This is the second picture book of b.wing published by SCMP Books. This time, b.wing is going to delve into another life issue with her readers. 'Let me tell you a little story, about the boy, A: he has narrow sloping shoulders and he spends most of his time with his star. This summer, he is petrified. All of a sudden, maybe his world is not so bad after all? Saying goodbye is never easy. I look and wave my hand in the air. I can still feel the ethereal kiss on my cheek. I am counting my fingers and hoping that you might stay. To get every second, minute, hour and day for life is short. Trying to go on like life is normal. It is a war that goes on in my heart and nobody will ever know. Dear B, Just for your information, I will walk to the moon and be back if it makes you smile. I will talk to you just so I can hear your voice again. The other day, I heard that it was supposed to be the end of the world this year (!) This made me think to myself that I don't want to die without you next to me, but the worth thing is, what if we both survived but we were still so far apart and didn't know if the other was alive? I guess I'd better walk to the moon fast. Wave and smile, A -
是一个美丽的故事 加惠爱上了他的钢琴教师,那个脾气很坏却能弹出温柔曲子的小五…… -
相川里瀬はある日、喫茶店で見知らぬ男の子・緋呂にいきなりキスされる。緋呂は実は、血のつながらない弟だった。里瀬の家に引き取られた緋呂は、里瀬を守るために1日1回のKISS占いを日課にすると宣言し…。 相川里瀬は水晶占いが得意な高校生。ある日、里瀬は喫茶店で出会った男の子・緋呂にいきなりキスされる。緋呂は家出したあと亡くなった里瀬の母の養子、つまり血のつながらない弟だった。里瀬の家に引き取られた緋呂は、里瀬を守るために1日1回のKISS占いを日課にすると宣言し…。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友