

  • Building Microservices

    作者:Sam Newman

    Over the past 10 years, distributed systems have become more fine-grained. From the large multi-million line long monolithic applications, we are now seeing the benefits of smaller self-contained services. Heavy-weight, hard to change Service Oriented Architectures are not the answer; instead we are now seeing finer-grained systems consisting of collaborating microservices. Easier to change, deploy, and if required retire, organizations which are in the right position to take advantage of them are yielding significant benefits. This book takes an holistic view of the things you need to be cognizant of in order to pull this off. It covers just enough understanding of technology, architecture, operations and organization to show you how to move towards finer-grained systems.
  • 分布式系统原理与范型


    本书是著名作者Tanenbaum关于分布式系统的最新力作,是分布式系统的权威教材。本书分成了两大部分。第2~9章讨论的是分布式系统的的原理、概念和技术,包括通信、进程、命名、同步化、一致性和复制、容错性以及安全性等,而分布式应用的开发方法(即范型)在第10~13章中进行了讨论。但是,与前一版不同的是,我们没有在讨论范型的章节中完整地介绍每个案例研究,而是通过一个有代表性的案例来解释原理。这种介绍方法使得我们不仅精简了素材,而且可以使得读者在阅读和学习时更愉快些。全书结构清晰,内容全面经典,系统性与先进性并茂。 本书适用对象广泛,不仅可以作为学习分布式计算机的本科生和研究生的教材,对于从事分布式计算研究和工程应用的科技人员和工程技术人员来说,本书也是一本优秀的读物。