You should read Fires now. These stories and poems...show the enormous talent of Raymond Carver beginning to take hold. -- San Francisco Chronicle "Seminal in Carver studies...A disparate collection of work bound by a unity of vision and obsession." -- Los Angeles Herald Examiner "Carver's most revealing book...This collection confirms the worth of Raymond Carver's work...Like bright birds in distant trees, Carver's stories appear in flashes, glimpses; Fires reveals the arc of his purposeful flight." -- Boston Globe -
Feathers Chef's House Preservation The Compartment A Small, Good Thing Vitamins Careful Where I'm Calling From The Train Fever The Bridle Cathedral -
"Cathedral" is itself a short story written by Carver. It is about a man whose wife is old friends with a blind man. The story shows the husband/narrator's distaste for the blind man who is coming to visit him and his wife for a few days. At times it seems that the man is jealous of the blind man for being so close to his wife; at other times it seems that the husband is disgusted by the man's blindness. In the end they bond in a way through the comunication they share about what a cathedral looks like. -
Where I'm Calling From
Synopsis shortly before his death, this was Carver's fourth collection of short fiction. It was nominated for both a Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Critics Circle Award Publisher's Note A major collection of Carvers short stories, including seven new stories written shortly before the author's death in 1988. A unique collection by an extraordinary writer, this collection of Carver's best spans his literary career and includes seven new works. Since his untimely death in August of 1988, Raymond Carver's popularity has increased dramatically. -
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
Raymond Carver's "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" Commentary by Karen Bernardo Raymond Carver's short story "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" takes place in one sitting, or more precisely, one pre-dinner drinking bout. It is told in first person, with one of the four characters referring to himself as "I," but ironically this is the character about whom we know the least; he is merely the mouthpiece for the action, and all we know about him is that his name is Nick and he is married to Laura. His friend Mel is a cardiologist, married to Terri, and initiates the conversation of what love means. This conversation provides the central focus of the story. Mel, Nick tells us, thinks "real love [is] nothing less than spiritual love." He cannot comprehend that his wife's abusive ex-husband, Ed, could possibly have loved her while he was dragging her around the room by her ankles. "That's not love, and you know it," Mel says. "I don't know what you'd call it, but I sure know you wouldn't call it love." Terri, on the other hand, insists that it was. She has led a much less sheltered life and is also much less self-righteous than Mel; she understands that while objectively Ed could be regarded as sadistic, dangerous, and pathological, he operated out of a reservoir of strong emotion that was simply incapable of channeling itself in socially-acceptable ways. This strong emotion, when turned toward other human beings, erupted in violence. This is why he beat his wife and eventually committed suicide. Ed, in fact, functions as a pivotal character in the story even though he is dead by the time the action occurs. He stands out in stark contrast to the little group drinking around the table, for, crazy as he was, he had life in him. Terri seems to look back to her days with Ed with a kind of nostalgia, because for all his crackling violence, she thinks he is more man than Mel will ever be. Mel, for his part, presents the story's central question -- what is love -- because like the rest of the group he is imbued with a sense of loss, of regret, of unutterable sadness, for reasons he can not quite describe. He feels instinctively that it has something to do with love, and he's right in a way; it has everything to do with passion. The little group sees in alcohol a way to inflame the passion they once felt for living, or the passion they think they should feel. Mel notes that as much as they love each other, if they were all married to someone else, it would make no difference in their lives; one empty person is as good as another. In fact there is in fact no passion in these people; the alcohol makes it worse, and at the end, when Mel says the gin is gone, Nick concludes the story with the words: "I could hear the human noise we sat there making, not one of us moving, not even when the room went dark." They can't move because they suddenly realize the fact that none of them have ever moved; their lives have always been, and will always be, empty and dark, and they no longer have gin to cover this up. -
浮世男女Short Cuts
這本書收集的是美國作家卡佛的短篇小說(共十篇),全是歷年來評價最高的「精品」,其電影在台灣上演時譯為「銀色.性.男女」。 卡佛作品中快樂的成份不多,充其量是讓人想笑又笑不出來的黑色幽默。卡佛要告訴我們的是,人生對大多數人而言,不是什麼冒險,而是一股莫之能禦的洪流。凡夫俗子所能做的就是隨波逐流,正如「釣魚」的女主角所說的,人生發展到某個階段,一切就已成定局,不論再發生什麼事,「都不可能造成真正的改變」。 -
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
In his second collection of stories, as in his first, Carver's characters are peripheral people--people without education, insight or prospects, people too unimaginative to even give up. Carver celebrates these men and women. -
「我在描寫人生微妙、難解卻又真切人性的細節上,多數來自瑞蒙‧卡佛的啟發。」──村上春樹「我覺得我們只是愛情的新手而已。你們知道我現在說的那種愛吧,肉體的愛,那種吸引你接近某人的衝動,愛上另外一個人,不論是男的女的都一樣。肉慾的愛,你可以說它是多愁善感的愛,就是對另一個人日復一日的關懷。你們認識彼此之前也可能愛過別人,就像我們一樣,你知道什麼事很可怕嗎?當然這也可能算是好事,那就是我們之中有一個人萬一發生了什麼事──很抱歉我要這麼說──如果明天我們其中一個發生了什麼事,我覺得活下來的那個人會悲傷一陣子,嗯,但他最後還是會繼續戀愛,很快就會找到別人。這所有的一切,我們談的這所有東西,都只是一種回憶,說不定連回憶都談不上。我說錯了嗎?我有神智不清嗎?如果你們覺得我說錯了,你們要糾正我。我是說,我什麼都不知道,而我是第一個承認這件事的人。」瑞蒙‧卡佛的短篇小說被譽為繼海明威之後最傑出的小說家之一,本書更以詩化的散文筆法狀寫日常生活,在乏味的生活中找到悚人的新意,被視為二十世紀後半最重要的文學作品之一。名導演勞柏˙阿特曼曾將其作品改編成電影《銀色 性男女》(原著小說《浮世男女》),村上春樹亦曾將他的作品翻譯為日文。卡佛精於冷調的敘事筆法,卻不時潛伏著隨時可能爆發的張力,深獲國內名家的推薦及佳評。 -
有一種小說很奇特,讀著它,你還不覺得血脈沸騰,但之後,當你開車、吃飯、行走、與人聊天,進行一切日常活動時,卻一再地想到它,這時你才驚覺,它已滲透了你;原來,它的力量不在於書寫出偉大,而是寫出了你所有的生活--瑞蒙.卡佛的作品,正是如此﹗ 卡佛曾說過︰「對大多數人而言,人生不是什麼冒險,而是一股莫之能禦的洪流。」在這本《能不能請你安靜點》所收錄的22則短篇小說裡,我們所看到的,就是這樣的人生片段。寫的完全不是冒險奮戰的英雄人物,而是我們身邊毫不起眼卻終日陷在生活瑣事、人際關係難題裡的小人物。 〈他們不是你的丈夫〉描寫一個丟了工作的業務員,靠老婆在餐廳端盤子維生。一日,竟因為目睹客人在老婆身後指指點點她肥胖身材而燃起斗志,他發揮了業務本能,為老婆實行嚴苛的減肥計畫,再將她像件商品一樣展示出去,享受眾人讚賞的眼光。 〈夜校〉寫一個失業、住在父母家的男人,有一天在酒吧遇見兩個搭訕的女人卻全然不覺對方明顯的意圖,甚至在最末引發兩個女人的辱罵也毫不理會,完全處於一種與社會脫節的生活狀態裡。 〈為什麼,寶貝?〉是一個母親的告白。在與兒子的鴻溝逐日漸增之下,她束手無策,甚至懼怕起兒子,終至搬離家園、隱性埋名,即使透過報章得知兒子功成名就,也不敢再提起曾有過的母子關係。 〈沒人說一句話〉呈現一種表面平靜、卻隨時崩離的家庭關係︰就在這一天,當小孩帶著戰利品回家,準備討家人歡心的時候,竟面對了這個家庭最冰冷、父母婚姻關係即將徹底掀牌的一刻…… 卡佛以極簡的文字,將生活中最不起眼的時刻寫得趣味盎然,他的風格影響了當今許多名家︰村上春樹不但翻譯他所有的作品,並一再陳述寫作受其影響甚鉅;卡佛的筆法也成了許多創作者模仿的對象;美國文評更贊譽他是「自海明威以降,美國最具影響力的短篇小說家」。然而對我們平凡讀者而言,卡佛的作品值得一再閱讀之處,更在於它與我們的生活是如此貼近,讓我們看見︰原來,平凡的生活也能發出微光﹗ 本書特色 ★卡佛被譽為自海明威以降,最具影響力的美國小說家! ★村上春樹推崇卡佛是他寫作的啟蒙導師,他曾說:「我的寫作,多數來自瑞蒙.卡佛的啟發。」 ★《倫敦時報》評譽卡佛為「美國的契訶夫」 ★2011年三月號《聯合文學》專題巨幅介紹 ★(知名文評家)南方朔 專文導讀 ★各大文學教授、藝文界、報紙媒體 齊聲推崇! -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友