

  • 组合数学


    《组合数学专题、技术与算法(英文版)》几乎涵盖了组合数学中所有有趣的主题,如中国邮递员问题、中国的九连环问题、友谊定理等,当然也收集了若干前沿内容。这本优秀的组合数学教材是作者20多年研究和教学经验的结晶。全书分成初级篇和高级篇两个部分,共18章内容,每章都以“专题一技术一算法”的模式呈现,阐述深入浅出,简明易懂。 《组合数学专题、技术与算法(英文版)》适合作为高等院校高年级本科生与低年级研究生的组合数学课程教材,也适合各理工学科科研人员参考。
  • 组合数学引论


    《组合数学引论(第2版)》以组合计数问题为重点,介绍了组合数学的基本原理和思想方法。全书共分10章:鸽巢原理,排列与组合,二项式系数,容斥原理,生成函数,递推关系,特殊计数序列,Polya计数理论,相异代表系,组合设计。取材的侧重点在于体现组合数学在计算机科学特别是在算法分析领域中的应用。每章后面都附有一定数量的习题,供读者练习和进一步思考。 《组合数学引论(第2版)》可作为计算机专业、应用数学专业研究生和高年级本科生的教材或教学参考书,也可供从事这方面工作的教学、科研和技术人员参考。
  • 计数组合学(卷2)


    本书介绍了生成函数组合、树、代数生成函数、D有限生成函数、非交换生成函数和对称函数。关于对称函数的论述只适用于研究生的入门课程并着重于组合学方面,尤其是Robinson-Schensted-Knuth算法,还讨论了对称函数与表示论之间的联系。附录(由Sergey Fomin编写)中更深入地讨论了对称函数理论,包括jeu de taquin和Littlewood-richardson规则。另外,书中包含大量习题,并附有参考答案。 本书是两卷集计数组合学基础导论中的第2卷,适合于研究生和数学研究人员。
  • 计数组合学


    本书重点介绍生成函数的理论和应用,生成函数是计数组合学的基本工具。本书分四章介绍了计数、筛法、偏序集以及有理生成函数,并欢未包含在正文中的许多数学领域提供了入门知识。书中所选择的材料覆盖了计数组合学中应用范围最广以及与其他数学领域联系最密切的部分。另外,书中包含大量习题,并几乎对所有习题都提供了解答,有助于教学。   本书是两卷集计数组合学基础导论中的第1卷,适合于研究生和数学研究人员。
  • Introductory Combinatorics

    作者:Richard A. Brualdi

    Appropriate for one- or two-semester, junior- to senior-level combinatorics courses. This trusted best-seller covers the key combinatorial ideas--including the pigeon-hole principle, counting techniques, permutations and combinations, Polya counting, binomial coefficients, inclusion-exclusion principle, generating functions and recurrence relations, combinatortial structures (matchings, designs, graphs), and flows in networks. The Fifth Edition incorporates feedback from users to the exposition throughout and adds a wealth of new exercises.
  • Combinatorial Optimization

    作者:Christos H. Papadimi

    Clearly written graduate-level text considers the Soviet ellipsoid algorithm for linear programming; efficient algorithms for network flow, matching, spanning trees, and matroids; the theory of NP-complete problems; approximation algorithms, local search heuristics for NP-complete problems, more. "Mathematicians wishing a self-contained introduction need look no further." -- "American Mathematical Monthly." 1982 edition..
  • 程序设计中的组合数学


    本书系统地介绍了与程序设计竞赛有关的组合数学的基本理论和算法设计与分析的常用方法。全书共分8章,分别为:算法基础、组合数学初探、排列与组合、容斥原理、母函数、拟阵、贪心算法和Pólya定理。本书突出组合数学算法的设计与优化,从而更便于参加程序设计竞赛的读者学习组合数学。 本书可作为ACM/ICPC国际大学生程序设计竞赛和国际信息学奥林匹在竞赛(IOI)的培训教材,也可供从事组合数学与算法研究的人员参考。
  • 组合数学教程


    本书介绍组合数学中的基础理论和实际应用,讲述的内容非常广泛,讨论的问题涵盖组合数学所涉及的绝大部分领域。本书不仅包含了通常组合数学教科书中的经典内容,而且收集了若干新的内容,如Lovász筛法、范德瓦尔登积和式猜想、结合区组设计、码和设计等。 本书阐述深入浅出,简明易懂,适合作为高等院校高年级本科生与低年级研究生的组合数学课程教材,也适合作为数学和其他学科的研究人员的参考书。
  • The Probabilistic Method

    作者:Noga Alon,Joel H. Sp

    Praise for the Second Edition : "Serious researchers in combinatorics or algorithm design will wish to read the book in its entirety...the book may also be enjoyed on a lighter level since the different chapters are largely independent and so it is possible to pick out gems in one's own area..." — Formal Aspects of Computing This Third Edition of The Probabilistic Method reflects the most recent developments in the field while maintaining the standard of excellence that established this book as the leading reference on probabilistic methods in combinatorics. Maintaining its clear writing style, illustrative examples, and practical exercises, this new edition emphasizes methodology, enabling readers to use probabilistic techniques for solving problems in such fields as theoretical computer science, mathematics, and statistical physics. The book begins with a description of tools applied in probabilistic arguments, including basic techniques that use expectation and variance as well as the more recent applications of martingales and correlation inequalities. Next, the authors examine where probabilistic techniques have been applied successfully, exploring such topics as discrepancy and random graphs, circuit complexity, computational geometry, and derandomization of randomized algorithms. Sections labeled "The Probabilistic Lens" offer additional insights into the application of the probabilistic approach, and the appendix has been updated to include methodologies for finding lower bounds for Large Deviations. The Third Edition also features: A new chapter on graph property testing, which is a current topic that incorporates combinatorial, probabilistic, and algorithmic techniques An elementary approach using probabilistic techniques to the powerful Szemerédi Regularity Lemma and its applications New sections devoted to percolation and liar games A new chapter that provides a modern treatment of the Erdös-Rényi phase transition in the Random Graph Process Written by two leading authorities in the field, The Probabilistic Method , Third Edition is an ideal reference for researchers in combinatorics and algorithm design who would like to better understand the use of probabilistic methods. The book's numerous exercises and examples also make it an excellent textbook for graduate-level courses in mathematics and computer science.
  • The Probabilistic Method Second Edition

    作者:Noga Alon,Joel H. Sp

    The leading reference on probabilistic methods in combinatorics-now expanded and updated When it was first published in 1991, The Probabilistic Method became instantly the standard reference on one of the most powerful and widely used tools in combinatorics. Still without competition nearly a decade later, this new edition brings you up to speed on recent developments, while adding useful exercises and over 30ew material. It continues to emphasize the basic elements of the methodology, discussing in a remarkably clear and informal style both algorithmic and classical methods as well as modern applications. The Probabilistic Method, Second Edition begins with basic techniques that use expectation and variance, as well as the more recent martingales and correlation inequalities, then explores areas where probabilistic techniques proved successful, including discrepancy and random graphs as well as cutting-edge topics in theoretical computer science. A series of proofs, or "probabilistic lenses," are interspersed throughout the book, offering added insight into the application of the probabilistic approach. New and revised coverage includes: * Several improved as well as new results * A continuous approach to discrete probabilistic problems * Talagrand's Inequality and other novel concentration results * A discussion of the connection between discrepancy and VC-dimension * Several combinatorial applications of the entropy function and its properties * A new section on the life and work of Paul Erdös-the developer of the probabilistic method
  • 组合数学


  • 组合数学


  • 组合数学

    作者:Richard A.Brualdi

    《组合数学(英文版)(第5版)》英文影印版由Pearson Education Asia Ltd.授权机械工业出版社独家出版。未经出版者书面许可,不得以任何方式复制或抄袭奉巾内容。仅限于中华人民共和国境内(不包括中国香港、澳门特别行政区和中同台湾地区)销售发行。《组合数学(英文版)(第5版)》封面贴有Pearson Education(培生教育出版集团)激光防伪标签,无标签者不得销售。English reprint edition copyright@2009 by Pearson Education Asia Limited and China Machine Press. Original English language title:Introductory Combinatorics,Fifth Edition(ISBN978—0—1 3-602040-0)by Richard A.Brualdi,Copyright@2010,2004,1999,1992,1977 by Pearson Education,lnc. All rights reserved. Published by arrangement with the original publisher,Pearson Education,Inc.publishing as Prentice Hall. For sale and distribution in the People’S Republic of China exclusively(except Taiwan,Hung Kong SAR and Macau SAR).
  • 应用组合数学

    作者:Alan Tucker

    《应用组合数学(第5版)》讲解了离散数学问题求解中组合推理和组合建模的方法、思维和运用。主要涉及图论基本概念、覆盖和图着色、搜索算法和网络运算算法等图论知识和方法,以及基本的计数方法、生成函数计数模型、递推关系模型、容斥原理、Polya枚举公式等枚举方法及其应用。作者还介绍了如何用计算机科学地处理枚举,以及逐步受限游戏的理论及其在尼姆游戏中的应用,体现了组合数学的趣味性。 《应用组合数学(第5版)》内容丰富,简明易懂,适合作为高等院校数学专业和计算机专业高年级本科生及研究生的教材,也可供对组合数学有兴趣的相关人员阅读。
  • Generatingfunctionology

    作者:Herbert S. Wilf