

  • Grace: A Memoir

    作者:Grace Coddington

    Beautiful. Willful. Charming. Blunt. Grace Coddington’s extraordinary talent and fierce dedication to her work as creative director of Vogue have made her an international icon. Known through much of her career only to those behind the scenes, she might have remained fashion’s best-kept secret were it not for The September Issue, the acclaimed 2009 documentary that turned publicity-averse Grace into a sudden, reluctant celebrity. Grace’s palpable engagement with her work brought a rare insight into the passion that produces many of the magazine’s most memorable shoots. With the witty, forthright voice that has endeared her to her colleagues and peers for more than forty years, Grace now creatively directs the reader through the storied narrative of her life so far. Evoking the time when models had to tote their own bags and props to shoots, Grace describes her early career as a model, working with such world-class photographers as David Bailey and Norman Parkinson, before she stepped behind the camera to become a fashion editor at British Vogue in the late 1960s. Here she began creating the fantasy “travelogues” that would become her trademark. In 1988 she joined American Vogue, where her breathtakingly romantic and imaginative fashion features, a sampling of which appear in this book, have become instant classics. Delightfully underscored by Grace’s pen-and-ink illustrations, Grace will introduce readers to the colorful designers, hairstylists, makeup artists, photographers, models, and celebrities with whom Grace has created her signature images. Grace reveals her private world with equal candor—the car accident that almost derailed her modeling career, her two marriages, the untimely death of her sister, Rosemary, her friendship with Harper’s Bazaar editor-in-chief Liz Tilberis, and her thirty-year romance with Didier Malige. Finally, Grace describes her abiding relationship with Anna Wintour, and the evolving mastery by which she has come to define the height of fashion. “If Wintour is the Pope . . . Coddington is Michelangelo, trying to paint a fresh version of the Sistine Chapel twelve times a year.”—Time
  • 歡迎進入Grace西點紅茶時間


    26年來經得起讀者試作,深受好評的西點紅茶配方 風靡東京的高人氣名店---「Grace」,1984年創立至今,26年來在西荻窪歷久不衰,「歡迎進入Grace西點紅茶時間」就是店主樋口浩子老師將開店的心得與經驗、從未公開的配方,毫不藏私的完全呈現在這本書中。 書中有樋口老師32道獨門的西點,都採用一張圖一個步驟的方式,讓您看得一清二楚,還有從猶如繁星般多的茶葉種類裡挑選出11種,在口感與風味上特別適合搭配糕點的特調紅茶,並告訴您如何沖泡出美味茶飲的關鍵。不用遠赴日本,也能取得最受歡迎的材料配方,學得美味的好手藝。 日本復刊ドットコム網站讀者高票要求重新上市 「歡迎進入Grace西點紅茶時間」在日本一度絕版,2008年經過復刊ドットコム網站中網友們的積極請求與連署投票,終於在2009年原出版的講談社確定復刊! 每年日本食譜新書這麼多,為什麼一定非要擁有「歡迎進入Grace西點紅茶時間」?以下是連署投票的部分留言:譯自http://www.fukkan.com/fk/VoteDetail?no=33150 haji:這本書口耳相傳的評價非常高,作者配方謹慎步驟也說明得很認真,食譜忠實地 再現「Grace葛雷絲」的口味,我也想試作一下!現在絕版,拍賣網站上書價驚 人!無論如何請復刊!! rico:在圖書館借了這本書後就希望可以購買留在身邊,無論如何請再版! かぼす:一句話。「想要!!!」 はぐみ55:評價極高的書,想嘗試一下! 大寅5732:這本書在雅虎拍賣和亞馬遜特別高價,希望可以復刊。 ともすけ:非常好的書。這樣的好書絕版非常可惜。 不管您是夢想開咖啡館、準備開設、或是想要在家中DIY美味糕點的朋友,「歡迎進入Grace西點紅茶時間」都是一本值得擁有的好書,這一次請不要錯過。 創立「Grace」26年 --- 樋口浩子 Higuchi Hiroko 1947生於東京。 曾任阿帕雷製造社社長秘書等職,並於東京製菓學校西點課中習得點心製作的基礎。 自學並嘗試各式各樣的製作方法。於1984年開設「Grace葛雷絲」至今。店名Grace葛雷絲取意於「神的恩惠」。葡萄樹的圖案是以新約聖經約翰福音第15章第5節為題所繪。 本書特色 *東京西荻窪高人氣名店Grace「グレース」26年深受好評的西點紅茶配方 *5種招牌的人氣蛋糕 *4種口感細緻高雅的戚風蛋糕 *體驗11種別出心裁的特調茶飲 *季節性風味的極品蛋糕10種 *簡單零失敗動手做13種大小朋友喜愛的磅蛋糕與餅乾 *日本復刊ドットコム網站讀者高票要求重新上市
  • 优雅人生

    作者:Kurt W. Beyer

    《优雅人生:格雷斯·霍珀和信息时代的创新》不仅仅是一本人物传记类图书,也是一本计算机编程史的记录本。本书不仅将计算机领域的先锋人物之一格雷斯·霍珀——这位伟大女性的人生历程和在计算机编程历史中所扮演的重大角色进行了详尽且客观的描述,同时也对计算机编程的发展和其中重要人物的作用进行了细致的叙述。她对计算机领域的贡献不可磨灭。她发现了计算机程序中的第一个Bug,也创造了计算机世界中最大的Bug——Y2K(千年虫)。她创造了世界上第一种商业编程语言COBOL,并为之后的高级程序设计语言定义了模型。作者为了客观准确地描述计算机发展进程及霍珀的贡献,查阅了数家著名学院或机构的数据库,从而收集到更多有力的证据。 推崇女性独立自强的读者们应该阅读此书,因为格雷斯·霍珀的个人魅力及其魄力是很值得欣赏和学习的;计算机和编程的从业者和爱好者也应该阅读此书,因为其中对计算机领域的发展和编程的记录值得思考和借鉴。