

  • 拓扑学教程

    作者:[法国]G.肖盖(Gustave Cho

  • Morse Theory (Annals of Mathematic Studies AM-51)

    作者:[美]John W.Milnor

    One of the most cited books in mathematics, John Milnor's exposition of Morse theory has been the most important book on the subject for more than forty years. Morse theory was developed in the 1920s by mathematician Marston Morse. (Morse was on the faculty of the Institute for Advanced Study, and Princeton published his "Topological Methods in the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable" in the "Annals of Mathematics Studies" series in 1947.) One classical application of Morse theory includes the attempt to understand, with only limited information, the large-scale structure of an object. This kind of problem occurs in mathematical physics, dynamic systems, and mechanical engineering. Morse theory has received much attention in the last two decades as a result of a famous paper in which theoretical physicist Edward Witten relates Morse theory to quantum field theory. Milnor was awarded the Fields Medal (the mathematical equivalent of a Nobel Prize) in 1962 for his work in differential topology. He has since received the National Medal of Science (1967) and the Steele Prize from the American Mathematical Society twice (1982 and 2004) in recognition of his explanations of mathematical concepts across a wide range of scientific.c disciplines. The citation reads, "The phrase sublime elegance is rarely associated with mathematical exposition, but it applies to all of Milnor's writings. Reading his books, one is struck with the ease with which the subject is unfolding and it only becomes apparent after re.ection that this ease is the mark of a master." Milnor has published five books with Princeton University Press.
  • Differential Topology

    作者:Victor Guillemin,Ala

  • 拓扑学

    作者:[美] James R.Munkres

    本书作者在拓扑学领域享有盛誉。 本书分为两个独立的部分;第一部分普通拓扑学,讲述点集拓扑学的内容;前4章作为拓扑学的引论,介绍作为核心题材的集合论、拓扑空间。连通性、紧性以及可数性和分离性公理;后4章是补充题材;第二部分代数拓扑学,讲述与拓扑学核心题材相关的主题,其中包括基本群和覆盖空间及其应用。 本书最大的特点在于对理论的清晰阐述和严谨证明,力求让读者能够充分理解。对于疑难的推理证明,将其分解为简化的步骤,不给读者留下疑惑。此外,书中还提供了大量练习,可以巩固加深学习的效果。严格的论证,清晰的条理、丰富的实例,让深奥的拓扑学变得轻松易学。
  • 代数几何原理


    《代数几何原理》主要内容:A third general principle was that this volume should be stir-contained.In particular any "hard" result that would be utilized should be fullyproved. A difficulty a student often faces in a subject as diverse as algebraic geometry is the profusion of cross-references, and this is one reason for attempting to be self-contained. Similarly, we have attempted to avoid allusions to, or statements without proofs of, related results. This book is in no way meant to be a survey of algebraic geometry, but rather is designed to develop a working facility with specific geometric questions.Our approach to the subject is initially analytic: Chapters 0 and 1 treat the basic techniques and results of complex manifold theory, with some emphasis on results applicable to projective varieties. Beginning in Chapter 2 with the theory of Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves, and continu-ing in Chapters 4 and 6 on algebraic surfaces and the quadric line complex, our treatment becomes increasingly geometric along classicallines. Chapters 3 and 5 continue the analytic approach, progressing to more special topics in complex manifolds.
  • 基础拓扑和几何讲义


    《基础拓扑和几何讲义》内容为:At the present time, the average undergraduate mathematics major findsmathematics heavily compartmentalized. After the calculus, he takes a coursein analysis and a course in algebra. Depending upon his interests (or those ofhis department), he takes courses in special topics. If he is exposed to topology,it is usually straightforward point set topology; if he is exposed to geometry, it is usually classical differential geometry.
  • 微分几何与拓扑学简明教程

    作者:[俄] А. С. 米先柯 А. Т.

    由A.C.米先柯和A.T.福明柯编著的《微分几何与拓扑学简明教程》是俄 罗斯数学教材选译系列之一,是微分几何教程的简明阐述,在大学数学系两 个学期中讲授。内容包含:一般拓扑,非线性坐标系,光滑流形的理论,曲 线论和曲面论,变换群,张量分析和黎曼几何,积分法和同调论,曲面的基 本群,黎曼几何中的变分原理。叙述中用大量的例子说明并附有习题,常有 补充的材料。 《微分几何与拓扑学简明教程》适合数学、物理及相关专业的高年级本 科生、研究生、高校教师和研究人员参考使用。