

  • Principles of Neural Science

    作者:Eric R. Kandel

    This title now updated: the definitive neuroscience resource-from Eric R. Kandel, MD (winner of the Nobel Prize in 2000); James H. Schwartz, MD, PhD; Thomas M. Jessell, PhD; Steven A. Siegelbaum, PhD; and A. J. Hudspeth, PhD 900 full-color illustrations. Deciphering the link between the human brain and behavior has always been one of the most intriguing - and often challenging-aspects of scientific endeavor. The sequencing of the human genome, and advances in molecular biology, have illuminated the pathogenesis of many neurological diseases and have propelled our knowledge of how the brain controls behavior. To grasp the wider implications of these developments and gain a fundamental understanding of this dynamic, fast-moving field, Principles of Neuroscience stands alone as the most authoritative and indispensible resource of its kind. In this classic text, prominent researchers in the field expertly survey the entire spectrum of neural science, giving an up-to-date, unparalleled view of the discipline for anyone who studies brain and mind. Here, in one remarkable volume, is the current state of neural science knowledge - ranging from molecules and cells, to anatomic structures and systems, to the senses and cognitive functions-all supported by more than 900 precise, full-color illustrations. In addition to clarifying complex topics, the book also benefits from a cohesive organization, beginning with an insightful overview of the interrelationships between the brain, nervous system, genes, and behavior. Principles of Neural Science then proceeds with an in-depth examination of the molecular and cellular biology of nerve cells, synaptic transmission, and the neural basis of cognition. The remaining sections illuminate how cells, molecules, and systems give us sight, hearing, touch, movement, thought, learning, memories, and emotions. The new fifth edition of Principles of Neural Science is thoroughly updated to reflect the tremendous amount of research, and the very latest clinical perspectives, that have significantly transformed the field within the last decade. Ultimately, Principles of Neural Science affirms that all behavior is an expression of neural activity, and that the future of clinical neurology and psychiatry hinges on the progress of neural science. Far exceeding the scope and scholarship of similar texts, this unmatched guide offers a commanding, scientifically rigorous perspective on the molecular mechanisms of neural function and disease-one that you'll continually rely on to advance your comprehension of brain, mind, and behavior. Features: the cornerstone reference in the field of neuroscience that explains how the nerves, brain, and mind function; clear emphasis on how behavior can be examined through the electrical activity of both individual neurons and systems of nerve cells; current focus on molecular biology as a tool for probing the pathogenesis of many neurological diseases, including muscular dystrophy, Huntington disease, and certain forms of Alzheimer's disease; more than 900 engaging full-color illustrations - including line drawings, radiographs, micrographs, and medical photographs clarify often-complex neuroscience concepts; outstanding section on the development and emergence of behavior, including important coverage of brain damage repair, the sexual differentiation of the nervous system, and the aging brain. Features: more detailed discussions of cognitive and behavioral functions, and an expanded review of cognitive processes; a focus on the increasing importance of computational neural science, which enhances our ability to record the brain's electrical activity and study cognitive processes more directly; and chapter-opening. Key concepts: provides a convenient, study-enhancing introduction to the material covered in each chapter; selected readings and full reference citations at the close of each chapter facilitate further study and research; and helpful appendices highlight basic circuit theory; the neurological examination of the patient; circulation of the brain; the blood-brain barrier, choroid plexus, and cerebrospinal fluid; neural networks; and theoretical approaches to neuroscience.
  • 意識究竟從何而來?


  • 是高跟鞋还是高尔夫修改了我的大脑?


    “我思故我在”的时代渐渐消逝了,如今的现实是“其他人思,故我在”。 你以为大脑的神经生理学本质决定了你的性格?你以为小女孩生来就喜欢粉色,小男孩生来喜欢小汽车?不要被你的大脑骗了。世界不断在改变,别人对你的看法(或者你以为他们对你的看法)穿透了你的自我概念,你“被成为”了一个理性有逻辑的男人,一个照顾家庭的女人,或者相反。 可是,如果有人为共情能力付钱的话,男人的共情能力就会突然好起来。而且,女生的数学能力不是天生就比男生差的。人的大脑,其实非常有弹性。 大脑,既不是你的理由,也不是你的借口。你的表现,并不是因为你是一个男人或女人,只和你以为自己是什么样,你觉得别人以为自己是什么样有关。挑战性别和大脑的常识,从心理学和神经科学的角度破除错觉——不要被大脑刻板印象骗了,认识你自己,给自己更多的可能。 我思故我在?非也,事实上是其他人思故我在。 一张调查问卷,一张纸币,一种颜色,一个词,就改变你的男性/女性行为。男女,强弱,外向内向,职业成就,并不是只由大脑决定,你的自我概念会被穿透,被左右,然后悄悄变了模样。
  • 自由意志


    几个世纪来,科学被排斥在善恶对错的问题之外,像“我们从哪里来”,“我们到底有没有自由意志”这样的终极话题长久地供奉在哲学和神学的圣坛上。 认知神经科学家萨姆•哈里斯勇猛地将自己的科学之剑指向道德世界。他提出科学不但可以,而且更应当成为道德问题的准则,科学可以为人类设立新的价值观,带领我们走向真正幸福的生活。 在《自由意志》一书中,哈里斯以睿智、妙趣横生的方式向我们揭开了“自由意志”的秘密,心理学、物理学、哲学“自由意志”原来是场幻象,我们该不该对自己的行为负责,如果我们不能,世界是否会变得更糟。书中不但有中国科学院理论物理研究所研究员李淼博士的精彩导读,更有作者与著名哲学家、认知科学家丹尼尔•丹尼特的激情辩论。
  • 神经科学原理

    作者:(美)埃里克 R. 坎德尔,詹姆斯 H.

    诺贝尔奖获得者坎德尔领衔主编,多位神经科学泰斗级人物共同编著 国际上最权威神经科学教科书,被称为“神经科学圣经” 全面更新至第5版  国际著名神经生物学家蒲慕明、  北京市神经再生及修复研究重点实验室主任徐群渊  北京大学心理学系主任周晓林 隆重推荐 随书赠送光盘,包含书中全部近千张彩图
  • 谁说了算?


    左脑右脑谁说了算?是你在决定还是你的大脑在替你决定?人该为自己的罪行负责吗? 开创认知神经科学的著名思想家加扎尼加被誉为脑科学界的斯蒂芬•霍金。他在这本书里用“睿智而不夸张”的语言从脑科学的角度阐释自由意志问题,讲述了人类大脑的作用机制、意识的来源、社会意识的进化以及自由意志观念对于整个社会的影响。他告诉我们,人的思维是大脑整体运作的结果,既有从上而下也有从下而上的机制。本书还涉及物理学、社会学中那些会决定“我”的部分。 这是一本可以改变你的世界观的书。