日本最著名的健康养生专家、前首相羽田孜保健医师石原结实最新作品。 通过脸部及身体上出现的各种症状,在患病之前就可掌握病情! 不使用药物,从饮食和生活习惯上实现疾病预防! 日本电视台每周二晚上播放,“世界上最受欢迎的一门课程”,观众反响十分剧烈! -
《自愈力》内容简介:人的身体拥有自愈功能,即使癌症这样的严重疾病都能借助身体的自愈功能得以改善。“全球100位最具影响力人士”、闻名世界的医学权威安德鲁·韦尔搜集了世界各地的众多自愈病例,展示了这些危及生命的疾病、创伤和慢性疼痛看似神奇的自愈过程,告诉人们:自愈不是奇迹,自愈力是人体与生俱来的能力。我们的身体天生拥有康复系统,可以及时自我诊断、自我修复、自我维护,不仅能使疾病好转,更能保护身体免受侵害。无论你现在受困于何种疑难杂症,只要相信身体的自愈力,改变生活方式,并积极寻求天然替代疗法,就可以重获健康。 点击链接进入: 《不生病的8周计划》 《自愈力》 -
《猫咪眼里的万花镜》内容简介:猫咪似乎是把它的主人当成了“铁饭碗”。为了让其他猫咪也知道“她是属于我的”,它不断把胡须贴在人的身上蹭来蹭去,让主人沾染自己的体味(做标记)。而人却觉得:“那猫咪在向我撒娇呢,好可爱呀。” -
《B模式4.0:起来、拯救文明》不是第一次拜读莱斯特·R·布朗先生的作品.却是第一次为其新书的中文版作序,深感荣幸。感谢上海科技教育出版社的邀请,让我有机会以环境保护工作者的身份,为各位关心环境、关注气候变化的读者介绍和推荐这本《B模式4.0》。我们的团队也结合巾国情况,以读书笔记的形式在每一章末与读者分享了他们的思考。 -
《癌症不是病》一书是印度阿育吠陀医学专家安德烈•莫瑞兹的代表作。书中作者结合自己行医30年的经历,推出了惊人的观点:癌症不是病!癌症是不爱自己的结果!先进的西方医疗技术无法成功治疗癌症,并不表示东方的医疗方法就无能为力!永远记住,癌细胞是你体内的细胞,要给与它更多的爱和热情,谢谢癌细胞为了你的生存而努力。一旦癌细胞感受到被接纳,它就能恢复为健康、正常的细胞等最新观点。这些理念对当下现代人的生活方式、饮食习惯以及有关癌症的认识和治疗,应该有一定的意义。 《癌症不是病》的目标读者:1.中老年读者;2.父母有病患的子女;3. 医药工作者。 -
本书是一部全面、系统介绍进化生物学的教科书。本书涵盖了进化生物学的产生和发展的历史,从西方早期的自然神学到达尔文的进化论。本书介绍了进化生物学的重要科学问题和相应的研究领域,如生命的起源、物种形成与生命多样性产生的机制、体制发育的进化、突变和遗传重组、DNA和蛋白质的变异、生命复杂性状的遗传基础、自然选择在分子水平的作用机制、进化中的冲突与合作、进化中新性状的产生以及人类起源和进化的历史等。 -
魔方是一个永恒的伟大玩具。在这本《魔方宝典》中,五位魔方大师会将他们关于魔方的各种经验与你分享,其中包括厄尔诺·鲁比克的开创性设计、魔方的大家族、魔方热潮、魔方还原方法等。此书中拥有几百幅配图的魔方最新逐步还原教程将使你异常轻松地还原魔方。它包括了各种类型的立方体魔方的解法——3阶、2阶、4阶、5阶,以及最新出品的6阶和7阶。 《魔方宝典》还包括上百幅珍贵照片,内容涉及古典智力玩具、手工魔方以及20世纪80年代的经典产品。如果你想要理解和还原魔方这种终极智力玩具,那么请阅读这《魔方宝典》吧! -
Surfaces and Essences
Is there one central mechanism upon which all human thinking rests? Cognitive scientists Douglas Hofstadter and Emmanuel Sander argue that there is. At this core is our incessant proclivity to take what we perceive, to abstract it, and to find resemblances to prior experiences—in other words, our ability to make analogies. In The Essence of Thought , Hofstadter and Sander show how analogy-making pervades our thought at all levels—indeed, that we make analogies not once a day or once an hour, but many times per second. Thus, analogy is the mechanism that, silently and hidden, chooses our words and phrases for us when we speak, frames how we understand the most banal everyday situation, guides us in unfamiliar situations, and gives rise to great acts of imagination. We categorize because of analogies that range from simple to subtle, and thus our categories, throughout our lives, expand and grow ever more fluid. Through examples galore and lively prose peppered, needless to say, with analogies large and small, Hofstadter and Sander offer us a new way of thinking about thinking. -
《漫画玩转统计学》内容简介:这是一套用漫画来诠释科学新知的系列,被数十所大学用作参考书,其中就包括:哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学、哈佛大学、约翰霍普金斯大学、伦敦经济学院、麻省理工学院、纽约大学、斯坦福大学、华盛顿大学、耶鲁大学等。这个系列还被译成葡萄牙语、希腊语、捷克语、波兰语等多国文字,深受读者喜爱。 -
《漫画玩转遗传学》内容简介:这是一套用漫画来诠释科学新知的系列,被数十所大学用作参考书,其中就包括:哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学、哈佛大学、约翰霍普金斯大学、伦敦经济学院、麻省理工学院、纽约大学、斯坦福大学、华盛顿大学、耶鲁大学等。这个系列还被译成葡萄牙语、希腊语、捷克语、波兰语等多国文字,深受读者喜爱。 -
The Checklist Manifesto
The New York Times bestselling author of Better and Complications reveals the surprising power of the ordinary checklist We live in a world of great and increasing complexity, where even the most expert professionals struggle to master the tasks they face. Longer training, ever more advanced technologies—neither seems to prevent grievous errors. But in a hopeful turn, acclaimed surgeon and writer Atul Gawande finds a remedy in the humblest and simplest of techniques: the checklist. First introduced decades ago by the U.S. Air Force, checklists have enabled pilots to fly aircraft of mind-boggling sophistication. Now innovative checklists are being adopted in hospitals around the world, helping doctors and nurses respond to everything from flu epidemics to avalanches. Even in the immensely complex world of surgery, a simple ninety-second variant has cut the rate of fatalities by more than a third. In riveting stories, Gawande takes us from Austria, where an emergency checklist saved a drowning victim who had spent half an hour underwater, to Michigan, where a cleanliness checklist in intensive care units virtually eliminated a type of deadly hospital infection. He explains how checklists actually work to prompt striking and immediate improvements. And he follows the checklist revolution into fields well beyond medicine, from disaster response to investment banking, skyscraper construction, and businesses of all kinds. An intellectual adventure in which lives are lost and saved and one simple idea makes a tremendous difference, The Checklist Manifesto is essential reading for anyone working to get things right. -
时至今日,个人的健康与安乐,日益与其获取药物的情况息息相关。 2003年,全球制药业的销售额达5000亿美元。这个利润率极高的产业,伴随着药物市场的加速发展和全球公共卫生危机的并发,正在将个体的健康与幸福,重写为一种商品。于是,一些迎合生活方式的治疗市场被建立(如抗抑郁剂销量的急剧上升),同时,一些关系到基本生存的急需市场却刻意被忽略(如非洲艾滋病药物市场的发展缓慢)。 本书收录文章来源于哈佛大学第三届里弗斯年度研讨会,集结了医药学领域顶尖的人类学家和药学史家的最新田野工作成果。譬如:在低收入国家中人体试验群体的迅速增长;跨国制药公司在进入日本和阿根廷市场时的教化和监控策略;由于公共卫生服务的萎缩,印度德里贫民社区中形成的复杂的医患关系和网络;以及巴西在对抗艾滋病流行过程,国家、跨国机构和草根组织间的角力与互动,等等。 “健康是每个个体享有的权利,也是国家的责任”,对于药物全球化的民族志研究,不但构建了今日人类学的核心问题,同时,也深深凸显了药物全球流通中出现的“价值鸿沟”:究竟是谁的疾病值得治疗?谁的生命值得拯救? -
《从科学到神:一位物理学家的意识探秘之旅》内容简介:科学在解释物质世界的结构和运作方面取得了巨大成功,但是对于我们的内心世界却了解得有限。心理活动是无法用观察物质的方法来验证和量化的,对唯物主义思维模式来说,意识是一个巨大的反常现象。《从科学到神:一位物理学家的意识探秘之旅》意在阐明一种新的世界观,指出意识,而非物质,才是创造的基本元素。科学与灵性的融合将彻底改变我们对宇宙、生存环境和人际互动的认知模式,消解内在世界与外在世界的冲突。罗素邀请读者跨过灵性与科学的鸿沟,发现神所代表的新的含义,并重新界定我们存在的意义。 -
Naked Statistics
The field of statistics is rapidly transforming into a discipline that Hal Varian at Google has called "sexy". And with good reason - from batting averages and political polls to game shows and medical research - the real-world application of statistics is growing by leaps and bounds. In Naked Statistics, Charles Wheelan strips away the arcane and technical details to get at the underlying intuition that is key to understanding the power of statistical concepts. Tackling a wide-ranging set of problems, he demonstrates how statistics can be used to look at questions that are important and relevant to us today. With the trademark wit, accessibility and fun that made Naked Economics a bestseller, Wheelan brings another essential discipline to life with a one-in-a-million statistics book that you will read for pleasure. -
美国独立出版人金奖图书 鱼价故事引爆最精采绝伦的思考 沙丁鱼罐头的价格越来越高,后果是什么?经济学告诉我们,这样一来,消费人群就会减少,最终沙丁鱼捕捞会自行恢复平衡。但现实却是,该地区的沙丁鱼绝种。 本书从鱼的故事讲起,举出生活中的许多实例,揭示出这样一个道理:真实世界充满混乱,许多问题得不出如同下棋、数字游戏、模型那样的理性答案,解决方案往往复杂而曲折。 对我们而言,小到个人生活,大到全球格局,几乎处处爆发出前所未有的挑战,而现有的解决方法常常只考虑经济层面,结果常常出人意料。这是否意味着,我们对世界的解读过于简单了呢? 书中将向你展示参透世界真实运行之道的四大维度:选择、经济学、系统、进化。从这四个维度考察现实,我们才能把握问题的实质,从而满意地解决未来,甚至创造奇迹。 -
商业竞争和政治竞争都常常是相当人格化的角力。每一方的行为,对对手的得失影响很大,每一方的利益,又受到对手行为的很大影响。这种面临不确定性的决策,固然斗智斗勇,但是其中也有规律可寻。博弈论就是讨论利益关联的各方如何决策制胜的学问。 本书从囚徒困境、情侣博弈、诺曼底登陆和慕尼黑谈判等入手,深入浅出地介绍静态博弈、动态博弈、纳什均衡、零和博弈、双赢对局、帕累托优势、子博弈精炼纳什均衡等博弈论的基本概念,以及劣势策略消去法、相对优势策略划线法、确定混合策略纳什均衡的反应函数法、动态博弈的倒推法等博弈论基本方法,帮助读者掌握博弈论的初步知识。 循着作者娓娓道来、循序渐进的文字,你不必具有很好的数学基础或者系统的经济学知识,就可以初步领会博弈决策的真谛,帮助你在商业活动中和实际生活中做出理性选择。 -
How Doctors Think
On average, a physician will interrupt a patient describing her symptoms within eighteen seconds. In that short time, many doctors decide on the likely diagnosis and best treatment. Often, decisions made this way are correct, but at crucial moments they can also be wrong -- with catastrophic consequences. In this myth-shattering book, Jerome Groopman pinpoints the forces and thought processes behind the decisions doctors make. Groopman explores why doctors err and shows when and how they can -- with our help -- avoid snap judgments, embrace uncertainty, communicate effectively, and deploy other skills that can profoundly impact our health. This book is the first to describe in detail the warning signs of erroneous medical thinking and reveal how new technologies may actually hinder accurate diagnoses. How Doctors Think offers direct, intelligent questions patients can ask their doctors to help them get back on track. Groopman draws on a wealth of research, extensive interviews with some of the country's best doctors, and his own experiences as a doctor and as a patient. He has learned many of the lessons in this book the hard way, from his own mistakes and from errors his doctors made in treating his own debilitating medical problems. How Doctors Think reveals a profound new view of twenty-first-century medical practice, giving doctors and patients the vital information they need to make better judgments together. -
Climbing Mount Improbable
A brilliant book celebrating improbability as the engine that drives life, by the acclaimed author of The Selfish Gene and The Blind Watchmaker. The human eye is so complex and works so precisely that surely, one might believe, its current shape and function must be the product of design. How could such an intricate object have come about by chance? Tackling this subject--in writing that the New York Times called "a masterpiece"--Richard Dawkins builds a carefully reasoned and lovingly illustrated argument for evolutionary adaptation as the mechanism for life on earth. The metaphor of Mount Improbable represents the combination of perfection and improbability that is epitomized in the seemingly "designed" complexity of living things. Dawkins skillfully guides the reader on a breathtaking journey through the mountain's passes and up its many peaks to demonstrate that following the improbable path to perfection takes time. Evocative illustrations accompany Dawkins's eloquent descriptions of extraordinary adaptations such as the teeming populations of figs, the intricate silken world of spiders, and the evolution of wings on the bodies of flightless animals. And through it all runs the thread of DNA, the molecule of life, responsible for its own destiny on an unending pilgrimage through time. Climbing Mount Improbable is a book of great impact and skill, written by the most prominent Darwinian of our age. -
《怎样成为发明家:50小时学创造》以丰富、生动、形象的实例,系统介绍了起源于前苏联的发明问题解决理论(TRIZ)的理论基础和基本概念、分析问题和解决问题的基本工具、解决发明问题的基本流程,以及TRIZ教学的基本特点和利用学校教育开展TR IZ教学的注意事项等。该书可作为教师进行TRIZ教学的辅助教材,也可作为大学生和中学生的课外读物及科研人员、工程技术人员的参考资料。 在我们面临工程技术难题时,如何彻底告别浪费时间和生命的无谓试错?如何复制头脑风暴的天马行空和灵光乍现?如何避免无奈的妥协和折中?如何预测下一代产品和技术的发展方向?那么,让我们来学习发明问题解决理论!在TRIZ理论的教学过程中,教师应该如何编制和安排课程体系和教学内容?如何使学生提高效果,避免学习的枯燥乏味?如何做到既知其然,又知其所以然?如何实现利用TRIZ解决工作和生活中的实际问题?那么,让我们来学习您手上的这《怎样成为发明家:50小时学创造》。 -
Mindless Eating
In this illuminating and groundbreaking new book, food psychologist Brian Wansink shows why you may not realize how much you’re eating, what you’re eating–or why you’re even eating at all. • Does food with a brand name really taste better? • Do you hate brussels sprouts because your mother did? • Does the size of your plate determine how hungry you feel? • How much would you eat if your soup bowl secretly refilled itself? • What does your favorite comfort food really say about you? • Why do you overeat so much at healthy restaurants? Brian Wansink is a Stanford Ph.D. and the director of the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab. He’s spent a lifetime studying what we don’t notice: the hidden cues that determine how much and why people eat. Using ingenious, fun, and sometimes downright fiendishly clever experiments like the “bottomless soup bowl,” Wansink takes us on a fascinating tour of the secret dynamics behind our dietary habits. How does packaging influence how much we eat? Which movies make us eat faster? How does music or the color of the room influence how much we eat? How can we recognize the “hidden persuaders” used by restaurants and supermarkets to get us to mindlessly eat? What are the real reasons most diets are doomed to fail? And how can we use the “mindless margin” to lose–instead of gain–ten to twenty pounds in the coming year? Mindless Eating will change the way you look at food, and it will give you the facts you need to easily make smarter, healthier, more mindful and enjoyable choices at the dinner table, in the supermarket, in restaurants, at the office–even at a vending machine–wherever you decide to satisfy your appetite.
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友