

  • Peddling Prosperity

    作者:Paul Krugman

  • The Conscience of a Liberal

    作者:Paul Krugman

    What has gone wrong with America? With The Conscience of a Liberal, best-selling author Paul Krugman points the way to a new New Deal. America emerged from Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal with strong democratic values and broadly shared prosperity. But for the past thirty years American politics has been dominated by a conservative movement determined to undermine the New Deal's achievements - a movement whose founding manifesto was Barry Goldwater's The Conscience of a Conservative. That movement has been highly successful in turning the clock back: both the inequality of today's America and the corruption of its political life hark back to the age of the robber barons. Now the tide may be turning - and in The Conscience of a Liberal Paul Krugman, the world's most widely read economist and one of its most influential political commentators, charts the way to reform. Krugman ranges over a century of history, from the political economy of the Gilded Age - which seems all too familiar these days - to the calamities of the Bush years, which he argues were inevitable once movement conservatives gained full control of the U.S. government. He shows that neither the middle-class America the baby boomers grew up in nor the increasingly oligarchic nation we have become over the past generation evolved naturally: both were created, to a large extent, by government policies guided by organized political movements. He explains how defenders of inequality have exploited cultural and racial divisions to their advantage, while reformers have found ways to bridge those divisions. And he argues that the time is ripe for another great era of reform. Last but not least, The Conscience of a Liberal outlines a program for change. It shows how universal health care can be the centerpiece of a new New Deal, just as Social Security was the core of the original. It explains what can be done to narrow the wealth and income gap. And it shows how a new political coalition can both support and be supported by reform, making our society not just more equal but more democratic.
  • 萧条经济学的回归


    在本书中,克鲁格曼对中国的问题着墨不多。但是,克鲁格曼的见解,对了解中国经济现实问题应该有极大的帮助。今天的中国,同样面临生产能力过剩、失业率上升、通货紧缩等世界性的问题,是采用萧条经济学的方法来解决呢?还是按照所谓的“正统”经济学的方法,进一步追求财政平衡、资本自由流动、结构性改革呢?读者在读完本书后,应该会从 另一个角度有所启发、有所收获。总之,本书是克鲁格曼对于东亚金融危机的个人看法,并将
  • 国际经济学

    作者:[美] 保罗·克鲁格曼,茅瑞斯·奥伯斯法
