

  • 西方建筑图解词典


  • 西方建筑史


    《西方建筑史》图文并茂,但它绝不是摆放整齐、贴有风格标签的展览馆。它从古典渊源审视整个西方建筑的长河,把整个建筑的历史看作是人类心灵的书写、智慧的凝冻和生命的延续。这一崭新的研究视角,为整个学科研究注入了勃勃生机。   《西方建筑史》以800余幅生动的图片和60多万飞扬的文字,让人们享受到:古典与现代的交织,宗教与世俗的互映,力与美的和谐,灵与肉的律动……让人们沐浴在人类伟大创造的自豪中,体味美带给人的冲击和震撼。
  • 弗莱彻建筑史


  • 世界建筑经典图鉴


  • Understanding Architecture

    作者:Leland Roth

    Lavishly illustrated with over 575 images, this best-selling survey of Western architecture is now fully revised and updated This best-selling, illustrated survey of Western architecture is now fully revised throughout, explaining the structure, function, history, and meaning of architecture in a way that is both accessible and engaging. The long-awaited second edition includes: new coverage on Postmodernism and its relationship to the Modernist era; a reorganization of Mesopotamian and Prehistoric architecture based on thematic lines of development; an expanded chapter on Medieval architecture, including developments from the end of the Roman Empire to the Renaissance; and an expanded art program that includes over 500 images in black and white and color. Understanding Architecture continues to be the only text in the field to examine architecture as a cultural phenomenon as well as an artistic and technological achievement with its straightforward, two-part structure: (1) The Elements of Architecture and (2) The History and Meaning of Architecture. Comprehensive, clearly written, affordable, and accessible, Understanding Architecture is a classic survey of Western architecture.