

  • 代数数论导引


    《代数数论导引(研究生教学用书)》源于“全国数学研究生署期学校”的讲义和作者长期在中国科学技术大学和清华大学的研究生教学实践,也融入了作者长期学习和研究代数数论的一些体会,编写时力求由浅入深,涵广容实,以期引导读者尽快掌握本学科的主体现代内容,步入研究工作,本次再版进行了全面充实改写。全书从现代数学的角度,尽量直接地阐释了代数数论及相关理论的较完整内容,由较易的理想论入门,继而用赋值论等现代方法展开,最后给出类域论等深层次理论,内容包括整数环,诺特环与戴德金环,素分解理论,赋值论与完备化,局部域,单位与类数定理和公式,二次域与分圆域等。 《代数数论导引(研究生教学用书)》适用于数学、信息、编码和密码、计算机算法等领域,可作为研究生教材f硕士生和博士生),或高年级本科生教材,也可供相关领域的科技人员参阅。
  • A Brief Guide to Algebraic Number Theory

    作者:H. P. F. Swinnerton-

    This is a 2001 account of Algebraic Number Theory, a field which has grown to touch many other areas of pure mathematics. It is written primarily for beginning graduate students in pure mathematics, and encompasses everything that most such students are likely to need; others who need the material will also find it accessible. It assumes no prior knowledge of the subject, but a firm basis in the theory of field extensions at an undergraduate level is required, and an appendix covers other prerequisites. The book covers the two basic methods of approaching Algebraic Number Theory, using ideals and valuations, and includes material on the most usual kinds of algebraic number field, the functional equation of the zeta function and a substantial digression on the classical approach to Fermat's Last Theorem, as well as a comprehensive account of class field theory. Many exercises and an annotated reading list are also included.
  • 代数数论


    《代数数论》系统、全面地介绍了该领域的经典理论,并对今后的研究方向作了介绍,书中包含了大量的例子,帮助读者理解。这次科学出版社购买了版权,一次影印了23本施普林格出版社出版的数学书,就是一件好事,也是值得继续做下去的事情。大体上分一下,这28本书中,包括基础数学书5本,应用数学书6本与计算数学书12本,其中有些书也具有交叉性质。这些书都是很新的,2000年以后出版的占绝大部分,共计16本,其余的也是1990年以后出版的。这些书可以使读者较快地了解数学某方面的前沿,例如基础数学中的数论、代数与拓扑三本,都是由该领域大数学家编著的“数学百科全书”的分册。对从事这方面研究的数学家了解该领域的前沿与全貌很有帮助。按照学科的特点,基础数学类的书以“经典”为主,应用和计算数学类的书“前沿”为主。这些书的作者多数是国际知名的大数学家,例如《拓扑学》一书的作者诺维科夫是俄罗斯科学院的院士,曾获“菲尔兹奖”和“沃尔夫数学奖”。这些大数学家的著作无疑将会对我国的科研人员起到非常好的指导作用。 当然,23本书只能涵盖数学的一部分,所以,这项工作还应该继续做下去。更进一步,有些读者面较广的好书还应该翻译成中文出版,使之有更大的读者群。
  • Algebraic Number Theory

    作者:Jürgen Neukirch

    This introduction to algebraic number theory discusses the classical concepts from the viewpoint of Arakelov theory. The treatment of class theory is particularly rich in illustrating complements, offering hints for further study, and providing concrete examples. It is the most up-to-date, systematic, and theoretically comprehensive textbook on algebraic number field theory available.