

  • Algebraic Geometry

    作者:S. Iitaka

    One of the major discoveries of the past two decades in algebraic geometry is the realization that the theory of minimal models of surfaces can be generalized to higher dimensional varieties. This generalization, called the minimal model program, or Mori's program, has developed into a powerful tool with applications to diverse questions in algebraic geometry and beyond. This book provides the first comprehensive introduction to the circle of ideas developed around the program, the prerequisites being only a basic knowledge of algebraic geometry. It will be of great interest to graduate students and researchers working in algebraic geometry and related fields.
  • Fourier-Mukai Transforms in Algebraic Geometry

    作者:Daniel Huybrechts

    This seminal text on Fourier-Mukai Transforms in Algebraic Geometry by a leading researcher and expositor is based on a course given at the Institut de Mathematiques de Jussieu in 2004 and 2005. Aimed at postgraduate students with a basic knowledge of algebraic geometry, the key aspect of this book is the derived category of coherent sheaves on a smooth projective variety. Including notions from other areas, e.g. singular cohomology, Hodge theory, abelian varieties, K3 surfaces; full proofs are given and exercises aid the reader throughout.
  • Topics in Transcendental Algebraic Geometry

    作者:Griffiths, Phillip (

  • Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties

    作者:Janos Kollár,Shigefu

    One of the major discoveries of the last two decades of the twentieth century in algebraic geometry is the realization that the theory of minimal models of surfaces can be generalized to higher dimensional varieties. This generalization, called the minimal model program or Mori's program, has developed into a powerful tool with applications to diverse questions in algebraic geometry and beyond. This book provides the a comprehensive introduction to the circle of ideas developed around the program, the prerequisites being only a basic knowledge of algebraic geometry. It will be of great interest to graduate students and researchers working in algebraic geometry and related fields.
  • Moduli of Curves

    作者:Joe Harris,Ian Morri

    A guide to a rich and fascinating subject: algebraic curves and how they vary in families. Providing a broad but compact overview of the field, this book is accessible to readers with a modest background in algebraic geometry. It develops many techniques, including Hilbert schemes, deformation theory, stable reduction, intersection theory, and geometric invariant theory, with the focus on examples and applications arising in the study of moduli of curves. From such foundations, the book goes on to show how moduli spaces of curves are constructed, illustrates typical applications with the proofs of the Brill-Noether and Gieseker-Petri theorems via limit linear series, and surveys the most important results about their geometry ranging from irreducibility and complete subvarieties to ample divisors and Kodaira dimension. With over 180 exercises and 70 figures, the book also provides a concise introduction to the main results and open problems about important topics which are not covered in detail.
  • Positivity in Algebraic Geometry

    作者:Lazarsfeld, R. K

    This two volume work on Positivity in Algebraic Geometry contains a contemporary account of a body of work in complex algebraic geometry loosely centered around the theme of positivity. Topics in Volume I include ample line bundles and linear series on a projective variety, the classical theorems of Lefschetz and Bertini and their modern outgrowths, vanishing theorems, and local positivity. Volume II begins with a survey of positivity for vector bundles, and moves on to a systematic development of the theory of multiplier ideals and their applications. A good deal of this material has not previously appeared in book form, and substantial parts are worked out here in detail for the first time. At least a third of the book is devoted to concrete examples, applications, and pointers to further developments. Volume I is more elementary than Volume II, and, for the most part, it can be read without access to Volume II.
  • 概型的几何


    《概型的几何(英文版)》内容简介:概型理论是代数几何的基础,在代数几何的经典领域不变理论和曲线模中有了较好的发展。将代数数论和代数几何有机的结合起来,实现了早期数论学者们的愿望。这种结合使得数论中的一些主要猜测得以证明。 《概型的几何(英文版)》旨在建立起经典代数几何基本教程和概型理论之间的桥梁。例子讲解详实,努力挖掘定义背后的深层次东西。练习加深读者对内容的理解。学习《概型的几何(英文版)》的起点低,了解交换代数和代数变量的基本知识即可。《概型的几何(英文版)》揭示了概型和其他几何观点,如流形理论的联系。了解这些观点对学习《概型的几何(英文版)》是相当有益的,虽然不是必要。目次:基本定义;例子;射影概型;经典结构;局部结构;概型和函子。
  • 大学代数几何


    《大学代数几何(英文版)》内容为:There are several good recent textbooks on algebraic geometry atthe graduate level.but not(to my knowledge)any designed for anundergraduate course.Humble notes are from a course given in twosuccessive years in the 3rd year of the Warwick undergraduate mathcourse,and are intended as a self-contained introductory textbook.
  • Etale Cohomology Theory


    Etale cohomology is an important branch in arithmetic geometry. This book covers the main materials in SGA 1, SGA 4, SGA 4 1/2 and SGA 5 on etale cohomology theory, which includes decent theory, etale fundamental groups, Galois cohomology, etale cohomology, derived categories, base change theorems, duality, and l-adic cohomology. The prerequisites for reading this book are basic algebraic geometry and advanced commutative algebra.
  • Basic algebraic geometry 1

    作者:Igor R. Shafarevich

  • Complex Algebraic Surfaces

    作者:Arnaud Beauville

    Developed over more than a century, and still an active area of research today, the classification of algebraic surfaces is an intricate and fascinating branch of mathematics. In this book Professor Beauville gives a lucid and concise account of the subject, following the strategy of F. Enriques, but expressed simply in the language of modern topology and sheaf theory, so as to be accessible to any budding geometer. This volume is self contained and the exercises succeed both in giving the flavour of the extraordinary wealth of examples in the classical subject, and in equipping the reader with most of the techniques needed for research.
  • Elements de Geometrie Algebrique I

    作者:Alexander Grothendie

  • Introduction to Algebraic Curves

    作者:Phillip A. Griffiths

  • 代数几何I

    作者:I.R. Shafarevich

    《国外数学名著系列(续1)(影印版)43:代数几何1(代数曲线代数流形与概型)》consists of two parts. The first is devoted to the theory of curves, which are treated from both the analytic and algebraic points of view. Starting with the basic notions of the theory of Riemann surfaces the reader is lead into an exposition covering the Riemann-Roch theorem, Riemann's fundamental existence theorem. uniformization and automorphic functions. The algebraic material also treats algebraic curves over an arbitrary field and the connection between algebraic curves and Abelian varieties. The second part is an introduction to higher-dimensional algebraic geometry. The author deals with algebraic varieties, the corresponding morphisms, the theory of coherent sheaves and, finally, The theory of schemes. This book is a very readable introduction to algebraic geometry and will be immensely useful to mathematicians working in algebraic geometry and complex analysis and especially to graduate students in these fields.
  • 复代数曲线

    作者:Frances Kirwan(柯万)

    中译名: 复代数曲面 世图书号: 978-7-5062-9203-0 原版书号: 978-0-521-42353-3 原出版社: Cambridge University Press 原版出版年代: 1992年 世图影印年代: 2008年 目录及部分内容页要览: 19世纪发展起来的复代数曲面理论,其良好的性质已经在数学的各个领域以及理论物理学中得到很好的应用,成为许多科目研究中心话题。本书源自Kirwan 在牛津大学的讲义,作者以本科生掌握的数学知识为基础引入了该理论,详细介绍了复代数曲面的代数和拓扑性质以及它们和复分析的联系。本书适于数学专业本科高年级研究生以及相关专业的研究人员。 目次:背景;基础知识;代数性质;拓扑性质;黎曼面;黎曼面上的微分;奇异曲面。
  • 代数几何


    In spirit, this book is closer to Elements de Geometrie Algebrique (EGA) than the existing textbooks on algebraic geometry. It prvides an introduction to schemes, formal schemesc coherent sheaves, and their cohomologies. The prerequisites for reading this book is the knowledge of commutative algebra up to the level of Ateyah-Macdonald's book. The material on algebraic geometry covered in this book provides adequate preparation for reading more advanced books such as Seminaire de Geometrie Algebrique (SGA).
  • Algebraic and Analytic Geometry

    作者:Amnon Neeman

    This textbook, for an undergraduate course in modern algebraic geometry, recognizes that the typical undergraduate curriculum contains a great deal of analysis and, by contrast, little algebra. Because of this imbalance, it seems most natural to present algebraic geometry by highlighting the way it connects algebra and analysis; the average student will probably be more familiar and more comfortable with the analytic component. The book therefore focuses on Serre's GAGA theorem, which perhaps best encapsulates the link between algebra and analysis. GAGA provides the unifying theme of the book: we develop enough of the modern machinery of algebraic geometry to be able to give an essentially complete proof, at a level accessible to undergraduates throughout. The book is based on a course which the author has taught, twice, at the Australian National University.
  • Algebraic Geometry

    作者:Robin Hartshorne

  • Principles of Algebraic Geometry

    作者:Phillip Griffiths,Jo

    A comprehensive, self-contained treatment presenting general results of the theory. Establishes a geometric intuition and a working facility with specific geometric practices. Emphasizes applications through the study of interesting examples and the development of computational tools. Coverage ranges from analytic to geometric. Treats basic techniques and results of complex manifold theory, focusing on results applicable to projective varieties, and includes discussion of the theory of Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves, algebraic surfaces and the quadric line complex as well as special topics in complex manifolds.
  • 代数曲线


    本书是根据美国科学院院士,著名数学家P·格列菲斯在北京大学讲课的讲稿整理写成的。本书篇幅虽不大,但内容丰富,阐述精炼,引人入胜。书中深入浅出地介绍了正则化定理,Riemann-Roch定理,Abel定理等代数曲线论的重要结果,以及这些定理的应用和重要的几何事实。读者只要具有大学复变函数论和抽象代数的基础知识即可阅读此书。 本书可作为大学数学系高年级学生和研究生教材,也可供数学工作者参考。