

  • Walden Two

    作者:B. F. Skinner

    A reprint of the 1976 Macmillan edition. This fictional outline of a modern Utopia has been a centre of controversy ever since its publication in 1948. Set in the United States, it pictures a society in which human problems are solved by a scientific technology of human conduct. FROM THE PREFACE: It is now widely recognised that great changes must be made in the American way of life. Not only can we not face the rest of the world while consuming and polluting as we do, we cannot for long face ourselves while acknowledging the violence and chaos in which we live. The choice is clear: either we do nothing and allow a miserable and probably catastrophic future to overtake us, or we use our knowledge about human behaviour to create a social environment in which we shall live productive and creative lives and do so without jeopardising the chances that those who follow us will be able to do the same. Something like a Walden Two would not be a bad start.
  • The Dispossessed

    作者:Ursula K. Le Guin

    以下内容转自台湾版 http://www.douban.com/subject/1364488/ 本書獲得1974美國雨果獎(Hugo Awards)與星雲獎(Nebula Awards)兩大科幻獎之最佳長篇小說獎。本書於1974年出版,與《黑暗的左手》(1969年) 同屬一九七○年代科幻小說經典,也是娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩奠立科幻大師地位的兩部重要作品。 安納瑞斯是烏拉斯星的衛星,由於一群社會主義運動者脫離烏拉斯星上的政治社會體系,獨自到安納瑞斯上建立純粹以社會主義為藍本的社會,因此安納瑞斯與烏拉斯斷絕聯繫,直到安納瑞斯的一位新生代物理學家薛維克,在追求學術真理的熱情下,毅然與烏拉斯星的科學家聯繫,並決定到烏拉斯星拜訪,才打開了安納瑞斯封閉的外殼。 然而,社會主義思想根深柢固的安納瑞斯人們認為薛維克背叛了理想,而烏拉斯星的資本主義社會現況,以及科學家們的暗藏詭計,讓薛維克腹背受困,處於兩難之中。他該何去何從? 勒瑰恩的科幻代表作之一,以主角薛維克個人觀點,在「現在」進行事件與「過去」的回憶中,交織展現了兩種社會的優點與缺陷。她沒有給讀者一個肯定的答案,一切都讓讀者跟隨著薛維克的旅程而自己體會。 村上春樹:「娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩是我最喜歡的女作家之一。」 哈洛.卜倫:「想像力豐富,風格上乘,超越托爾金,更遠勝多麗絲.萊辛,實為當代奇幻與科幻文學典例。」