

  • 尤利西斯

    作者:[爱尔兰] 乔伊斯

  • 一天上午的回忆-驳圣伯夫


    此书既不是论文也不是小说,而是一部艺术作品。一块小玛德莱娜蛋糕,牵引出丝丝缕缕、连绵不绝的无意识回忆,然后笔锋一转,尖锐犀利。作者强烈抨击权威批评家圣伯夫批评方法的机械和错误,及因此造成的对当年法国文坛所有文学天才的轻视与误读。全书既有抒情的叙述,又有理 性的思辨,两者相辅相成,相互映照。书中有近半篇幅笔调与《追忆逝水年华》相似或呼应,是作者思想精华的浓缩,为后来的文本主义和结构主义批评奠定了第一块基石。
  • Selected Works of Virginia Woolf

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    The delicate artistry and lyrical prose of Woolf's novels have established her as a writer of sensitivity and profound talent. Virginia Woolf displays genuine humanity and concern for the experiences that enrich and stultify existence. Society hostess, Clarissa Dalloway is giving a party and her thoughts on that one day, and the interior monologues of others with interwoven lives reveal the characters of the central protagonists. To the Lighthouse is the most autobiographical of Virginia Woolf's novels. Based on her early experiences, it touches on childhood and children's perceptions and desires. It is at its most trenchant when exploring adult relationships and the changing class-structure in the period spanning the Great War. Orlando, 'the longest and most charming love letter in literature', playfully constructs the figure of Orlando as the fictional embodiment of Woolf's close friend and lover, Vita Sackville-West. 'I am writing to a rhythm and not to a plot', said Woolf of The Waves. Regarded as one of her greatest and most original works, it conveys the rhythms of life in synchrony with the cycle of nature and the passage of time'.
  • Swann's Way

    作者:Marcel Proust

    Marcel Proustas "In Search of Lost Time" is one of the most entertaining reading experiences in any language and arguably the finest novel of the twentieth century. But since its original prewar translation there has been no completely new version in English. Now, Penguin Classics brings Proustas masterpiece to new audiences throughout the world, beginning with Lydia Davisas internationally acclaimed translation of the first volume, "Swannas Way."
  • 普鲁斯特美文选


  • 都柏林人 青年艺术家的肖像


  • The Waves

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    《海浪》中每个引子都是一篇精致的散文诗,以太阳和海浪的涨落与变迁对应生命的兴衰沉浮;跟在每段引子后面的是六个没有姓氏的、高度形式化的人物在各自相应人生阶段——从儿童时代、学生时代、青春时代、中年时代直到 老年时代的瞬间内心独白。引子与正文互相映射,为读者的感官辟开前所未有的、细致入微的通道,最大限度地接近生命、时间、意识以及感觉的实质。这是一部在现代文学的殿堂中占据重要地位的作品,时至今日,仍以其精美绝伦的文本结构和诗意盎然的笔调激荡着我们的灵魂。 Book Description Tracing the lives of a group of friends, this novel follows their development from childhood to youth and middle age. Separately and together, they query the relationship of past to present, and the meaning of life itself. From AudioFile This narrative traces the lives and friendships of six childhood friends from their childhood to their old age. It tells of the friends' true feelings, which are often different from the ones they portray to each other. The narration is done in a light, airy poetic voice by Frances Jeater, who comforts the listener with her reading but fails to provide enough differentiation to the characters, making it difficult to know who is the focus of each point of the story. J.F.M. About Author Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882. From 1915 onward, she maintained an astonishing output of fiction, literary criticism, essays and biography. She married Leonard Woolf and in 1917 they founded the Hogarth Press. She died in 1941. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8                 width:(cm)12.6
  • 我的死了的生活的回忆

    作者:[英] 乔治·莫尔

  • 达洛卫夫人 到灯塔去


  • 夜幕


  • Dubliners

    作者:James Joyce

    Joyce's first major work, written when he was only twenty-five, brought his city to the world for the first time. His stories are rooted in the rich detail of Dublin life, portraying ordinary, often defeated lives with unflinching realism. He writes of social decline, sexual desire and exploitation, corruption and personal failure, yet creates a brilliantly compelling, unique vision of the world and of human experience.
  • 青年艺术家的画像

    作者:[爱尔兰] 詹姆斯·乔伊斯

    内容说明 《青年艺术家的画像》是爱尔兰著名意识流作家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(1882-1941)运用“意识流”手法写成的第一部长篇小说,也是世界文学史上最早最成功的意识流小说之一。本书情节的时间、地点和人物之间的关系,完全是通过主人公的内心独白反映出来的。书中的主人公斯蒂芬是一个富有才华的青年,他对祖国、家庭和恋爱等都有源于而又反乎他所处的时代和社会的看法,基本上是作者青年时期的自我写照,因此本书对研究作者及其意识流写作有很大参考价值。
  • To the Lighthouse

    作者:Virginia Woolf

    Book Description The Wordsworth Classics covers a huge list of beloved works of literature in English and translations. This growing series is rigorously updated, with scholarly introductions and notes added to new titles. This novel is an extraordinarily poignant evocation of a lost happiness that lives on in the memory. For years now the Ramsays have spent every summer in their holiday home in Scotland, and they expect these summers will go on forever. The most autobiographical of Virginia Woolf's work, "To the Lighthouse" is based on her own childhood experiences, and while it touches on childhood and children's perceptions and desires, it also explores adult relationships, marriage and the changing class structure of its time. From Publishers Weekly It's wondrous to listen to a fine reading of a long-loved novel. Leishman makes masterly use of volume, timbre and resonance to distinguish between characters and draw us into the emotional swings and vibrations of the internal musings of each. She creates not a new but a more nuanced reading, following the interwoven streams of consciousness in a British English that lends authenticity to each voice. Leishman swims smoothly through Woolf's sentences that ebb and flow with numerous parenthetical thoughts and fresh images. These passages are interspersed with quick, sharp, simple sentences that gain strength in contrast. Leishman also draws our attention to Woolf's poetic prose: her rhythms and images, her use of hard consonants in monosyllabic words in counterpoint to long, soft, dreamy words and phrases. To The Lighthouse plays back and forth between telescopic and microscopic views of nature and human nature. Mrs. Ramsey is both trapped in and pleased in her roles as wife, mother and hostess. The introspective Mr. Ramsey is consumed with his legacy of long-since-published abstract philosophy. This is a book that cannot be read—or heard—too often. (Jan.) From AudioFile Woolf's beautiful, if somber, 1927 novel falls into three parts. First is a scene of a large, complex family on summer holiday before the Great War, their guests, their servants, their belongings, their style of life, and a postponed day trip to the distant lighthouse, longed for by the youngest child, James. The second section deals with what happened next, to them and to England, and the last reassembles some of the remaining characters at the scene of the first, for the lighthouse trip, so changed from the one once anticipated. Phyllida Law's rhythmic, poetic reading renders it with finesse, though her reading of Mrs. Ramsey may not satisfy every reader's concept of the character. B.G. The Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature Novel by Virginia Woolf, published in 1927. The work is one of her most successful and accessible experiments in the stream-of-consciousness style. The three sections of the book take place between 1910 and 1920 and revolve around various members of the Ramsay family during visits to their summer residence on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. A central motif of the novel is the conflict between the feminine and masculine principles at work in the universe. With her emotional, poetical frame of mind, Mrs. Ramsay represents the female principle, while Mr. Ramsay, a self-centered philosopher, expresses the male principle in his rational point of view. Both are flawed by their limited perspectives. A painter and friend of the family, Lily Briscoe, is Woolf's vision of the androgynous artist who personifies the ideal blending of male and female qualities. Her successful completion of a painting that she has been working on since the beginning of the novel is symbolic of this unification. About Author Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882. From 1915 onward, she maintained an astonishing output of fiction, literary criticism, essays and biography. She married Leonard Woolf and in 1917 they founded the Hogarth Press. She died in 1941. Book Dimension : length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6 点击链接进入中文版: 到灯塔去
  • 远航


  • 海浪

    作者:[英] 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫

  • 喧哗与骚动


  • 去斯万家那边


  • 达洛卫夫人


    英国著名意识流作家伍尔夫的意识流作品,强调了女权主义. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的《达洛卫夫人》情节非常简单,就是写了一天的事情。从达洛卫夫人早上买花、筹备晚会写起,一直写到子夜晚会结束、宾客离去为止。 就是这一天里,达洛卫夫人时时刻刻在对自己的生活感到怀疑。表面上的上层社会华丽舒适的生活方式,与内心的空虚交织在一起,使达洛卫夫人有一种难以言说的绝望。 请看下面这一段。早上,她看到镜子中的自己,突然百感交集。我相信很多人都有类似的感受。 她将胸针放在桌上,心中突然一征,仿佛在她沉思的时候,一只冰冷的魔爪趁机抓住了她。她还不老,刚刚跨进了人生第52个年头。还有许多的岁月等着她去过。六月,七月,八月!每一个还几乎都是完整的。就好像想抓住天上落下的雨滴一样,达洛卫夫人(走到梳妆台旁)一下子纵身进入了这个时刻的核心,将它刺穿。这个时刻,这个六月的清晨,所有其他清晨的压力都涌来了。她再一次看着镜子,看着梳妆桌,看着那些小瓶子。(当她凝视镜子的时候,)在这一瞬间,她看到了整个的她自己,她看到了一个女人精致的粉红色的面孔,这个女人今天晚上就要举办一场晚会。这张面孔就是克莱丽莎·达洛卫夫人的面孔,也就是她自己的面孔。
  • 尤利西斯(全三卷)

    作者:[爱尔兰] 詹姆斯·乔伊斯

  • 我弥留之际

    作者:[美] 威廉•福克纳

    《我弥留之际》是福克纳的代表作,也是他的“约克纳帕塔法世系”系列的重要作品之一。小说讲述美国南方农民本德伦为履行对妻子的承诺,率全家将妻子的遗体运回家乡安葬而经历了种种“苦难历程”。整整十天的行程灾难重重:先是大水差点把棺材冲走,接着拉车的骡子又被淹死,然后是一场大火几乎将遗体焚化。更惨的是,大儿子失去了一条腿,次子发了疯,三子失去了心爱的马,女儿打胎不成,反被药房伙计奸污,小儿子也没得到想要的小火车,只有一家之主本德伦装上了假牙还娶回了一位新太太。 小说全篇以本伦一家、众邻居以及相关人员的内心独白构成,多视角的叙述方法和意识流手法也使其成为现代主义小说的经典之作,对后世作家影响甚大。