

  • 重来2

    作者:[美] 贾森·弗里德,[美] 戴维·海涅

    “不再需要办公室”,这不仅仅是未来才有的事——它已经发生了。现在,轮到你迈开脚步,跟上时代的步伐了。 上百万的员工和成千上万的企业已经发现了远程工作的乐趣和好处。然而,远程工作方式还没有成为常见的选择。事实上,远程工作的技术手段都已齐备。还没有升级换代的,是人们的思想。 这本书的目的就是帮你把想法升级换代。作者会向你展示远程工作的诸多好处:可以找到最优秀的人才,从摧残灵魂的通勤路上解脱出来……还会对坊间流传的托词和借口一一进行分析,比如,创新只能发生在面对面谈话的时候,远程之后公司文化会慢慢消亡等等。在书中,你还会找到充分发挥远程工作方式优势的工具和方法,也会看到有哪些不利因素可能会影响到你,并提前做好应对准备。 书中呈现的全是第一手的经验。作者创立的软件公司37signals(现更名为Basecamp)团队成员居住在世界各地,却成为全世界效率最高的软件公司之一,是通过远程方式协同工作的典范。 远程工作犹如打开了一扇通往新世界的大门。这个美好的新世界超越了工业时代对办公室的笃信。在这个新世界里,作者摒弃了一个覆满尘土的旧观念:“远程工作(外包)是用最低成本来提升业绩的好办法”,继而提出了一个全新的观念:远程工作既能提升工作质量,又能提高员工满意度,并能让所有人不必等到退休后才能享受生活的美好。
  • Remote

    作者:Jason Fried,David He

    The “work from home” phenomenon is thoroughly explored in this illuminating new book from bestselling 37signals founders Fried and Hansson, who point to the surging trend of employees working from home (and anywhere else) and explain the challenges and unexpected benefits. Most important, they show why – with a few controversial exceptions such as Yahoo -- more businesses will want to promote this new model of getting things done. The Industrial Revolution's "under one roof" model of conducting work is steadily declining owing to technology that is rapidly creating virtual workspaces and allowing workers to provide their vital contribution without physically clustering together. Today, the new paradigm is "move work to the workers, rather than workers to the workplace." According to Reuters, one in five global workers telecommutes frequently and nearly ten percent work from home every day. Moms in particular will welcome this trend. A full 60% wish they had a flexible work option. But companies see advantages too in the way remote work increases their talent pool, reduces turnover, lessens their real estate footprint, and improves the ability to conduct business across multiple time zones, to name just a few advantages. In Remote , inconoclastic authors Fried and Hansson will convince readers that letting all or part of work teams function remotely is a great idea--and they're going to show precisely how a remote work setup can be accomplished.