Available for the first time in trade paperback--this provocative book is "an anthem sung in praise of man's ego"--from the legendary author Ayn Rand Anthem has long been hailed as one of Ayn Rand's classic novels, and a clear predecessor to her later masterpieces, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. In Anthem, Rand examines a frightening future in which individuals have no name, no independence, and no values. Equality 7-2521 lives in the dark ages of the future where all decisions are made by committee, all people live in collectives, and all traces of individualism have been wiped out. Despite such a restrictive environment, the spark of individual thought and freedom still burns in him--a passion which he has been taught to call sinful. In a purely egalitarian world, Equality 7-2521 dares to stand apart from the herd--to think and choose for himself, to discover electricity, and to love the woman of his choice. Now he has been marked for death for committing the ultimate sin. In a world where the great "we" reign supreme, he has rediscovered the lost and holy word--"I." -
Fahrenheit 451
Ray Bradbury’s internationally acclaimed novel Fahrenheit 451 is a masterwork of twentieth-century literature set in a bleak, dystopian future. Guy Montag is a fireman. In his world, where television rules and literature is on the brink of extinction, firemen start fires rather than put them out. His job is to destroy the most illegal of commodities, the printed book, along with the houses in which they are hidden. Montag never questions the destruction and ruin his actions produce, returning each day to his bland life and wife, Mildred, who spends all day with her television "family." But then he meets an eccentric young neighbor, Clarisse, who introduces him to a past where people didn’t live in fear, and to a present where one sees the world through the ideas in books instead of the mindless chatter of television. When Mildred attempts suicide, and Clarisse suddenly disappears, Montag begins to question everything he has ever known. He starts hiding books in his home, and when his pilfering is discovered, the fireman has to run for his life. -
Brave New World
Far in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society. Through the clever mix of genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs, everyone is a happy consumer. Bernard Marx seems alone in his discontent. -
编辑推荐 二十世纪福斯电影公司出品,根据《移动迷宫》第一部改编电影《找出真相》揽获全球50多个国家和地区票房总冠军,第二部改编电影《烧痕审判》2015年全球盛大上映 欧美当红系列小说,荣登美国《纽约时报》《出版商周刊》畅销书榜榜首 全球销量突破1000万册,版权转售40余个国家,囊括包括全美青少年最佳图书、美国青少年图书馆协会最佳小说、《科克斯书评》最佳青少年书籍在内十多项大奖 首次将迷宫和流行跑酷元素结合,同名手游跑酷游戏已经上线,获得玩家肯定 勇做迷宫行者,挑战极限人生 人生就是一座迷宫,只有勇敢的奔跑者才能找到出路 迷宫是惊奇、神秘的意象,掺混着一种徒劳无益的挣扎和生逢绝境的焦灼,但也正是在这种挣扎和焦灼中,产生了冥想、反思和思辨,构成了寻找出路的可能性。在主人公一路逃生的过程中,充满了徒劳无益的挣扎和生逢绝境的焦灼,但正是这种挣扎和焦灼,令人产生了思考,构成了寻找出路的可能性。只有勇敢者才会放弃安逸的现状去质疑规则,以智慧和行动冲出自我迷宫与他人丛林,无论成败,他们都拓展了人类认知边界,都尽己所能地将生命的意志顽强燃烧,并用温暖美好的精神之光照亮他人。 关于本系列 未来世界,天地巨变。太阳耀斑摧残地球,人类受到致命病毒“闪焰”的袭击,生存面临巨大危机。各国政府联合成立“灾难总部”组织,搜寻对此病毒具有免疫抗体的少年,精心设计了一场生存大实验,移动迷宫就是这场实验的实验场。一群毫不知情的年轻人被放置到绝境,身体、心灵、情感、意志都面临巨大挑战,但他们坚守信念,一路出逃,让生命意志顽强燃烧。 迷宫是人类生存境况的象征:人们在群体规则的坚墙中尝试突破,在生命的天平上衡量权重,在挣扎的焦灼中冥想反思,寻找人生出口。人类唯有以智慧和行动冲出外在和内心的迷宫,才能用希望和人性之光照亮世界,到达自由彼岸。 关于本书 《找出真相》 托马斯在黑暗中醒来,除了自己的名字,记忆尽失。他发现自己来到一片林间空地,四周一座巨石迷宫晨开暮合,不断变幻。一群自称“空地人”的男孩俨然组成一个小社会,他试图融入,却屡屡受阻,同时,奇怪梦境不断袭来,巨大的迷宫仿佛磁石吸引着他。 一个名叫特蕾莎的女孩突然到来,手中攥着神秘字条,托马斯觉得与她似曾相识。此后,怪事不断发生:供给中断、迷宫大门不再关闭,鬼火兽开始不断伤人…… 迷宫到底隐藏着什么秘密?托马斯加入了迷宫行者的队伍,开始破解迷宫的秘密…… 《烧痕审判》 托马斯他们逃出了迷宫,但灾难并未结束。 一个叫“灾难总部”的机构设计了迷宫实验,托马斯他们是A组实验对象。一夜醒来,所有人的颈后都出现了神秘文身,特蕾莎不见了,代之以一个来自B组的男孩。众人被告知染上了闪焰症病毒,只有通过第二关考验才有治愈的可能。他们必须在两周内穿越100英里的焦土区,才能到达安全避难所。高温、暴雨、致人死命的水银球,还有横行街头的眩疯病人、B组的劫杀…… 忠诚与背叛,生存与死亡,自护与劫杀……托马斯他们面临前所未有的考验。 《死亡解药》 灾难总部宣布:恢复所有实验者的全部记忆,摘除大脑中的控制器。然而,实验并未结束。 托马斯不断做梦,记忆的漏洞慢慢填补。他希望找回家人和进入迷宫之前的美好生活,但又怎能相信脑中植入的记忆? 托马斯拒绝恢复记忆,决定联合大家,抵御这场实验,却发现早已有人先他一步,一群反抗灾难总部的“正义军”已经开始行动。这时,其他实验者却全都消失了…… -
在线阅读本书 In a glass-enclosed city of absolute straight lines, ruled over by the all-powerful ‘Benefactor’, the citizens of the totalitarian society of OneState live out lives devoid of passion and creativity – until D-503, a mathematician who dreams in numbers, makes a discovery: he has an individual soul. Set in the twenty-sixth century AD, We is the classic dystopian novel and was the inspiration for George Orwell’s 1984. It was suppressed for many years in Russia and remains a resounding cry for individual freedom, yet is also a powerful, exciting and vivid work of science fiction -
乔治·奥威尔(1903—1950)是英国伟大的人道主义作家、新闻记者和社会评论家,著名的英语文体家。 《动物农场》是奥威尔最优秀的作品之一,是一则入骨三分的反乌托邦的政治讽喻寓言。农场的一群动物成功地进行了一场“革命”,将压榨他们的人类东家赶出农场,建立起一个平等的动物社会。然而,动物领袖,那些聪明的猪们最终却篡夺了革命的果实,成为比人类东家更加独裁和极权的统治者。“多一个人看奥威尔,就多了一分自由的保障”,有评论家如是说。 -
Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited (Perennial Classics)
In 1958, Aldous Huxley wrote what might be called a sequel to his novel Brave New World, published in 1932, but it was a sequel that did not revisit the story or the characters, or re-enter the world of the novel. Instead, he revisited that world in a set of 12 essays. Taking a second look at specific aspects of the future Huxley imagined in Brave New World, Huxley meditated on how his fantasy seemed to be turning into reality, frighteningly and much more quickly than he had ever dreamed. That he had been so prophetic in 1931 about the dystopian future gave Huxley no comfort. He was a far more serious man in 1958 -- at the age of 64 -- and the world was a very different place, transformed by the catastrophe of World War II, the advent of nuclear weapons and the grip of the Cold War. Looking behind the Iron Curtain, where people were not free but dominated by totalitarian power, Huxley could only bow to the grim prophecy of his friend (and, briefly, his student at Eton) George Orwell in the novel 1984. In the free world, however, the situation seemed even more to be one for despair. For it seemed to Huxley that people were well on their way to giving up their freedom and the sanctity of their individualism, in exchange for the illusions of comfort and sensory pleasure -- just as they had in Brave New World. Huxley heard, in 1958, a world full of the noise of what he called singing commercials, flooding the mass media, much like the hypnopaedia that shaped conscious thought in the world of the novel. He saw people everywhere in greater numbers taking tranquilizer drugs, to surrender to the unacceptable aspects of modern life -- not unlike the drug called soma that everyone takes in the novel. The power of propaganda, he believed, had been validated by the rise of Hitler, and the postwar world was using it effectively to manipulate the masses. Overpopulation was already a critical issue in 1958, and Huxley saw the emergence of an overpopulated world in which the chaos was, more and more, being countered by centralized control -- closer, it seemed, to the future of Brave New World, where the ultimate controlling capitalist of Huxley´s early years, Henry Ford, had become the equivalent of God. In the end, Brave New World Revisited despairs of what has come to pass, primarily modern humankind´s willingness to surrender freedom for pleasure. Huxley quotes from the episode of the Grand Inquisitor in The Brothers Karamazov -- ´For nothing,´ the Inquisitor insists, ´has ever been more insupportable for a man or a human society than freedom.´ Huxley worried that the cry of "Give me liberty or give me death" could easily be replaced by "Give me television and hamburgers, but don´t bother me with the responsibilities of liberty." He saw hope in the form of education, even the most pious, orthodox and inefficient kind of education -- education that can teach people to see beyond the easy slogans, efficient ends and anesthetic influences of propaganda. Perhaps the forces that now menace freedom are too strong to be resisted for every long, Huxley concluded. It is still our duty to do whatever we can to resist them. -
Animal Farm
‘All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.’ Mr Jones of Manor Farm is so lazy and drunken that one daz he forgets to feed his livestock. the ensuing rebellion under the leadership of the pigs Napoleon and Snowball leads to the animals taking over the farm. Vowing to eliminate the terrible inequities of the farmyard, the renamed Animal Farm is organized to benefit all who walk on four legs. But as time passes, the ideals of the rebellion are corrupted, then forgotten. And something new and unexpected emerges... -
二十二世纪,非洲肯尼亚的基里尼亚加圣山下,一座座现代文明城市污染严重,成群的野生动物已成了遥远的记忆,广阔的热带草原上住满了来自欧洲的移民。 基库尤人后裔柯里巴决意在一个类地星球上建立属于本民族的“乌托邦”——基里尼亚加。他是基里尼亚加的巫医,是整个族群中天神恩迦的唯一代言人。柯里巴通过电脑与该星球的维护部联系,有呼风唤雨的通天神力。他讲了一个又一个让孩子们为之着迷的寓言故事,启迪了他们的智慧,但也给自己的权威带来了麻烦。 面对接踵而至的各种挑战,柯里巴能否坚守古老的民族传统呢? -
《分歧者》三部曲包括《分歧者》《反叛者》和《忠诚者》三部作品。 在第一部中,世界按照人类最美特质划归五大派别:无私、无畏、诚实、友好和博学 。每个孩子在16岁那一年必须重新选择自己所要效忠的派别。无私派的姑娘翠丝选择了无畏派,她的命运也由此发生了惊天逆转。她从血雨腥风的新 生训练中脱颖而出,并和训练导师偷偷地相互喜欢。在一次唯独分歧者幸免的情境模拟中,受博学派控制屠杀无私派的无畏派分裂,人们纷纷跑到友好派避祸…… 在第二部中,五大派别崩盘。无私派被屠杀原来是因为负有神秘使命,博学派被扫荡,无派别大军崛起。翠丝的内心经历着愧疚的煎熬,但她还是勇敢去揭穿事情的真相。遭遇背叛的翠丝,险些死于非命。在复杂的局面下,她和老四的感情经受着最大敌人——猜疑的考验,最终牵出了关于整个城市的巨大秘密…… 在第三部中,翠丝和她的朋友们来到了围栏之外的世界,发现她发赖以生存的城市叫作芝加哥,而它只不过是美国当局的一场基因修正实验。他们的价值观和信念统统被颠覆了……结局令人痛哭。我们始终都该明白,生活对人的的伤害,没有谁可以幸免。 -
The thrillingly dark sequel to New York Times bestseller, DIVERGENT - a major motion picture in 2014. One choice can transform you - or it can destroy you. Tris Prior's initiation day should have been marked by victorious celebrations with her chosen faction; instead it ended with unspeakable horrors. Now unrest surges in the factions around her as conflict between their ideologies grows. War seems inevitable; and in times of war sides must be chosen, secrets will emerge and choices will become ever more irrevocable. Tris has already paid a terrible price for survival and is wracked by haunting grief and guilt. But radical new discoveries and shifting relationships mean that she must fully embrace her Divergence - even though she cannot know what might be lost in doing so. New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth's much-anticipated second book of the dystopian Divergent trilogy is another intoxicating thrill-ride, rich with hallmark twists, heartbreak, romance and powerful insights about human nature. -
The Maze Runner
The first book in the New York Times bestselling Maze Runner series— The Maze Runner is a modern classic, perfectfor fans of The Hunger Games and Divergent . When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his first name. His memory is blank. But he’s not alone. When the lift’s doors open, Thomas finds himself surrounded by kids who welcome him to the Glade—a large, open expanse surrounded by stone walls. Just like Thomas, the Gladers don’t know why or how they got to the Glade. All they know is that every morning the stone doors to the maze that surrounds them have opened. Every night they’ve closed tight. And every thirty days a new boy has been delivered in the lift. Thomas was expected. But the next day, a girl is sent up—the first girl to ever arrive in the Glade. And more surprising yet is the message she delivers. Thomas might be more important than he could ever guess. If only he could unlock the dark secrets buried within his mind. -
《天启死循环》是一本后启示录格调的奇特小说,混杂着哲学神学科学与诗歌。这是自闭鬼才A.J.Alex(http://site.douban.com/ajalex/)的奇想之书。作者 A.J.Alex 1999-2007年间从梦境出发,用非正常逻辑的跳跃方式为自己写就了这一 本初看不合理也不好归类的小说。并且刻意地采用了一种幼稚可笑而又愚钝主观的写 作方式来隐藏书中所真正想要表达的意思,使得这本书极易被低估。在一些地方你会误认为作者极为不成熟,一些段落又似乎不知所云,而突然闪现的另一些段落里又能看出他惊人的文字敏感度,细想之下,才能发觉他潜在的深意。这一切被打碎融合,成为天启。他形容它是半部自传,然而这自传被后启示录的奇想隐藏了起来。由于它的奇怪,一直没能得以重视,作者也一直将三十万字初稿置之不理。直到2012年,故事中超现实元素一个个变成了现实,人们才惊觉这本书的重要性,并强烈要求把它发行出来。在作者终于同意与朋友完成重修后,《天启》全书从三十万字被写为五十万字,又被作者修剪为二十万字,它并不是被修改得更复杂,而是变得更简洁。 《天启|死循环》由一言堂(http://site.douban.com/210807/)独立发行。首发五百套书籍系手工版本。并有分别包含《苦旅-天启配乐CD》、《天启原声磁带》和周边的不同版本同步发行。 -
Brave New World
Aldous Huxley's tour de force, "Brave New World" is a darkly satiric vision of a "utopian" future where humans are genetically bred and pharmaceutically anesthetized to passively serve a ruling order. A powerful work of speculative fiction that has enthralled and terrified readers for generations, it remains remarkably relevant to this day as both a warning to be heeded as we head into tomorrow and as thought-provoking, satisfying entertainment. -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友