

  • Principles of Algebraic Geometry

    作者:Phillip Griffiths,Jo

    A comprehensive, self-contained treatment presenting general results of the theory. Establishes a geometric intuition and a working facility with specific geometric practices. Emphasizes applications through the study of interesting examples and the development of computational tools. Coverage ranges from analytic to geometric. Treats basic techniques and results of complex manifold theory, focusing on results applicable to projective varieties, and includes discussion of the theory of Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves, algebraic surfaces and the quadric line complex as well as special topics in complex manifolds.
  • 代数几何原理


    《代数几何原理》主要内容:A third general principle was that this volume should be stir-contained.In particular any "hard" result that would be utilized should be fullyproved. A difficulty a student often faces in a subject as diverse as algebraic geometry is the profusion of cross-references, and this is one reason for attempting to be self-contained. Similarly, we have attempted to avoid allusions to, or statements without proofs of, related results. This book is in no way meant to be a survey of algebraic geometry, but rather is designed to develop a working facility with specific geometric questions.Our approach to the subject is initially analytic: Chapters 0 and 1 treat the basic techniques and results of complex manifold theory, with some emphasis on results applicable to projective varieties. Beginning in Chapter 2 with the theory of Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves, and continu-ing in Chapters 4 and 6 on algebraic surfaces and the quadric line complex, our treatment becomes increasingly geometric along classicallines. Chapters 3 and 5 continue the analytic approach, progressing to more special topics in complex manifolds.
  • 代数几何


    This book provides an introduction to abstract algebraic geometry using the methods of schemes and cohomology. The main objects of study are algebraic varieties in an affine or projective space over an algebraically closed field; these are introduced in Chapter I, to establish a number of basic concepts and examples. Then the methods of schemes and cohomology are developed in Chapters II and III, with emphasis on applications rather than excessive generality. The last two chapters of the book (IV and V) use these methods to study topics in the classical theory of algebraic curves and surfaces.   本书为英文版。