Everywhere, the twentieth century has been judged and condemned as the century of totalitarian terror, of utopian and criminal ideologies, of empty illusions, of genocides, of false avant-gardes, of democratic realism everywhere replaced by abstraction. It is not this book's wish to plead for an accused that is perfectly capable of defending itself without the author's help. Nor does it seek to proclaim, like Frantz, the hero of Sartre's Prisoners of Altona: 'I have taken the century on my shoulders and I have said: I will answer for it!' The Century simply aims to examine what this accursed century, from within its own unfolding, said that it was. Alain Badiou's proposal is to reopen the dossier on the century - not from the angle of those wise and sated judges that too often we claim to be, but from the standpoint of the century itself. In order to do this, The Century makes use of poems (Mandelstam, Pessoa), philosophical fragments (Sartre, Foucault), political visions (Mao), theatre pieces (Brecht, Pirandello)... This is the material through which the century declares, in thought, its life, its drama, its creations, its passion. Against the grain of all the judgments hitherto pronounced on the century, Badiou argues that this passion was not at all the passion for the imaginary or the passion for ideologies. Even less was it a messianic passion. The terrible passion of the twentieth century was - in contradistinction to the prophetic character of the nineteenth century - the passion for the real. It was a question of activating the True, here and now. This translation features a commentary and notes by Alberto Toscano. -
本书为当代西方著名思想家法国人巴迪欧的代表作,是其在1999-2000年间在法兰西学院的演讲集 -
《存在与事件》是阿兰·巴丢最伟大的著作,这部旷世之作是他哲学的里程碑:巴丢利用和涉及了自柏拉图以来的欧洲哲学传统,讨论了笛卡儿、斯宾诺莎、莱布尼茨、黑格尔、卢梭、海德格尔以及拉康等关键人物的哲学。 本读本不但编选了《存在与事件》重要和具有代表性的章节,还涵括了他的其他重要作品——哲学的再思考、德勒兹批判、恶的伦理学,整体呈现了阿兰·巴丢的哲学思想。 一存在与事件 二哲学的再思考 三德勒兹批判 四圣保罗:普世主义的基础 五恶的伦理学
- 1 梦的解析:最佳译本
- 2 李鸿章全传
- 3 淡定的智慧
- 4 心理操控术
- 5 哈佛口才课
- 6 俗世奇人
- 7 日瓦戈医生
- 8 笑死你的逻辑学
- 9 历史老师没教过的历史
- 10 1分钟和陌生人成为朋友