这是一本杂书,它纵横数学,历史、文化、计算机、密码学等众多领域,这又是一本专书,它只有一个中心即费马大定理;这是一本所有人都能看看懂一部分的书,这又是一本几乎没有人能看懂全部的书;这是一个由业余人士提出并由职业数学家最终证明的定理,这是一个人类历史上卷入人数最多的数学猜想,这是一个普解救了一位即将自杀的富豪的生命并因此悬赏10万金马克以求证的最著名数学猜想。 故深于算法者可以析至纷之数,穷志赜之理,选至精至奇之器,奇造化之极舆,池天人之秘奥。国家因此而富强,天下俱得其便利,其功岂浅鲜哉! 法国一位悲观的物理学家曾断言,人类的智力已达到了极限,例证之一就是费马大定理。 我们无法先验地看清楚费马这个问题的重要性。事实上,它对数的发展一直有着深远的影响。费马宣称得到了一个证明,但他没有地方把它记下来!在过去300年里,许多世界上最好的数学家被这一貌似简单的问题的难度所吸引,致力于证明这个费马的最后猜想,但只部分获得了成功在他们奋力解决这个问题的过程中,引进了许多新的技巧与概念,他们已经渗透到大部分数学之中。于是费马问题就像珠穆朗玛峰一样,吸引着无数的挑战者。试图登让顶峰的企图刺激了新的技巧和技术的发展与完善。 -
《不可思议:有悖直觉的难题及其令人惊叹的解答》是《不要大惊小怪》的续集,收集了另外18个有悖直觉的独特数学课题,纳入的标准是在不久以前或者很久以前,这些题材曾引起了作者的诧异。如果你去思考这些课题,会对你的推理能力有极大的考验。概率和统计构成了《不可思议:有悖直觉的难题及其令人惊叹的解答》中大约半数的素材,其余部分则是兼收并蓄的。一些素材有着有趣的历史,另一些则具有深远的后果。总的来说,我们收集了一部由令人迷惑的事物组成的合集,并试图做出解释。 -
《最后的消遣:九头蛇、鸡蛋与其他数学之谜》内容简介:有3位传教士与3个食人者在河的右岸,打算利用一只小划子摆渡到左岸去。划子很小,一次至多只能搭载2个人。食人者毫无人性,不论在左岸还是右岸,只要人数占优(多出一人就行),传教士就会被他们杀死吃掉。现在问你:所有的6个人都能安然渡河吗?如果能,试问最少要渡几次? -
本书系统全面地介绍了数学常数e有关方面的知识,从其发现史、发现人到其在现代诸数学分支中的应用。叙述浅显易懂,适合于一般爱好者阅读。 -
A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper
With the same user-friendly, quirky, and perceptive approach that made Innumeracy a bestseller, John Allen Paulos travels though the pages of the daily newspaper showing how math and numbers are a key element in many of the articles we read every day.From the Senate, SATs, and sex, to crime, celebrities, and cults, he takes stories that may not seem to involve mathematics at all and demonstrates how a lack of mathematical knowledge can hinder our understanding of them. -
《概率和方程的故事》内容简介:张远南先生是我国著名科普作家,教学经验丰富的著名中学教学特级教师,对中学数学的“难点”和“亮点”了如指掌。 -
本书用通俗、幽默的语言,深入浅出地讲述了隐藏在体育运动中的数学知识,例如,如何罚点球更有利,体育中破纪录,飞镖中的技巧,排行榜的秘密等等,内容几乎涉及各类体育项目,如足球,篮球,游泳,射击等等。作者用浅显深动的语言讲述了体育中隐藏的数学知识,内容引人入胜,让人欲罢不能。难怪本书被《新科学家》杂志评论为:如此迷人的数学读物是非常罕见的。 -
立方倍积、三等分角、化圆为方、正多边形作图、方程的根式解和费马大定理,这些是最著名的数学历史性难题,影响深远.本书由浅入深介绍其源头、沿革、最终解答和引发的现代数学.前部分浅显有趣,初中生可读.后部分渐深,以古典问题为线索介绍现代数学中极重要而又有趣的群、域、模、伽罗瓦理论、代数数、超越数、椭圆曲线等,大学生可阅读.最后一章也易读. -
《学数学,就这么简单!》内容简介:我们生活的世界有形形色色的事物和现象,其中都必定包含着“科学”的成分。在这些成分中,有些是你所熟知的,有些是你未知的,有些是你还一知半解的。面对未知的世界,好奇的你是不是有很多疑惑、不解和期待呢?“形形色色的科学”趣味科普丛书,把我们身边方方面面的科学知识活灵活现、生动有趣地展示给你,让你在畅快阅读中收获这些鲜活的科学知识! 掌握数学这个工具并不仅仅意味着记住公式、求解练习题,而是要体会到数学的精妙之处。学数学,真的有窍门!看了这本书,你就会明白,0、圆周率、无理数的发现,函数、微积分、线性代数等数学工具的来源和应用……初高中生自不必说,对于想要重新理解数学的人本书更是必不可少! -
数学娱乐问题 (平装)
《数学娱乐问题》由上海教育出版社出版。 -
《人人都来掷骰子:日常生活中的概率与统计》内容简介:概率和统计以各种各样的方式影响着普通百姓的生活——正如《人人都来掷骰子:日常生活中的概率与统计》书名所示。信息常常是确切的,可总是会带有偏向性。《人人都来掷骰子:日常生活中的概率与统计》提供了概率和统计的重要结论,而这并没有对读者施加数学上的重负。它将能使一个有才智的读者恰当地评价统计信息,并且理解同样的信息可以用不同的方式来描述。 -
《有钱人的数学:用数字解决问题的人,一定会有钱!》内容简介:成为有钱人的第一步,是“我的数字我做主”。你知道吗?理财顾问正在操纵你,课程培训正在忽悠你,朋友同事正在隐瞒你。真正的生财之道、决胜之机,没有人会告诉你。有钱人绝少将私房机密示人。同样,你只有靠自己解决生活中的重要数学问题,彻底改变你的数字掌控力,才能真正掌握自己的命运。《有钱人的数学:用数字解决问题的人,一定会有钱!》是一本风靡欧美、港台,提升你的经营、理财能力的书。英国知名数学教育家基亚尔坦·波斯基特在《有钱人的数学:用数字解决问题的人,一定会有钱!》利用有趣的例子、图像化的说明,结合生活中的经验,帮助你信心满满地解决每天面对的数学问题。读完《有钱人的数学:用数字解决问题的人,一定会有钱!》,不论投资、借贷、工作或消费,一般人生活中需要的大多数数学知识,你就都能驾轻就熟,再不必仰赖他人了。如此一来,你不仅不会被找你讨论数学功课的孩子给看扁,而且能比别人更有机会过好日子。《有钱人的数学:用数字解决问题的人,一定会有钱!》希望告诉你:赢取财富之路,何止千万条。自己搞不定数字,终究全无效。 -
How to Think Like a Mathematician
Looking for a head start in your undergraduate degree in mathematics? Maybe you've already started your degree and feel bewildered by the subject you previously loved? Don't panic! This friendly companion will ease your transition to real mathematical thinking. Working through the book you will develop an arsenal of techniques to help you unlock the meaning of definitions, theorems and proofs, solve problems, and write mathematics effectively. All the major methods of proof - direct method, cases, induction, contradiction and contrapositive - are featured. Concrete examples are used throughout, and you'll get plenty of practice on topics common to many courses such as divisors, Euclidean algorithms, modular arithmetic, equivalence relations, and injectivity and surjectivity of functions. The material has been tested by real students over many years so all the essentials are covered. With over 300 exercises to help you test your progress, you'll soon learn how to think like a mathematician. -
概率统计与我们的生活息息相关,是一门能够即学即用的学问。从骰子游戏的胜负到基本的统计处理,我们用图解说话,助你揭开“统计”迷雾,攻破“概率”难关。 《蜗牛科学系列》丛书从基础入手,遵循循序渐进的原则,深入浅出地解说基本的科学原理和最新的科学知识,注重学习方法与兴趣的培养。带着身边的问题走进它,不用死记定理,也不用硬背公式,不再乏味,不再费解,轻松步入神奇有趣、绚丽多姿的科学世界。本书是其中之一。 本书是写给觉得“我知道概率统计这个词,就是和现实事物对不上,不理解”,或常常想“我要学习概率统计,可是从哪里开始学呢”的读者。我们的目标是把概率的基本知识解释得通俗易懂,并且尽量具体说明。其中所举事例也尽量争取从我们周围的事情和日常的生活中选取。数学看起来复杂,归根究底,审一个“简单事实的积累”。概率统计也是如此。希望本书能够帮助读者理解概率统计,或者使各位读者燃起学习的兴趣。 -
《好玩的数学(普及版):幻方与素数:娱乐数学两大经典名题》分为两部分,第一部分是百变幻方——娱乐数学第一名题,对古今中外在幻方研究中的发现和成果有极为详细的介绍;第二部分是娱乐数学其他经典名题,包括数学哑谜、数学金字塔、素数、完美数、自守数、累进可除数,以及“数学黑洞”现象、重排九宫等问题。 -
《好玩的数学(普及版):乐在其中的数学》分10个方面,就数与形、逻辑、游戏、古今名题、概率运筹、循环回归、映射反演、文学艺术、书法建筑等,一幕又一幕地尘埃落定,展开了万花筒般的数学画卷。作者尽了很大努力,企图将世界闻名的马丁·伽德纳的趣味数学与乔治·波利亚的发现技巧熔为一炉,尽可能将所有题材中国化、本土化,用行云流水的科学小品风格来拨动读者的心弦,引起读者的共鸣。 -
《无穷的玩艺:数学的探索与旅行》是著名数学家写的数学普及读物。一部引人入胜的名著,不用任何公式。着重讨论数学的思想方法。从原始的计数开始,到达数理逻辑这一现代数学分支为止。 《无穷的玩艺:数学的探索与旅行》语言平易、浅显、自然、流畅,伴有大量生动的比喻和图形,内容循序渐进,前后呼应,趣味盎然。 数学有两种品格,其一是工具品格,其二是文化品格。……数学之文化品格、文化理念与文化素质原则之深远意义和至高的价值在于:他们当年所受到的数学训练,一直会在他们的生存方式和思维方式中潜在地起着根本性的作用,并且受用终身。 -
Think Bayes
If you know how to program with Python and also know a little about probability, you’re ready to tackle Bayesian statistics. With this book, you'll learn how to solve statistical problems with Python code instead of mathematical notation, and use discrete probability distributions instead of continuous mathematics. Once you get the math out of the way, the Bayesian fundamentals will become clearer, and you’ll begin to apply these techniques to real-world problems. Bayesian statistical methods are becoming more common and more important, but not many resources are available to help beginners. Based on undergraduate classes taught by author Allen Downey, this book’s computational approach helps you get a solid start. Use your existing programming skills to learn and understand Bayesian statistics Work with problems involving estimation, prediction, decision analysis, evidence, and hypothesis testing Get started with simple examples, using coins, M&Ms, Dungeons & Dragons dice, paintball, and hockey Learn computational methods for solving real-world problems, such as interpreting SAT scores, simulating kidney tumors, and modeling the human microbiome. -
Our Mathematical Universe
Max Tegmark leads us on an astonishing journey through past, present and future, and through the physics, astronomy and mathematics that are the foundation of his work, most particularly his hypothesis that our physical reality is a mathematical structure and his theory of the ultimate multiverse. In a dazzling combination of both popular and groundbreaking science, he not only helps us grasp his often mind-boggling theories, but he also shares with us some of the often surprising triumphs and disappointments that have shaped his life as a scientist. Fascinating from first to last—this is a book that has already prompted the attention and admiration of some of the most prominent scientists and mathematicians. “Tegmark offers a fascinating exploration of multiverse theories, each one offering new ways to explain ‘quantum weirdness’ and other mysteries that have plagued physicists, culminating in the idea that our physical world is ‘a giant mathematical object’ shaped by geometry and symmetry. Tegmark’s writing is lucid, enthusiastic, and outright entertaining, a thoroughly accessible discussion leavened with anecdotes and the pure joy of a scientist at work.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review) “Lively and lucid, the narrative invites general readers into debates over computer models for brain function, over scientific explanations of consciousness, and over prospects for finding advanced life in other galaxies. Though he reflects soberly on the perils of nuclear war and of hostile artificial intelligence, Tegmark concludes with a bracingly upbeat call for scientifically minded activists who recognize a rare opportunity to make our special planet a force for cosmic progress. An exhilarating adventure for bold readers.” —Bryce Cristensen, Booklist (starred review) “Our Mathematical Universe boldly confronts one of the deepest questions at the fertile interface of physics and philosophy: why is mathematics so spectacularly successful at describing the cosmos? Through lively writing and wonderfully accessible explanations, Max Tegmark—one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists—guides the reader to a possible answer, and reveals how, if it’s right, our understanding of reality itself would be radically altered.” —Brian Greene, physicist, author of The Elegant Universe and The Hidden Reality “Daring, Radical. Innovative. A game changer. If Dr. Tegmark is correct, this represents a paradigm shift in the relationship between physics and mathematics, forcing us to rewrite our textbooks. A must read for anyone deeply concerned about our universe.” —Michio Kaku, author of Physics of the Future “Tegmark offers a fresh and fascinating perspective on the fabric of physical reality and life itself. He helps us see ourselves in a cosmic context that highlights the grand opportunities for the future of life in our universe.” —Ray Kurzweil, author of The Singularity is Near “Readers of varied backgrounds will enjoy this book. Almost anyone will find something to learn here, much to ponder, and perhaps something to disagree with.” —Prof. Edward Witten, physicist, Fields Medalist & Milner Laureate “This inspirational book written by a true expert presents an explosive mixture of physics, mathematics and philosophy which may alter your views on reality.” —Prof. Andrei Linde, physicist, Gruber & Milner Laureate for development of inflationary cosmology “Galileo famously said that the universe is written in the language of mathematics. Now Max Tegmark says that the universe IS mathematics. You don’t have to necessarily agree, to enjoy this fascinating journey into the nature of reality.” —Prof. Mario Livio, astrophysicist, author of Brilliant Blunders and Is God a Mathematician? “Scientists and lay aficionados alike will find Tegmark’s book packed with information and very thought provoking. You may recoil from his thesis, but nearly every page will make you wish you could debate the issues face-to-face with him.” —Prof. Julian Barbour, physicist, author of The End of Time “In Our Mathematical Universe, renowned cosmologist Max Tegmark takes us on a whirlwind tour of the universe, past, present—and other. With lucid language and clear examples, Tegmark provides us with the master measure of not only of our cosmos, but of all possible universes. The universe may be lonely, but it is not alone.” —Prof. Seth Lloyd, Professor of quantum mechanical engineering, MIT, author of Programming the Universe “A lucid, engaging account of the various many-universes theories of fundamental physics that are currently being considered, from the multiverse of quantum theory to Tegmark’s own grand vision.” —Prof. David Deutsch, physicist, Dirac Laureate for pioneering quantum computing -
分形论是当代新兴学术思潮中的明珠。本书通俗系统地介绍了分形论的基本概念、原理和计算技巧,论述了混沌现象和奇异吸引子;讨论了分形论在物理、化学、材料、生物、医学、地震、计算机仿真、电子技术和社会科学中的应用。特别就凝聚、相变、渗流、自组织现象、表面、高分子、薄膜晶化、准晶形成、纳米晶体、断裂、灵感思维、人体科学、生理、穴位群、生命与健康、征服癌症、农业增产和石油开采等广泛领域中的分形问题作了探讨;介绍了诸位科学上的传奇人物。 本书可供大学师生、中小学教师科技工作才和社会科学工作者阅读与教学用书。
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友