

  • SPIN销售高价成交


    营销及消费行为专家 孙路弘 推荐 SPIN销售模式创始人又一力作 价格竞争时代的高价成交策略圣经 过去十年中,销售的本质已经被重新定义。  你是否还在价格战中苦苦挣扎?  客户对你的解决方案为什么毫无兴趣?  什么样的提问技巧才能让你脱颖而出? SPIN销售模式再出击,重新诠释销售的本质。  更高的提问质量和相关性  提问专注于商业敏感度的五大要素  提问的本身不会帮你摆脱商品同质化的命运  采购决策的推动力不再是产品,而是销售人员的洞见 在当今高度竞争的市场中,品牌忠诚实际上是不存在的,优良的产品与服务不再是高获利的保证──它们只不过是推销员的入门砖。在一个商品化、买家精明、成本控制一切的时代中,最要紧的就是业务员的专业能力,这种专业能力可以让他们在销售过程中,提供具有价值的洞见。 全球顶尖的销售绩效顾问机构Huthwaite公司三十年来针对全球企业进行过无数的销售互动研究及持续不断的试验,于10年前提出轰动的“SPIN销售模式”,如今再次出击,推出突破性的“高价成交”策略。 透过创新的高价成交策略,业务人员可以确认并洞悉顾客的想法,不必再削价竞争,就能在每次交易中以高额的售价成交。书中包含切合时宜的市场研究及真实案例,是销售及管理人员的最佳实务指南。
  • Spin

    作者:Robert Charles Wilso

    One night in October when he was ten years old, Tyler Dupree stood in his back yard and watched the stars go out. They all flared into brilliance at once, then disappeared, replaced by a flat, empty black barrier. He and his best friends, Jason and Diane Lawton, had seen what became known as the Big Blackout. It would shape their lives. The effect is worldwide. The sun is now a featureless disk--a heat source, rather than an astronomical object. The moon is gone, but tides remain. Not only have the world's artificial satellites fallen out of orbit, their recovered remains are pitted and aged, as though they'd been in space far longer than their known lifespans. As Tyler, Jason, and Diane grow up, a space probe reveals a bizarre truth: The barrier is artificial, generated by huge alien artifacts. Time is passing faster outside the barrier than inside--more than a hundred million years per year on Earth. At this rate, the death throes of the sun are only about forty years in our future. Jason, now a promising young scientist, devotes his life to working against this slow-moving apocalypse. Diane throws herself into hedonism, marrying a sinister cult leader who's forged a new religion out of the fears of the masses. Earth sends terraforming machines to Mars to let the onrush of time do its work, turning the planet green. Next they send humans...and immediately get back an emissary with thousands of years of stories to tell about the settling of Mars. Then Earth's probes reveal that an identical barrier has appeared around Mars. Jason, desperate, seeds near space with self-replicating machines that will scatter copies of themselves outward from the sun--and report back on what they find. Life on Earth is about to get much, much stranger.
  • 销售巨人1

    作者:[美] 尼尔·雷克汉姆

    本书献给那些严谨的销售人员,他们把销售看作是一种高水准的职业,在我们的研究中,与来自全球20多个优秀企业的顶尖销售人才合作过,通过观察他们在大订单销售中的行为,我们发现了什么使他们那么成功,这就是本书的主旨。   在西方,近十几年来,一种专门用于大生意销售的技巧和工具被广泛应用,有超过一半的全球500强企业用SPIN来培训他们的销售队伍。 SPIN Selling包括四个环节,背景问题、难点问题、暗示问题、需求——效益问题。简单地说,SPIN是一种向客户提问的技巧和开发潜在客户需求的工作,它专门应用于大生意销售过程且十分有效是所有大客户销售经理必须掌握的专业技能。