Applied Cryptography
. . .the best introduction to cryptography I've ever seen. . . . The book the National Security Agency wanted never to be published. . . . -Wired Magazine ". . .monumental . . . fascinating . . . comprehensive . . . the definitive work on cryptography for computer programmers . . ." -Dr. Dobb's Journal ". . .easily ranks as one of the most authoritative in its field." -PC Magazine ". . .the bible of code hackers." -The Millennium Whole Earth Catalog This new edition of the cryptography classic provides you with a comprehensive survey of modern cryptography. The book details how programmers and electronic communications professionals can use cryptography-the technique of enciphering and deciphering messages-to maintain the privacy of computer data. It describes dozens of cryptography algorithms, gives practical advice on how to implement them into cryptographic software, and shows how they can be used to solve security problems. Covering the latest developments in practical cryptographic techniques, this new edition shows programmers who design computer applications, networks, and storage systems how they can build security into their software and systems. What's new in the Second Edition? * New information on the Clipper Chip, including ways to defeat the key escrow mechanism * New encryption algorithms, including algorithms from the former Soviet Union and South Africa, and the RC4 stream cipher * The latest protocols for digital signatures, authentication, secure elections, digital cash, and more * More detailed information on key management and cryptographic implementations -
密码编码学与网络安全:原理与实践,ISBN:9787505393950,作者:(美)William Stallings著;刘玉珍[等]译;刘玉珍译 -
The Codebreakers
The magnificent, unrivaled history of codes and ciphers -- how they're made, how they're broken, and the many and fascinating roles they've played since the dawn of civilization in war, business, diplomacy, and espionage -- updated with a new chapter on computer cryptography and the Ultra secret. Man has created codes to keep secrets and has broken codes to learn those secrets since the time of the Pharaohs. For 4,000 years, fierce battles have been waged between codemakers and codebreakers, and the story of these battles is civilization's secret history, the hidden account of how wars were won and lost, diplomatic intrigues foiled, business secrets stolen, governments ruined, computers hacked. From the XYZ Affair to the Dreyfus Affair, from the Gallic War to the Persian Gulf, from Druidic runes and the kaballah to outer space, from the Zimmermann telegram to Enigma to the Manhattan Project, codebreaking has shaped the course of human events to an extent beyond any easy reckoning. Once a government monopoly, cryptology today touches everybody. It secures the Internet, keeps e-mail private, maintains the integrity of cash machine transactions, and scrambles TV signals on unpaid-for channels. David Kahn's The Codebreakers takes the measure of what codes and codebreaking have meant in human history in a single comprehensive account, astonishing in its scope and enthralling in its execution. Hailed upon first publication as a book likely to become the definitive work of its kind, The Codebreakers has more than lived up to that prediction: it remains unsurpassed. With a brilliant new chapter that makes use of previously classified documents to bring the book thoroughly up to date, and to explore the myriad ways computer codes and their hackers are changing all of our lives, The Codebreakers is the skeleton key to a thousand thrilling true stories of intrigue, mystery, and adventure. It is a masterpiece of the historian's art. -
本书以图配文的形式,详细讲解了6种最重要的密码技术:对称密码、公钥密码、单向散列函数、消息认证码、数字签名和伪随机数生成器。 第一部分讲述了密码技术的历史沿革、对称密码、分组密码模式(包括ECB、CBC、CFB、OFB、CTR)、公钥、混合密码系统。第二部分重点介绍了认证方面的内容,涉及单向散列函数、消息认证码、数字签名、证书等。第三部分讲述了密钥、随机数、PGP、SSL/TLS 以及密码技术在现实生活中的应用。 -
2009年,比特币诞生。比特币是一种通过密码编码,在复杂算法的大量计算下产生的电子货币。虽然是虚拟货币,比特币却引起了前所未有的全球关注热潮。 这一串凝结着加密算法与运算能力的数字不仅可以安全流通、换取实物,1比特币价值甚至曾高达8 000元人民币。有研究者认为比特币具备打破几千年来全球货币由国家垄断发行的可能性。在不经意间,比特币引起的金融新浪潮已悄然成型。 虚拟货币并不是新鲜事物,为什么只有比特币受到如此追捧?它激烈变动的价格行情更让投资者们担心:比特币的合理价格到底是多少?其价格的支撑体系又在哪里?如此剧烈的上下波动是不是预示着它的不稳定直至最终崩盘? 作为国内首批参与并研究比特币的开拓者,《比特币:一个虚幻而真实的金融世界》作者们对这些问题都有着深刻的理解。本书从介绍比特币的概念出发,全面、系统地阐述了比特币的起源、发展、技术原理、生态圈等关键问题,还大胆畅想了比特币的现实应用、未来前景。 《比特币:一个虚幻而真实的金融世界》坦然面对比特币引发的种种争议,针对政府、货币体系等问题,以开放的态度、翔实的资料与读者交流,深入探讨比特币改变全球现行货币体系,朝货币发行非国家化的方向前进的可能性,揭示了比特币对现实金融业,甚至对未来世界的影响。 《比特币:一个虚幻而真实的金融世界》讲述的是一场伟大的货币实验,及一个虚幻而真实的金融世界。如何认识与思考这一实验,有助于理解互联网时代金融世界的逻辑。 -
《密码学与编码理论(第2版)》是密码学方面的经典著作,是作者对其多年教学经验的总结。书中主要内容包括数论、数据加密标准(DES)、高级加密标准Rijndael、RSA算法、离散对数、散列函数、信息论、格方法、纠错码以及量子密码等,其中许多内容都反映了业内的新进展。《密码学与编码理论(第2版)》配有大量实例、习题以及用Mathematica(r)、Maple(r)、MATLAB(r)编写的上机练习。 -
冯登国(FENG Dengguo,1965.5~), 现为中国科学院软件所研究员、博士生导师,信息安全国家重点实验室主任,国家计算机网络入侵防范中心主任,国家信息化专家咨询委员会委员。目前主要从事信息与网络安全方面的研究与开发工作。 -
全书包括十一章和一个附录,系统地介绍了现代密码学的基本理论和技术,主要内容包括密码学的基本概念、倍息理论基础、复杂性理论基础,流密码,分组密码的设计原则、工作模式和一些有代表性的分组密码算法及攻击分组密码的一些典型方法,公钥密码算法,各种数字签名方案和各种签名的应用环境,Hash函数的分类、攻击方法和一些有代表性的Hash算法,时戳技术,大量的身份识别协议和基于身份的密码方案,一些赛钥管理技术,电 -
本书着重介绍现代密码学的加密思想及其实现方法,内容涉及数论、概率论、抽象代数、加密算法的思想及复杂度理论。本书介绍了密码学的历史沿革,剖析了古典的加密算法为何会被现代的加密算法所取代,展望了密码编码领域的发展,为古典和现代密码体系提供了数学理论基础,还给出了一些针对各种加密算法的密码分析方法。 本书适合作为高校计算机安全与信息安全专业密码学导论的简明教材,也可供对密码学、数论和计算机数论有兴趣的技术人员参考。 -
密码学基础 (平装)
《密码学基础》集中讨论:计算复杂性(单向函数)、伪随机数以及零知识证明。《密码学基础》的重点在于澄清基本概念并论述解决密码问题的可行性,而不侧重于描述某种具体方法。《密码学基础》可作为密码学、应用数学、信息安全等专业的教材。 -
本书是中国密码学会组织编写的密码学科普读物。书中依据翔实的资料,梳理了密码学发展脉络,回顾了密码史上的诸多重大事件,着重讲述两次世界大战时期惊心动魄的密码战,介绍了现代密码学及其在信息时代的广泛应用,展望了密码学的未来发展。同时,深入浅出地解释了古代和现代密码学的基本原理,并结合生活中的事例说明什么是密码和密码学。 本书适合中学及以上文化程度的密码爱好者阅读,还可作为密码工作者和密码专业学生的参考书。 -
密码学的应用范围日益扩大,它不仅用于政府通信和银行系统等传统领域,还用于Web浏览器、电子邮件程序、手机、制造系统、嵌入式软件、智能建筑、汽车甚至人体器官移植等领域。今天的设计人员必须全面系统地了解应用密码学。 《深入浅出密码学——常用加密技术原理与应用》作者帕尔和佩尔茨尔长期执教于计算机科学与工程系,拥有十分丰富的应用密码学教学经验。本书可作为研究生和高年级本科生的教科书,也可供工程师自学之用。 《深入浅出密码学——常用加密技术原理与应用》拥有的诸多特征使得它成为密码学从业者和学生独一无二的资源—本书介绍了绝大多数实际应用中使用的加密算法,并重点突出了它们的实用性。 -
The Code Book
Codes have decided the fates of empires, countries, and monarchies throughout recorded history. Mary, Queen of Scots was put to death by her cousin, Queen Elizabeth, for the high crime of treason after spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham cracked the secret code she used to communicate with her conspirators. And thus the course of British history was altered by a few sheets of cryptic prose. This is just one link in humankind's evolutionary chain of secret communication, and just one of the fascinating incidents recounted in The Code Book, written by bestselling author Simon Singh. Combining a superb storyteller's sense of drama and a scientist's appreciation for technical perfection, Singh traces the evolution of secret writing from ancient Greek military espionage to the frontiers of computer science. The result is an epic tale of human ingenuity, with examples that range from the poignant to the peculiar to the world-historical. There is the case of the Beale ciphers, which involves Wild West escapades, a cowboy who amassed a vast fortune, a buried treasure worth $20 million, and a mysterious set of encrypted papers describing its whereabouts--papers that have baffled generations of cryptanalysts and captivated hundreds of treasure hunters. A speedier end to a bloody war was the only reward that could be promised to the Allied code breakers of World Wars I and II, whose selfless contributions altered the course of history; but few of them lived to receive any credit for their top-secret accomplishments. Among the most moving of these stories is that of the World War II British code breaker Alan Turing, who gave up a brilliant career in mathematics to devote himself to the Allied cause, only to end his years punished by the state for his homosexuality, while his heroism was ignored. No less heroic were the Navajo code talkers, who volunteered without hesitation to risk their lives for the Allied forces in the Japanese theater, where they were routinely mistaken for the enemy. Interspersed with these gripping stories are clear mathematical, linguistic, and technological demonstrations of codes, as well as illustrations of the remarkable personalities--many courageous, some villainous, and all obsessive--who wrote and broke them. All roads lead to the present day, in which the possibility of a truly unbreakable code looms large. Singh explores this possibility, and the ramifications of our increasing need for privacy, even as it begins to chafe against the stated mission of the powerful and deeply secretive National Security Agency. Entertaining, compelling, and remarkably far-reaching, this is a book that will forever alter your view of history, what drives it, and how private that e-mail you just sent really is. Included in the book is a worldwide Cipher Challenge--a $15,000 award will be given by the author to the first reader who cracks the code successfully. Progress toward the solution will be tracked on The Code Book website. -
《密码术的奥秘》讲述了:密码的成功破译使得第二次世界大战提前两年结束,而误信密码则让16世纪苏格兰的玛丽女王掉了脑袋.可见密码术对我们的历史产生过极为重大的影响。然而密码术并非只与战争和间谍相关,它渗透到了人们的日常生活中:自动柜员机、电子邮件、付费电视、网络购物、移动通话等无不涉及加密与解密。作为密码术的入门图书,《密码术的奥秘》没有过多纠缠高深的技术理论,却又较为全面地论述了密码术的发展、分类及其应用等方方面面,其中穿插有大量密码术的使用实例,可以说既能丰富普通读者的密码术知识,也是对数学爱好者和密码爱好者的智力挑战。 不可不看的牛津通识读本系列 -
《经典密码学与现代密码学》主要从三个方面来介绍密码学的知识:第一部分介绍了经典密码学的经典问题,包括单码加密法、仿射加密法、多码加密法、多图加密法和换位加密法;第二部分介绍了现代密码学,包括流加密法、块加密法和公钥加密法;第三部分介绍了密码学的未来,并对量子加密法进行了简单介绍。《经典密码学与现代密码学》—个突出的特点足,对密码破解进行了详细描述,使读者既掌握加密的内部算法,又能了解各种加密法的弱点。与《经典密码学与现代密码学》配套的CAP软件实现了各种加密法,读者可以利用该软件进行加密和解密,从而增强了《经典密码学与现代密码学》的科学性和适用性。每章末尾还给出了一些复习题,给读者以很大的启发和想象力。 《经典密码学与现代密码学》不仅是一本很好的密码学教材,对密码学研究人员和广大密码学爱好者也都是一本不可多得的参考用书。 -
目录: 1、战争与和平中的密码 2、从隐藏的信息到密本 3、第一次世界大战中的密本 4、他来、他见、他加密 5、如何破译单码加密 6、整齐排列的“凯撒密表” 7、无限密钥词 8、打乱的文本 9、从密码盘到“恩尼格码”机 10、揭开“恩尼格码”机的秘密 11、计算机的引入 12、公开加密 13、芯片、不可逆函数和捕鼠器 -
密码学是一门古老而又年轻的学科。有关这个学科的教材和专著,国内外都有不少。但关于这个学科的普及读物,国外有一些,国内则几乎没有。本书试图填补这一方面的空白。 本书除介绍密码学的基本原理外,还从国外已公开的史料中选取了大量生动的应用实例,以让读者对实际的密码工作有个比较贴切的了解。然而,由于保密的原因,关于当前军事外交上的密码应用情况无法介绍。 -
密码故事-人类智力的另类较量,ISBN:9787530659083,作者:辛格 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友