《实分析》由在国际上享有盛誉普林斯大林顿大学教授Stein等撰写而成,是一部为数学及相关专业大学二年级和三年级学生编写的教材,理论与实践并重。为了便于非数学专业的学生学习,全书内容简明、易懂,读者只需掌握微积分和线性代数知识。关于《实分析》的详细介绍,请见“影印版前言”。 -
《函数论与泛函分析初步(第7版)》是世界著名数学家A.H.柯尔莫戈洛夫院士在莫斯科大学数学力学系多年讲授泛函分析教程(曾称《数学分析Ⅲ》)的基础上编写的。《函数论与泛函分析初步(第7版)》是关于泛函分析与实变函数论的精细问题的严格的系统阐述,书中反映了作者的教育思想,体现了作者丰富的教学经验与方法。内容包括:集合论初步,度量空间与拓扑空间,赋范线性空间与线性拓扑空间,线性泛函与线性算子,测度、可测函数、积分,勒贝格不定积分、微分论,可和函数空间,三角函数傅里叶变换,线性积分方程,线性空间微分学概要以及附录的巴拿赫代数。 《函数论与泛函分析初步(第7版)》适合数学、物理及相关专业的高年级本科生、研究生、高校教师和研究人员参考使用。 -
Social Network Analysis
The revised and updated edition of this bestselling text provides an accessible introduction to the theory and practice of network analysis in the social sciences. It gives a clear and authoritative guide to the general framework of network analysis, explaining the basic concepts, technical measures and reviewing the available computer programs. The book outlines both the theoretical basis of network analysis and the key techniques for using it as a research tool. Building upon definitions of points, lines and paths, John Scott demonstrates their use in clarifying such measures as density, fragmentation and centralization. He identifies the various cliques, components and circles into which networks are formed, and outlines an approach to the study of socially structured positions. He also discusses the use of multidimensional methods for investigating social networks. Social Network Analysis is an invaluable resource for researchers across the social sciences and for students of social theory and research methods. -
Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences)
Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis presents the most important developments in quantitative models and methods for analyzing social network data that have appeared during the 1990s. Intended as a complement to Wasserman and Faust's Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications, it is a collection of articles by leading methodologists reviewing advances in their particular areas of network methods. Reviewed are advances in network measurement, network sampling, the analysis of centrality, positional analysis or blockmodelling, the analysis of diffusion through networks, the analysis of affiliation or 'two-mode' networks, the theory of random graphs, dependence graphs, exponential families of random graphs, the analysis of longitudinal network data, graphical techniques for exploring network data, and software for the analysis of social networks. -
本书是大学生学习“数学分析”课的辅导教材,可与国内通用的《数学分析》教材同步使用,特别适合于作为《数学分析新讲》(北京大学出版社,1991)的配套辅导教材。本书的两位作者在北京大学从事数学分析和高等数学教学工作近40年,具有丰富的教学经验。全书共分7章,内容包括:分析基础,一元函数微分学,一元函数积分学,级数,多元函数微分学,多元函数积分学,典型综合题分析。在每一节中,设有内容提要、典型例题分析,以及供学生自己做的练习题等部分,书末附有答案,对证明题的大部分给出了提示或解答。本书许多题给出了多种多样解法,某些解法是吸取学生试卷中的想法演变而得的,特别是毕业于北京大学数学的、国内外知名的当今青年数学家们在学生阶段的习题课上和各种测验中表现出现的睿智给本书增添了不可多得的精彩。本书的另外一大特色是:辅导怎样“答”题的同时,还通过“敲条件,举反倒”等方式引导学生如何“问”问题,就是如何给自己“提问题”。 本书可作为综合大学、理工科大学、高等师范学校各专业大学生学习数学分析的学习辅导书。对新担任数学分析课程教学任务的青年教师,本书是较好的教学参考书;对报考硕士研究生的大学生来说,也是考前复习的良师益友。 -
本书的诞生还是半个世纪之前的事情,但是,深贯其中的严谨的学术风范以及针对不同时代所做出的切实改进使得它愈久弥新,成为复分析领域历经考验的一本经典教材。本书作者在数学分析领域声乐卓著,多次荣获国际大次,这也是本书始终保持旺盛的生命力的原因之一。本书适合用做数学专业本科高年级学生及研究生教材。 -
数学分析(第1卷第4版俄罗斯数学教材选译),ISBN:9787040183023,作者:(俄罗斯)B.A.卓里奇 -
《傅立叶分析导论》分为3部分:第1部分介绍傅立叶级数的基本理论及其在等周不等式和等分布中的应用;第2部分研究傅立叶变换及其在经典偏微分方程及Radom变换中的应用;第3部分研究有限阿贝尔群上的傅立叶分析。书中各章均有练习题及思考题。 -
Fourier Analysis
This first volume, a three-part introduction to the subject, is intended for students with a beginning knowledge of mathematical analysis who are motivated to discover the ideas that shape Fourier analysis. It begins with the simple conviction that Fourier arrived at in the early nineteenth century when studying problems in the physical sciences - that an arbitrary function can be written as an infinite sum of the most basic trigonometric functions. The first part implements this idea in terms of notions of convergence and summability of Fourier series, while highlighting applications such as the isoperimetric inequality and equidistribution. The second part deals with the Fourier transform and its applications to classical partial differential equations and the Radon transform; a clear introduction to the subject serves to avoid technical difficulties. The book closes with Fourier theory for finite abelian groups, which is applied to prime numbers in arithmetic progression. In organizing their exposition, the authors have carefully balanced an emphasis on key conceptual insights against the need to provide the technical underpinnings of rigorous analysis. Students of mathematics, physics, engineering and other sciences will find the theory and applications covered in this volume to be of real interest. "The Princeton Lectures in Analysis" represents a sustained effort to introduce the core areas of mathematical analysis while also illustrating the organic unity between them. Numerous examples and applications throughout its four planned volumes, of which "Fourier Analysis" is the first, highlight the far-reaching consequences of certain ideas in analysis to other fields of mathematics and a variety of sciences. Stein and Shakarchi move from an introduction addressing "Fourier" series and integrals to in-depth considerations of complex analysis; measure and integration theory, and Hilbert spaces; and, finally, further topics such as functional analysis, distributions and elements of probability theory. -
《泛函分析》(英文版)(第2版)作为Rudin的分析学经典著作之一,《泛函分析》(英文版)(第2版)秉承了内容精练、结构清晰的特点。第2版新增的内容有Kakutani不动点定理、Lamonosov不变子空间定理以及遍历定理等。另外,还适当增加了一些例子和习题。 -
《数学分析》(英文版第2版)是一部现代数学名著。自20世纪70年代面世以来,一直受到西方学术界、教育界的广泛推崇,被许多知名大学指定为教材。相比于同类书籍,它的特点在于:选取的论据更适子教学使用。论证详尽,可读性更强。习题丰富,覆盖各个方面、各级难度。可根据教学需要选用不同章节。 -
本书是分析领域内的一部经典著作。毫不夸张地说,掌握了本书,对数学的理解将会上一个新台阶。全书体例优美,实用性例优美,实用性很强,列举的实例简明精彩。无论实分析部分还是复分析部分,基本上对所有给出的命题都进行了论证。另外,书中还附有大量设计巧妙的习题——这些习题可以真实地检测出读者对课程的理解程序,有的还要求对正文中的原理进行论证。 -
强调严格性和基础性,书中的材料从源头——数系的结构及集合论开始,然后引向分析的基础(极限、级数、连续、微分、Riemann积分等),再进入幂级数、多元微分学以及Fourier分析,最后到达Lebesgue积分,这些材料几乎完全是以具体的实直线和欧几里得空间为背景的。书中还包括关于数理逻辑和十进制系统的两个附录。课程的材料与习题紧密结合,目的是使学生能动地学习课程的材料,并且进行严格的思考和严密的书面表达的实践。 -
《复分析》由在国际上享有盛誉的普林斯顿大学教授Stein等撰写而成,是一部为数学及相关专业大学二年级和三年级学生编写的教材,理论与实践并重。为了便于非数学专业的学生学习,全书内容简明、易懂,读者只需掌握微积分和线性代数知识。关于《复分析》的详细介绍,请见“影印版前言”。 -
Functional Analysis
This is the fourth and final volume in the Princeton Lectures in Analysis, a series of textbooks that aim to present, in an integrated manner, the core areas of analysis. Beginning with the basic facts of functional analysis, this volume looks at Banach spaces, Lp spaces, and distribution theory, and highlights their roles in harmonic analysis. The authors then use the Baire category theorem to illustrate several points, including the existence of Besicovitch sets. The second half of the book introduces readers to other central topics in analysis, such as probability theory and Brownian motion, which culminates in the solution of Dirichlet's problem. The concluding chapters explore several complex variables and oscillatory integrals in Fourier analysis, and illustrate applications to such diverse areas as nonlinear dispersion equations and the problem of counting lattice points. Throughout the book, the authors focus on key results in each area and stress the organic unity of the subject. -
《泛函分析(影印版)》是美国科学院院士Peter D.Lax在CotJrant数学所长期讲授泛函分析课程的教学经验基础上编写的。《泛函分析(影印版)》包括泛函分析的基本内容:Barlach空间、Hilbert空间和线性拓扑空间的基本概念和性质,线性拓扑空间中的凸集及其端点集的性质,有界线性算子的性质等。可作为本科生泛函分析课的教学内容;还包括泛函分析较深的内容:自伴算子的谱分解理论。紧算子的理论,交换Barlach代数的Gelfand理论,不变子空间的理论等。可作为研究生泛函分析课的教学内容。《泛函分析(影印版)》特别强调泛函分析与其他数学分支的联系及泛函分析理论的应用,可以使读者深刻地理解到:抽象的泛函分析理论有着丰富的数学背景。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友