Enduring Literature Illuminated by Practical Scholarship One noble family's descent into madness, mayhem, and murder -- the first play in Sophocles' great Theban trilogy. This Enriched Classic Edition includes: • A concise introduction that gives readers important background information • Timelines of significant events in Greek history and theater that provide the book's historical context • An outline of key themes and plot points to help readers form their own interpretations • Detailed explanatory notes • Critical analysis and modern perspectives on the work • Discussion questions to promote lively classroom and book group interaction • A list of recommended related books and films to broaden the reader's experience Enriched Classics offer readers affordable editions of great works of literature enhanced by helpful notes and insightful commentary. The scholarship provided in Enriched Classics enables readers to appreciate, understand, and enjoy the world's finest books to their full potential. Series edited by Cynthia Brantley Johnson -
史诗《奥林匹斯的春天》是施氏代表作,全诗长达20000行。一律采用亚历山大体,分5部共33章叙述了一个天才的神话故事。在奥林匹斯众神的命运决定者阿南柯的安排下。被幽禁于下界的神明们重返神山参加竞夺美女与王位。全诗篇幅浩瀚。主题牵涉面广,深刻反映了作者所处的那个时代的特色。作者所坚持的不曲意逢迎俗世的独特创作观。对今天的读者来说。不啻为对耐心的一场挑战和对修养的一次考验。 -
The Fall of Hyperion
In the stunning continuation of the epic adventure begun in "Hyperion,"Simmons returns us to a far future resplendent with drama and invention. Onthe world of Hyperion, the mysterious Time Tombs are opening. And the secretsthey contain mean that nothing--nothing anywhere in the universe--will ever bethe same. -
《黑暗传》主要为神农架地区打“丧鼓”时所唱,生动形象地描述了盘古开天辟地结束混沌黑暗、人类起源及社会发展的历程,融汇了混沌、盘古、女娲、伏羲、炎帝神农氏、黄帝轩辕氏等众多英雄人物在洪荒时代艰难创世的一系列神话传说。著名学者袁珂、刘守华等给予高度评价,认为它可作为“汉民族广义神话史诗”来看待。 -
作为“特洛伊三部曲”的终章,本作承接上一部《雷霆之盾》的情节。迈锡尼的军队劫掠了达耳达诺斯,达耳达诺斯王后哈莉西娅骑马越过了裂隙,拯救了儿子却没救得了自己。 迈锡尼军 队 步步紧逼,终于来到特洛伊城下。赫克托耳的声望、奥德修斯的智慧、阿喀琉斯的勇猛、阿伽门农的狡猾、安德洛玛刻的坚强、赫利卡昂的气势,交织在一起,决定众人命运的时刻终于到来。 千年之内,黄金之城将化为尘土,城墙崩毁,普里阿摩斯宫殿的旧址繁花盛开。伟大英雄的名字将永不被遗忘,他们的事迹会永垂不朽,直至世界的末日…… -
格萨尔王传,ISBN:9787508520117,作者:降边嘉措,吴伟 著 -
《英雄诗系》取材于古希腊神话故事和英雄传说,据传为荷马所作,也有人把它归在了赫西俄德名下,目前流传下来的是一些不同版本的残篇。本书是对《英雄诗系》的整理、注释,包括“忒拜诗系”、“特洛亚诗系”、“关于赫拉克勒斯和忒修斯的史诗”和“谱系与古物的史诗”四大部分。本书的注释多于正文,其重要性与正文不相上下,因为没有笺释,正文无法识读。因此,本书采用我国古籍整理的习惯体例,将笺注与正文同列,便于阅读。 -
《列王纪研究》是2005—2008年国家社科研究基金项目。《列王纪》是伊朗(波斯文)史诗,是世界文学名著。 -
希腊英雄在凯旋途中,遭到诸神的惩罚,在大海上漂流了十年;同时,家乡的境况也十分不妙:向他妻子求婚的人正挥霍他的家产,试图谋害他的儿子。在和神、人以及自然的斗争中,他充分展示了自己的机智和勇敢。他先后战胜了巨人和海怪;游历冥府,看到了战争中阵亡英雄的鬼魂;被仙女挽留了七年;最后终于重返家园,惩罚了他全部的敌人。 -
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Miraculously preserved on clay tablets dating back as far as four thousand years, the poem of Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, is the world's oldest epic, predating Homer by many centuries. The story tells of Gilgamesh.s adventures with the wild man Enkidu, and of his arduous journey to the ends of the earth in quest of the Babylonian Noah and the secret of immortality. In addition to its themes of family, friendship and duties of kings, The Epic of Gilgamesh is, above all, about mankind's eternal struggle with the fear of death. The Babylonian version has been known for over a century, but linguists are still deciphering new fragments in Akkadian and Sumerian. Andrew George's gripping translation brilliantly combines these into a fluent narrative and will long rank as the definitive English Gilgamesh. -
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh (ca. 2500-1500 B.C.E.) is one of the world's greatest epic narratives and, quite possibly, its oldest epic poem. Our text is based on a new English translation from original sources. An introduction, interpretive headings, explanatory annotations, and illustrations guide readers through the text and help them explore Near Eastern history and culture. Analogues includes two related groups of ancient poetry. The first is a collection of shorter, older Sumerian poems about the hero Gilgamesh, some of which appear in The Epic of Gilgamesh . The second collection includes material about Gilgamesh from the Hittite language, translations or paraphrases of Babylonian versions of the epic that have not been preserved in the same form. Criticism provides introduction and analysis in essays by William Moran, Thorkild Jacobsen, and Rivkah Harris. A Glossary of Proper Names and a Selected Bibliography are included. About the Series : No other series of classic texts equals the caliber of the Norton Critical Editions . Each volume combines the most authoritative text available with the comprehenive pedagogical apparatus necessary to appreciate the work fully. Careful editing, first-rate translation, and thorough explanatory annotations allow each text to meet the highest literary standards while remaining accessible to students. Each edition is printed on acid-free paper and every text in the series remains in print. Norton Critical Editions are the choice for excellence in scholarship for students at more than 2,000 universities worldwide. -
印度史诗《摩诃婆罗多》的汉语全译本已由中国社会科学出版社出版,全书约有五百万字,装订成厚重的六册。考虑到许多读者无暇阅读全书,而又渴望了解这部享誉世界的印度史诗,出版社建议将我为这部译本撰写的前言、各篇导言和后记汇编成《 导读》,作为单行本出版,以适应读者需要。我觉得这是一件好事,欣然同意,并趁此机会,另外选译了四篇参考文章,作为这部导读的附录。 《摩诃婆罗多》是享誉世界的印度史诗,它的汉语全译本,全书约有五百万字,装订成厚重的六册,许多读者无暇阅读全书,而又渴望了解这部著作,本书将这部译本撰写的前言、各篇导言和后记汇编成《 导读》,作为单行本出版,以适应读者需要。 -
弥漫着金色烟尘的华丽的插图,悠扬清新一如天籁的诗句。 《薄伽梵歌》是印度古代宗教和文学名著,也是古代印度经典史诗《摩诃婆罗多》中最精彩的哲理插话和印度教最负盛名的经典。 《薄伽梵歌》这个书名是由“薄伽梵”(Bhagavat,“世尊”之意)和“歌”(Gita,“颂歌”)组成的,全意就是《神之歌》,堪称古印度的《神曲》。 这部圣诗是以《摩诃婆罗多》中的俱卢和般度两个亲族大战为背景的。般度族的第三子阿周那面对即将被屠杀的亲族充满悲伤怜悯之情,黑天神化身为阿周那的车夫克里希纳,与王子做了一番关于宗教、信仰、生命和死亡的对话。 简言之,就是一篇深奥优美的战前动员。 -
本史诗讲述了萨逊家族四代巨人英雄的故事。它既描绘了亚美尼亚英雄率民众抗击哈里发等外敌入侵的壮阔画面,也展示了英雄创建萨逊城堡,建设家园的火热场面,但这些都是英雄们成长史的背景,史诗在英雄们从摇篮经马背到坟墓的过程中着重刻画了其英勇顽强、善良纯真的性格,童年放牧,杀妖降魔,千里娶亲,比武招亲……读来妙趣横生,让读者对这个民族的起源,风土人情,民族性格、历史事件等都有全面的了解。 -
章節目錄 《英雄史诗的起源》中译本序一 《英雄史诗的起源》中译本序二 第一章 当代关于史诗起源的理论 第二章 史诗的原始源头 第三章 古代的英雄史诗 第一节 卡累利阿—芬兰人的古代英雄史诗 第二节 高加索各民族的古代英雄传说 第三节 西伯利亚地区突厥—蒙古诸族的英雄史诗 第四节 苏美尔—阿卡德史诗作品 第四章 史诗:从原始到经典 人名索引 图书索引 -
本书是阿克得人的天地开辟神话,是西亚关于天地人类由来的神话宝典,也是世界最早史诗之一。在中国翻译界,饶宗颐首次翻译了《近东开辟史诗》,为广大读者了解或研究近东地区的开辟神话提供了有益的启迪。 -
《福乐智慧(精)》是公元十一世纪我国历史上喀拉汗朝时期用回鹘语写成的一部长诗。这部维吾尔族古典文学名著,十九世纪以来即为研究中亚及我国新疆地区历史和文化的中外学者所注目,吸引了众多的研究者。《福乐智慧》以其集中概括地反映了社会现实的深刻内容、深阐博引的丰富哲理、优美典雅的诗艺和熔于民族传统与多种外来文化于一炉的开放格调而具有多方面的研究价值,在中国古代文化中和中亚文化史上都占有重要的地位。 长诗的内容,概括起来就是赞美真主和先知,歌颂英明君主,劝喻统治者公正、睿智、知足;同时还分析和评价了当时各行各业的现实作用。作品以四个虚构的象征性人物之间的对话,深刻而细致地讨论了上述内容;作为公正化身的“日出”国王求贤心切,而象征幸福的“满月”前来谒见后,即被封为宰相,宰相临终之际,向国王推荐代表睿智的儿子“贤明”接替相位;但这位宰相之子需要自己的叔父--最懂知足的“觉醒”当助手;因三请而不就,国王深为焦虑。 -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友