、现代性和栖居间关系的理论探讨,此书也是建筑学学生了解批判理论话语的导读,为此,有关瓦尔特·本雅明、恩斯特·布洛赫、特奥多尔·阿多诺以及威尼斯学派(塔夫里、马西莫、卡奇亚里)的章节就不能被孤立地阅读了。 -
The Eyes of the Skin
Since the book's first publication, interest in the role of the body and the senses has been emerging in both architectural philosophy and teaching. This new, revised and extended edition of this seminal work will not only inspire architects and students to design more holistic architecture, but will enrich the general reader's perception of the world around them. The Eyes of the Skin has become a classic of architectural theory and consists of two extended essays. The first surveys the historical development of the ocular-centric paradigm in western culture since the Greeks, and its impact on the experience of the world and the nature of architecture. The second examines the role of the other senses in authentic architectural experiences, and points the way towards a multi-sensory architecture which facilitates a sense of belonging and integration. -
Louis Kahn
This unique anthology draws from Louis Kahn's speeches, essays, and interviews, some never previously published, to capture the evolution and central tenets of the influential American architect's thinking from his early work of the 1940s to his death in 1974. Professor Twombly's introduction and headnotes offer incisive commentary on the texts. -
《空间·时间·建筑》一书具有以下特点:用比较方法来研究历史;用空间概念来分析建筑;用恒与变(Constance and Change)来揭示发展的本质;用大历史衬托具体建筑现象,又用具体现象的深刻分析来呼应时代;种种直笔与曲笔的结合,共时与历时分析的结合使人在雄浑的历史感中体会到建筑真意。 内容上时段起始文艺复兴直至当代,范围跨越规划、建筑,所用材料丰富翔实、富于启发,实际上它不止检讨建筑和规划各方面与工业技术的并行发展与相互影响,还呈现了它们与艺术结伴而行的情形。此外在它之前许多建筑与规划不为人知,而经它之后为人重视的现象比比皆是,所以对史料所作的重新诠释之功也是不可忽视的。 该书第五版汇集中吉迪恩在第一版、第二版、第四版、第五版所写的重要序文。作者在一序中指出现代文化外表混杂,内部依然潜藏着统一和综合,一个新建筑传统有望成长。三序中则饶有趣味地提到了他的先辈布克哈特和沃尔夫林。四序中揭示了“恒与变”这一深刻主题并表示意欲进一步研究原始艺术和上古文明恒与变的问题,撰写《艺术的起源》和《建筑的起源》两书以深入人类经验底层,在意识中作探幽索隐的工作。作者在五序中对所添内容作了说明,意使全书轮廓更为清晰整一。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友