The Making of a Hinterland
This wholly original reassessment of critical issues in modern Chinese history traces social, economic, and ecological change in inland North China during the late Qing dynasty and the Republic. Using many new sources, Kenneth Pomeranz argues that the development of certain regions entailed the systematic underdevelopment of other regions. He maps changes in local finance, farming, transportation, taxation, and popular protest, and analyzes the consequences for different classes, sub-regions, and genders.Pomeranz attributes these diverse developments to several causes: the growing but incomplete integration of North China into the world economy, the state's abandonment of many hinterland areas and traditional functions, and the effect of local social structures on these processes. He shows that hinterlands were made, not merely found, and were powerfully shaped by the strategies of local groups as well as outside forces. This wholly original reassessment of critical issues in modern Chinese history traces social, economic, and ecological change in inland North China during the late Qing dynasty and the Republic. Using many new sources, Kenneth Pomeranz argues that the development of certain regions entailed the systematic underdevelopment of other regions. He maps changes in local finance, farming, transportation, taxation, and popular protest, and analyzes the consequences for different classes, sub-regions, and genders.Pomeranz attributes these diverse developments to several causes: the growing but incomplete integration of North China into the world economy, the state's abandonment of many hinterland areas and traditional functions, and the effect of local social structures on these processes. He shows that hinterlands were made, not merely found, and were powerfully shaped by the strategies of local groups as well as outside forces. -
这部对中国现代史上某些重大问题进行全新评价的著作,探索了清末民初华北内地的社会、经济和生态变迁。彭慕兰采用了大量的新资料,认为一些地区的发展造成了其他地区系统的不发展。他阐述了当地的金融、农作、交通、税收情况和农民的反抗斗争,并分析了不同阶级、地区和性别的因果关系。 彭慕兰认为,腹地是被创造的,而不是被发现的,在很大程度上是由当地群体与外部力量的方略所造成的。 -
《大分流:欧洲中国及现代世界经济的发展》的基本观点是:1800年以前是一个多元的世界,没有一个经济中心,西方并没有任何明显的、完全为西方自己独有的内生优势;只是19世纪欧洲工业化充分发展以后,一个占支配地位的西欧中心才具有了实际意义。 -
贸易常常给全球化和商品化带来无法预测的后果,许多重大历史事件的发展、突变,新观念革命都与贸易相关。贸易将世界各地的不同民族、不同文明的人联结在一起,贸易促成了全球化,贸易改变了各地的自然世界、社会世界。从某种程度上说,是贸易打造了今日的世界格局。 本书从市场准则的形成、运输手段所开启的观念革命、致瘾性食品的经济文化、暴力经济学等七个主题讲述世界经济创造中的盛衰消长,以及五百年的全球化积累下,21世纪的人们必须面对的严重问题。 本书给我们提供了一套完整的、建基于1400年以来的全球贸易体系的世界观。书中对什么时候由商人发动战争效率最高、贸易如何使鸟粪变成黄金、拥有最大舰船的明朝为什么未能赢得海上霸权、华尔街如何使美国的金融霸业落空等问题,都提供了别具洞见的答案。 如果不是为了赶时髦,喊喊全球化的口号,那就需要一套更复杂、也更具历史包容力的世界观来重新理解全球化这件事情。彭慕兰教授的这本书是无法、也不该被错过的! -
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友