

  • The World and Other Places

    作者:Jeanette Winterson

    With language as dazzling as the wondrous visionary landscapes they evoke, these seventeen works transport the reader to worlds in which sleep is illegal, the lives of lonely department store clerks are transformed by fairies, the rich wear coal jewelry on an island of diamonds, and the living laminate their dead. Here is a universe where rooms go missing, women give birth to their lovers, and the young contemplate God's creative powers through pet tortoises.
  • The PowerBook

    作者:Winterson, Jeanette

    To avoid discovery I stay on the run. To discover things for myself, I stay on the run. "The PowerBook" is twenty-first century fiction that uses past, present and future as shifting dimensions of a multiple reality. The story is simple. An e-writer called Ali or Alix will write to order anything you like, provided that you are prepared to enter the story as yourself and take the risk of leaving it as someone else. You can be the hero of your own life. You can have freedom just for one night. But there is a price. Ali discovers that she too will have to pay it. Death can take the body but not the heart. Set in London, Paris, Capri and Cyberspace, this is a book that reinvents itself as it travels. Using cover-versions, fairy tales, contemporary myths and popular culture, "The PowerBook" works at the intersection between the real and the imagined. Its territory is you.
  • 柳橙不是唯一的水果

    作者:【英】珍奈.溫特森 Winterson,

    英美文學界公認「小說經典」,獲選衛報「死前必讀的百大英文小說」。 英國當代最好也是最具爭議性的作家之一珍奈.溫特森的成名作,一舉奪下1985年英國惠特布雷小說獎﹐由她親自改編的同名BBC影集也大獲好評,囊括各?國際大獎。 故事敘述一個名叫「佳奈」的孤女,從小被丟棄在教堂門口,由信仰狂熱的養父母撫養,尤其是養母,在她的小宇宙中,凡事非黑即白,凡人非友即敵,說到水果,那就只有營養豐富又便宜的柳橙了。養母一心將佳柰教育成為傳播上帝之愛的傳教士,偏偏上帝自有別的安排,佳奈逐漸發覺,地球上不僅有柳橙一種水果,人生道路也不是她想像的那樣,同樣的,愛戀的對象也可能是和自己同樣的性別。覺醒的道路苦澀多於甜蜜,但是佳奈仍選擇和養母與教會決裂……。 全書巧妙地融合少女佳奈的成長故事和富有隱喻的童話,作者寫得真誠、動人、慧黠而幽默,被喻為「天才之作」。
  • Sexing the Cherry

    作者:Jeanette Winterson

    In a fantastic world that is not 17th-century England, a baby is found floating in the Thames. Rescued by the Dog Woman, a murderous gentle giant, the baby soon grows up to discover that the strangest wonders are the ones spun out of his own head. "Fuses history, fairy tale, and metafiction into a fruit . . . of a memorably startling flavor".--"New York Times Book Review".
  • Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

    作者:Jeanette Winterson

    Winner of the Whitbread Prize for best first fiction, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit is a coming-out novel from Winterson, the acclaimed author of The Passion and Sexing the Cherry. The narrator, Jeanette, cuts her teeth on the knowledge that she is one of God’s elect, but as this budding evangelical comes of age, and comes to terms with her preference for her own sex, the peculiar balance of her God-fearing household crumbles. Jeanette Winterson's semi-autobiographical novel is one of the most beautifully written story of a middle-class girl struggling to come to terms with her own sexuality, creativity, passion vs. her family/society's inflexible "formed opinions". The story of the persecution of a girl because of her sexual preference (in this case, lesbianism) is not new. It's how Ms. Winterson presents her story. Fresh. Alive. Witty. Funny. Heartbreaking at times. Imaginative. Almost like you were holding a piece of someone's soul in your hands rather than merely a book. I noticed that one reviewer mentioned that the book's sexual nature is vulgar. I do not find this so. Even if it is, so what? Life is vulgar. Only those fond of sweeping the dirt under the carpet so that it stays out of sight (or those who drive lesbian girls from their house/church and pretend they don't exist) will disagree with the innate vulgarity of all life. This book is the antidote for that kind of sanitized thinking. This book exposes that sanitized Christian middle-class thinking is weird, almost alien when observed sanely by a third party standing on the outside. This book celebrates life. Read it.
  • Written on the Body

    作者:Jeanette Winterson

    The most beguilingly seductive novel to date from the author of The Passion and Sexing the Cherry. Winterson chronicles the consuming affair between the narrator, who is given neither name nor gender, and the beloved, a complex and confused married woman. "At once a love story and a philosophical meditation."--New York Times Book Review.
  • Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?

    作者:Jeanette Winterson,[

    [Amazon] In her new memoir, Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?, Winterson returns to the source, her grim girlhood in a sooty English industrial town in the 1960s, to tell her story more forthrightly than she has before. Aiming for narrative tidiness tends to dilute this memoir's delightfully unorthodox quality. But for the most part, this bullet of a book is charged with risk, dark mirth, and hard-won self-knowledge. —Parul Sehgal
  • Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit

    作者:Jeanette Winterson

    Lk mos people I lived for a long time with my mother and
    ~her liked to watch the wrestling, my mother liked
    tow~stle;it didn t matter what. She was n he wh e corner and
    that was that.
    She hung out the largest sheets on the windiest days. She
    ~n ed the Mormons to knock on the door. At election time in a
    Labour mill town she put a picture of the Conservative
    candidate in ~he window.
    She had never heard of mixed fedings. There were friends and
    th~re were enemms.
    Enemies were: The Devil (in his many forms)
    Next Door
    Sex (in its many forms)
    Friends were: God
    Our dog
    Auntie Madgc
    The Novels of Charlotte Bront6
    Slug pellets
    and me, at first. [ had been brought in to join her in a tag match
    against the Rest of the World. She had a mysterious attitude
    !owards the begetting of children it wasn t that she couldn t do
    it+ mo~ that she didn t want to do it She was very bitter about
    th, Virgin+ Mary getting there firs So he did the next best thing
    anm arranged fo a oundling That was me
    We had no Wise Men becau e she didn t believe the e we e any
    tcannozrecallatimewhen lddno know hat l was special.
    wL+ men, but we had sheep One of my earl est memori
    ~ ,+ ~ng on . t es is me
    !~ Sactfi asheepatEase wh le she told me the oyo he
    SLlclaa..,~ Lamb. We had it on Sundays with potato
    +hol~d~I d s h day of the
    mah g~k; we had a tad g t h h tmposmg
    ~ura)ly w~dListefaedBt~kt~e kghth indue. ~ut ohn
  • 苹果笔记本


    一份写给21世纪读者的爱情宣言。 温特森第一次借用网络这个媒介,书写爱、激情与时间。 2002年,改编成同名舞台剧,轰动巴黎伦敦两地。 阿里是个孤儿,被养父母收养,在禁止阅读、写作与爱的“垃圾之屋”长大。后来,阿里成了一个作家,每晚坐在苹果笔记本前,给任何需要故事的人讲述故事:《神曲》中保罗和弗兰切西卡的爱情故事,《亚瑟王》中骑士兰斯洛特与皇后之间的爱情故事,珠穆朗玛峰攀登者马洛里的故事,或是郁金香来到荷兰的故事。这些故事重新讲述之后获得新的意义与生命。 与此同时,阿里在网上认识了一位已婚女子。她们在巴黎相识,在卡普里热恋,最终在伦敦分离。 个人的爱情,与各种伟大的爱情,并存于虚拟的空间里,交织成一份动人的爱情宣言:爱比死更强大。 —— 读温特森的小说,你应当有这样的心理准备:它将是一段身不由己,甚至可以说是被挟持的旅程。——张悦然(中国作家) 《苹果笔记本》无关一见钟情,它没有那样瞬间或突然发生的事。它具有更微妙的力量。它轻盈,光滑,迂回,丰富而古怪。——阿莉•史密斯(英国作家) 温特森是她那个时代最受尊崇的作家。——《卫报》 一份勇敢的爱情宣言。文字极为优美。——《洛杉矶时报》 温特森写爱情,如同梵·高画向日葵,深情而专注,总是在寻找一种新的方式表达主题。——《娱乐周刊》
  • 激情

    作者:[英] 珍妮特·温特森

    加西亚•马尔克斯再现! 珍妮特•温特森最受赞誉的长篇经典 荣获1987年约翰•卢埃林•莱斯奖 入选《卫报》死前必读的1000本小说 即将改编成电影,由两大著名影星格温妮丝•帕特洛和朱丽叶•比诺什倾情主演。 —————————— 《激情》建立在一个奇迹与日常相互碰撞的世界里。维拉内拉能在水上行走。一个她所爱的女人偷走了她的心,将它藏在了罐子里。这是一座迷宫之城。你可能会门口遇见一个老妇人,她将根据你的面相告之你的命运。《激情》有关战争,有关战争中的个人行为;有关幸存、破碎的心、残酷与疯狂。 ——珍妮特·温特森 一部想象力非凡、极其优美的书,引人注目。 ——《纽约时报》 《激情》是一个爱情故事,是对欢愉及其局限的一次沉思,一部创意十足、风格强烈的诗性小说。 ——Interview 杂志 无论是威尼斯还是拿破仑战争被写得如此富有新意是人们没有想到的,温特森再现了这些熟悉的场景时所表现出的才思和机制令人惊异。 ——迈克尔•伍德(英国评论家) 加西亚•马尔克斯再现。 ——埃德蒙•怀特(美国作家)
  • 写在身体上

    作者:[英] 珍妮特·温特森

    为什么要用失去衡量爱情? 一部爱的挽歌,讲述爱是如何获得,又将如何失去。 《橘子不是唯一的水果》作者珍妮特•温特森又一经典作品,畅销二十多个国家。 入选美国圣马克书店评选的“百部最佳英语小说”。 作家周嘉宁首部翻译力作。 张悦然推荐,《鲤》杂志参与策划。 ———————————— 一部野心勃勃的作品,也是一个爱情故事,一次哲学沉思。 —《纽约时报》 温特森充分展示了她令人震惊的控制题材、驾驭语言的魔力以及洞察人性的天赋。 —《环球邮报》 温特森写了激情的状态,将一只着迷的眼睛投射在身体上,绘制它的每个细节和私密的角落。温特森是个令人激动的作家。她有高层次的文学天赋。 ─Vogue 一部大胆的、富有争议的新小说……关于纯洁而炙热的激情。温特森无疑是她的时代里最具有天赋的作家。 ─Mirabella 温特森对欲望的再现远远超越了性别;她穿过一切二分法,进入一种性意象的语域。在那儿,身体就是武器,是植物志,是动物志,是气候,是动物,是地理,是监狱,是食物,是光线,是巢穴,是锯齿状的边缘。身体就是整个世界。 ─《村声》
  • 橘子不是唯一的水果

    作者:[英] 珍妮特·温特森

    1985年惠特布莱德奖获奖作品 英国英语系学生必读的经典读物 入选《卫报》死前必读的1000本小说 改编成BBC热门剧集,荣获戛纳最佳剧本等多项大奖 讲述每个人都会有的爱、悲伤和愤怒 一部温暖、机智、有趣的成长小说 张悦然作序推荐 《鲤》杂志首次参与策划 ———————————————————— 二十年来我读到的最有意思的作家。 ——戈尔•维达尔(美国作家) 珍妮特•温特森是这类题材的大师,一个极具天赋的作家。 ——穆里尔•斯帕克(英国作家) 她不会装腔作势,只想坦诚地书写她想写的,我认为这很有启发性。 ——萨拉•沃特斯(英国作家) 《橘子不是唯一的水果》无疑是温特森小说世界的入口,故事从这里开始。而所有的故事,其实也都在这里了。与她的其他小说一样,这是本聪明而有趣的小说。 ——张悦然(作家)