

  • Microeconomic Theory

    作者:Andreu Mas-Colell,Mi

    Many instructors of microeconomic theory have been waiting for a text that provides balanced and in-depth analysis of the essentials of microeconomics. Masterfully combining the results of years of teaching microeconomics at Harvard University, Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael Whinston, and Jerry Green have filled that conspicuous vacancy with their groundbreaking text, Microeconomic Theory. The authors set out to create a solid organizational foundation upon which to build the effective teaching tool for microeconomic theory. The result presents unprecedented depth of coverage in all the essential topics, while allowing professors to "tailor-make" their course to suit personal priorities and style. Topics such as noncooperative game theory, information economics, mechanism design, and general equilibrium under uncertainty receive the attention that reflects their stature within the discipline. The authors devote an entire section to game theory alone, making it "free-standing" to allow instructors to return to it throughout the course when convenient. Discussion is clear, accessible, and engaging, enabling the student to gradually acquire confidence as well as proficiency. Extensive exercises within each chapter help students to hone their skills, while the text's appendix of terms, fully cross-referenced throughout the previous five sections, offers an accessible guide to the subject matter's terminology. Teachers of microeconomics need no longer rely upon scattered lecture notes to supplement their textbooks. Deftly written by three of the field's most influential scholars, Microeconomic Theory brings the readability, comprehensiveness, and versatility to the first-year graduate classroom that has long been missing.
  • 微观经济学(上下)


  • 微观经济理论


    本书是最近十余年来欧美经济学界最具影响力的高级微观经济学教科书。原著(Microeconomic Theory)由牛津大学出版社出版以来,受到了经济学界的广泛关注和好评。全书系统全面地介绍了高级微观经济理论的各个方面,涉及的论题丰富、信息量大,是公认的微观经济理论的“圣经”;本书被国外几乎所有的一流大学采用,是经济学专业研究生的必读书籍。   本书逻辑脉络清晰、写作风格严谨、分析方法精湛,以空前的深度和广度阐述了微观经济学所有重要的论题,不仅对经典理论进行了充分论述,而且对最新理论也给予了深入的分析,并展示了一些前沿论题的研究现状和发展趋势。   本书内容包括个体决策、博弈论、市场均衡与市场失灵、一般均衡、福利经济学与激励等五大部分。第一部分从对个人行为的一般分析出发,相对完整地介绍了经典的消费者和生产者理论,并介绍了不确定情况下的个人选择。第二部分是博弈论,阐述了静态博弈与动态博弈的各种解概念与分析方法,分析了行为相互影响下的个人决策。第三部分是市场均衡和市场失灵,详细介绍了外部性与公共物品、市场垄断、逆向选择以及委托代理等信息经济学的基本模型。第四部分关于一般均衡理论,介绍与一般均衡相关的各种概念,包括均衡的存在性和稳定性及福利特征等。第五部分涉及福利经济学与激励问题,分析在个人效用可比和不可比情况下,由个人偏好加总为社会偏好的可能性,以及在关于个人偏好的信息不完全时的社会选择和经济机制设计等规范分析问题。本书的数学附录为读者提供了所需的基本数学知识。书中每一章都提供必要的详细参考文献,方便学生进一步学习及寻找研究课题;同时,各章配备的层次不同的练习题,非常有利于学生测试自己对各章内容的掌握程度。   本书作者安德鲁·马斯-科莱尔、迈克尔·D·温斯顿、杰里·R·格林三位教授长期在美国哈佛大学及其他世界名校从事研究生层面的微观经济学课程的教学工作,且在各自的研究领域多有建树。此书是他们多年教学和合作的成果。