

  • The Fourth Sex

    作者:Bonami, Francesco (E

    Omnivorous and indefatigable, suggestible but independent, adolescents don't want to be balanced. They love extremes of everything from fashion and art to music and the Internet. Observed and studied by experts of all kinds, their behavior monitored by psychologists, educators, and marketing executives, adolescents represent a decisive and increasingly valuable segment of the buying public. They adore and consume trendy clothes and brand-new bands; they must be cool regardless of the cost. And adults turn to them more and more for clues on how to remain forever young and hip. The Fourth Sex turns a critical, illustrated spotlight on adolescence, a territory of transition crisscrossed by the most varied creative energies. A series of iconographic materials begins in the 1960s and moves up to the present, revealing clothes, behavior patterns, novels, and visual artworks created or inspired by the transnational tribe that are teenagers. Excerpted authors include David Foster Wallace, Arata Isozaki, Philip Roth, William Golding, J.G. Ballard, Beavis & Butthead, Jim Carroll, Stephen King, Vladimir Nabokov, Douglas Coupland, Dick Hebdige, Bret Easton Ellis, and Dave Eggers. Represented artists include Vanessa Beecroft, Raymond Pettibon, Mike Kelley, Elizabeth Peyton, Karen Kilimnik, Charles Ray, Takashi Murakami, Larry Clark, Rineke Dijkstra, Paul McCarthy, Richard Prince, Gilbert & George, Gavin Turk, and Richard Billingham. And modeled fashion and lifestyle designers include Malcolm MacLaren, Paco Rabanne, Benetton, Veronique Branquinho, Comme des Garçons, Stüssy, Coca-Cola, PlayStation, Diesel, Katherine Hamnett, and David Sims. The book's shifting, politically incorrect graphic style gives form and color to all the contradictions and ambiguities of an unhappy age that we never cease to remember with nostalgia and the occasional twinge of pain. Published in association with Fondazione Pitti Immagine Discovery. The young always have the same problem--how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another. --Quentin Crisp The best way to keep children at home is to make the home atmosphere pleasant, and let the air out of the tires. --Dorothy ParkerToo many of today's children have straight teeth and crooked morals. --Unknown high school principal Adolescence is just one big walking pimple. --Carol Burnett
  • 现代艺术的意义


  • 艺术家通信

    作者:[美] 赫谢尔·B. 奇普 编著

  • 藝術創業論


    議性最多的現代藝術家村上隆,2006年出版了一本《藝術創業論》,再度為藝術界掀起漣漪。村上隆在新書裡,絲毫不諱言藝術對他而言是一種賺錢的手段,為了實現他理想中的「藝術創業」,他認為藝術不但要投入金錢,也要擁有國際視野及宣傳戰略。 1962年生的村上隆,正是法國名牌Louis Vuitton暢銷的櫻桃包設計者,這款包包為老牌的Louis Vuitton創下了銷售佳績,也讓這品牌在年輕消費者中重新翻紅。村上隆的作品反映日本消費世代的思考,人因為消費而存在,藝術也是商業,藝術家也是企業主。 在新書《藝術創業論》中,村上隆以過來人的姿態,詳論他在紐約藝術圈成功的過程。村上說:「藝術必須有放諸世界皆準的戰略,光是靠熬夜及努力是入不了門檻的。」他也說:「今天日本的藝術家都是些窮酸、頭腦不好、廉價的人才。若要製作讓有錢人有興趣的作品,當然先要投資金錢,然而日本各大美術大學的老師們,卻讓學生們捨棄了應該有的『成本』概念。」 村上隆說:「我的作品對女性的美感意識帶來革命,我覺得比起日本人來,外國人較有趣的評價我的作品。」不僅日本的漫畫家批評村上隆,日本的「御宅族」也在網路上對村上大加撻伐,指村上的作品抄襲、拼湊漫畫家的作品,一躍為現代藝術的新貴不說,還因此把荷包賺得飽飽的。 勇於把藝術當做「生意」做的村上隆,不惜向銀行貸了幾億日圓,把他的藝術經紀公司「Kaikai Kiki」搬到東京的麻布,位於一棟大樓的地下2、3樓層,總計1200平方公尺(約364坪)。該場地有寬敝現化感十足的展示畫廊,所有地板都是精緻的高級原木,純白的牆面讓村上的作品更形搶眼。最近全力投入動漫人物創作的村上隆,預定在這個畫廊兼辦公室的基地裡,創作出更多的「賣錢」藝術品。
  • 马蒂斯论艺术

